
Azure Entities supported in DSL









Attribute Type Description
id string Subscription ID
Name string Subscription Display Name
RegionName string Region Name
RegionId string Region ID
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
Tags list Subscription Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Status string Subscription status
NetworkWatcherEnabled boolean Whether Network Watcher is Enabled for all regions in Azure subscription
DiagnosticSettings list Diagnostic Settings for Azure subscription
 id string Azure Diagnostic Setting resource ID
 Name string Name of the Diagnostic Setting
 Type string Azure resource type
 EventHubAuthorizationRueID string The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule
 EventHubName string The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected.
 LogAnalyticsDestinationType string A string indicating whether the export to Log Analytics should use the default destination type, i.e. AzureDiagnostics, or use a destination type constructed as follows _. Possible values are Dedicated and null (null is default.)
 Logs list The list of logs settings.
  Category string Name of a Diagnostic Log category
  Enabled boolean A value indicating whether this log is enabled
  RetentionPolicy sequence Retention policy for this log
   Days number the number of days for the retention in days. A value of 0 will retain the events indefinitely.
   Enabled boolean A value indicating whether the retention policy is enabled
 Metrics list The list of metric settings
  Category string Name of a Diagnostic Metric category
  Enabled boolean A value indicating whether this category is enabled
  TimeGrain string the timegrain of the metric in ISO8601 format
  RetentionPolicy sequence Retention policy for this log
   Days number the number of days for the retention in days. A value of 0 will retain the events indefinitely.
   Enabled boolean A value indicating whether the retention policy is enabled
 ServiceBusRuleId string The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility
 StorageAccountId string The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs
 WorkspaceId string The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example - /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2
Attribute Type Description
id string Storage Account ID
Name string Storage Account Name
RegionName string Name of location of the Storage Account
RegionId string ID of location of the Storage Account
AccountName string ID of subscription of the Storage Account
AccountId string Display name of subscription of the Storage Account
Tags list Storage Account Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
CreationDate number Time when Storage Account was created
Type string Storage Account type
AllowBlobPublic boolean Is Blob public access allowed for the Storage Account
StorageKind string Storage Kind
ResourceGroup string Resource Group of Storage Account
KeyRegenerated Boolean Whether access key has been regenerated within the last 90 days
ACL sequence Network ACL
 Bypass list Services for which traffic is bypassed
 DefaultAction string Default action
 IpRules list IP rules for ACL
  Action string Allow or Deny
  IP ip IP for the rule
VirtualNetworkRules sequence Virtual Network Rules of Storage Account
 Subnets list Subnets in VirtualNetwork Rules
  id string Id of the Subnet
  Action string Allow or deny
  State string State of the rule
  Name string Name of the Subnet
  RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
  AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
  IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
  EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
  NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
EnableHttpsTrafficOnly boolean Is HTTPS Traffic enabled for the Storage Account
ProvisioningState string Provisioning State of the Storage Account
FileEncryptionEnabled boolean Is Encryption enabled for the Storage Account File Service
EncryptionType string Type of Encryption enabled for the Storage Account
KeyVaultUri string KeyVault URI if file encryption is BYOK
BlobEncryptionEnabled boolean Is Encryption enabled for the Storage Account Blob Service
SoftDelete sequence Soft delete details for the Storage Account Blob Service.
 Enabled boolean Indicates whether deleted blob or snapshot is retained or immediately removed by delete operation.
 Days number Indicates the number of days that deleted blob be retained. All data older than this value will be permanently deleted.
BlobContainers Reference to BlobContainer Blob Containers
Size number Blob Capacity of Storage Account
RBACOwner list RBAC Owner at SA scope
RBACReader list RBAC Reader at SA scope
RBACContributor list RBAC Contributor at SA scope
MinimumTlsVersion string The minimum TLS version to be permitted on requests to storage. [ TLS1_0 | TLS1_1 | TLS1_2]
Attribute Type Description
id string Blob Container ID
Name string Blob Container Name
RegionName string Name of location of the parent Storage Account
RegionId string ID of location of the parent Storage Account
AccountName string ID of subscription of the parent Storage Account
AccountId string Display name of subscription of the parent Storage Account
Tags list Parent Storage Account Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
CreationDate number Time when parent Storage Account was created
HasLegalHold boolean Legal Hold property
HasImmutabilityPolicy boolean Immutability Policy
Access string Public Access
ResourceGroup string Resource Group of Storage Account
Attribute Type Description
id string Classic Storage Account ID
Name string Classic Storage Account Name
RegionName string Name of location of the Classic Storage Account
RegionId string ID of location of the Classic Storage Account
AccountName string ID of subscription of the Classic Storage Account
AccountId string Display name of subscription of the Classic Storage Account
CreationDate number Time when Classic Storage Account was created
Type string Storage Account type
StorageKind string Storage Kind
ResourceGroup string Resource Group of Classic Storage Account
KeyRegeneratedIn90Days Boolean Whether access key has been regenerated within the last 90 days
ProvisioningState string Provisioning State of the Classic Storage Account
Size number Blob Capacity of Classic Classic Storage Account
RBACOwner list RBAC Owner at Classic SA scope
RBACReader list RBAC Reader at Classic SA scope
RBACContributor list RBAC Contributor at Classic SA scope
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Virtual Machine
Name string Name of the Virtual Machine
RegionName string Name of location of the Virtual Machine
RegionId string ID of location of the Virtual Machine
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Compute Instance Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Virtual Machine Zones
Type string Virtual Machine type
Status string Power State of the Virtual Machine
VirtualNetwork Reference to VirtualNetwork Virtual Networks associated with the Virtual Machine
PrivateIPv4 list Private IPs associated with the Virtual Machine
PublicIPv4 list Public IPs associated with the Virtual Machine
Subnets list Subnets attached to the Virtual Machine
 id string ID of the Subnet
 Name string Name of the Subnet
 RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTable associated with the Subnet
 AddressPrefix string The address prefix for the subnet
 IPConfigurations list List of Network interface IP configuration id using subnet
 EndpointServices list List of Endpoint Service Type associated with the Subnet
 NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group associated with the Subnet
NetworkInterfaces Reference to NetworkInterface Network Interfaces attached to the VM
Volumes Reference to Disk Information about the managed disks associated with the Virtual Machine. Unmanaged disks are not listed here, they are instead listed separately in `UnmanagedDisks`
UnmanagedDisks list List of vhd disks associated with Virtual Machines
 uri string URI of the vhd
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the VM Instance Belongs to
VMId string 128-bits identifier that is encoded and stored in all Azure IaaS VMs SMBIOS
Plan sequence Information about the marketplace image used to create the Virtual Machine
 Name string Plan ID
 PublisherID string Publisher ID
 Product string Specifies the product of the image from the marketplace
 PromotionCode string Promotion Code
LicenseType string Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. Possible Values = [ 'Windows_Client', 'Windows_Server' ]
Extensions list Extensions of the Virtual Machine
 id string Identifier of the Extension
 Name string Name of the Extension
 Publisher string Name of Extension Handler Publisher
 ProvisioningState string Provisioning State of the Extension
 AutoUpgradeMinorVersion boolean Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time
 TypeHandlerVersion string Version of the Extension Handler
 ExtensionType string Type of the Extension
DiskEncryptionStatus sequence Encryption Status of Disks of the Virtual Machine
 OSDisk boolean Whether OS Disk encryption is in use
 DataDisk boolean Whether Data Disk encryption is in use
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Image
Name string Name of the Image
RegionName string Name of location of the Image
RegionId string ID of location of the Image
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Compute Image Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Type string Resource Type
Status string Provisioning State
ResourceGroup string Resource group to which the Image belongs to
Attribute Type Description
id string ID of the Compute Disk
Name string Name of the Disk
RegionName string Name of the Region
RegionId string ID of the Region
AccountName string Name of the Subscription
AccountId string Subscription ID
Tags list Compute Disks Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
CreationDate number Creation Date of the Disk
AvailabilityZone list List of Compute Disk Zones
Type string Type of Disk
Status string Provisioning State
ResourceGroup string Resource Group
Size number Size of the Disk in GB
OSType string OS of the Parent VM
CreateOption string Create Option
DiskAttachment string Whether disk is attached to VM
Encrypted boolean True if encryption type is Encryption at-rest with a customer-managed key or Double encryption with platform-managed and customer-managed keys
EncryptionType string The type of key used to encrypt the data of the disk
DiskEncryptionSetId string ResourceId of the disk encryption set to use for enabling encryption at rest
Attribute Type Description
id string ID of the Virtual Network
Name string Name of the Virtual Network
RegionName string Name of location of the Virtual Network
RegionId string ID of location of the Virtual Network
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Virtual Network Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Virtual Network Zones
Status string Provisioning State of the Virtual Network
Subnets list List of Subnets
 id string Id of the Subnet
 Name string Name of the Subnet
 RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
 AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
 IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
 EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
 NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
PeeringConnections list Virtual Network Peering
 id string ID of the Virtual Network Peering
CidrBlock list Address Space
DNSServers list DHCP Options with DNS Servers
 ServerIp ip DNS Server IP
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Virtual Network belongs.
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Network Security Group
Name string Name of the Network Security Group
RegionName string Name of location of the Network Security Group
RegionId string ID of location of the Network Security Group
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Network Security Group Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Network Security Group Zones
Status string Provisioning State of the Network Security Group
InboundRules list List of Inbound Security Rules of the Network Security Group
 Access string Access of the traffic. Possible values = [ 'Allow', 'Deny' ]
 Protocol string Protocol of the Security Rule. Possible values = [ 'TCP', 'UDP', '*' ]
 IPAddresses list List of IP addresses. Available only if Type is 'IP Addresses'
 PortRange list Network Port Range
  FromPort number Starting Port Number
  ToPort number Ending Port Number
OutboundRules list List of Outbound Security Rules of the Network Security Group
 Access string Access of the traffic. Possible values = [ 'Allow', 'Deny' ]
 Protocol string Protocol of the Security Rule. Possible values = [ 'TCP', 'UDP', '*' ]
 IPAddresses list List of IP addresses. Available only if Type is 'IP Addresses'
 PortRange list Network Port Range
  FromPort number Starting Port Number
  ToPort number Ending Port Number
SecurityRules list List of Security Rules of the Network Security Group
 id string Identifier of the Security Rule
 Access string Access of the traffic. Possible values = [ 'Allow', 'Deny' ]
 Direction string Direction of the Security Rule. Possible Values = [ 'Inbound', 'Outbound' ]
 Priority number Priority of the Security Rule. Lower the number, Higher the priority
 Name string Name of the Security Rule
 Protocol string Protocol of the Security Rule. Possible values = [ 'TCP', 'UDP', '*' ]
 Source sequence Source Filter
  Type string Type of filter. Can be 'Any', 'IP Addresses', 'Service Tag', 'VirtualNetwork' or 'Application Security Group'
  Addresses list List of IP addresses. Available only if Type is 'IP Addresses'
   Prefix string Destination Address Prefix
  ServiceTag string Service Tag. Available only if Type is 'Service Tag'
  ApplicationSecurityGroup sequence Application Security Group. Available only if Type is 'Application Security Group'
   id string Application Security Group Id
  PortRange list Network Port Range
   FromPort number Starting Port Number
   ToPort number Ending Port Number
 Destination sequence Destination
  Type string Type of filter. Can be 'Any', 'IP Addresses', 'Service Tag', 'VirtualNetwork' or 'Application Security Group'
  Addresses list List of IP addresses. Available only if Type is 'IP Addresses'
   Prefix string Destination Address Prefix
  ServiceTag string Service Tag. Available only if Type is 'Service Tag'
  ApplicationSecurityGroup sequence Application Security Group. Available only if Type is 'Application Security Group'
   id string Application Security Group Id
  PortRange list Network Port Range
   FromPort number Starting Port Number
   ToPort number Ending Port Number
NetworkInterface Reference to NetworkInterface Network Interfaces associated with the Network Security Group
Subnets list Subnets associated with the Network Security Group
 id string Id of the Subnet
 Name string Name of the Subnet
 RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
 AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
 IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
 EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
 NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
FlowLog sequence Flow Log setting of the Network Security Group
 id string Identifier of the Flow Log
 id string Identifier of the Network Security Group
 StorageAccount Reference to StorageAccount Identifier of the Storage Account which stores Flow Logs
 LoggingEnabled boolean Is Flow Logging Enabled
 RetentionPolicy sequence Retention Policy of the Flow Logs
  Enabled boolean Is Retention Enabled
  Days number Number of days for Retention of the Flow Log
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Network Security Group belongs to
Attribute Type Description
id string ID of the Network Interface
Name string Name of the Network Interface
RegionName string Name of location of the Network Interface
RegionId string ID of location of the Network Interface
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Network Interface Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Network Interface Zones
Status string Provisioning State of the Network Interface
VirtualNetworks Reference to VirtualNetwork ID of the Network Interface
DNSSettings sequence DNS Settings of the Network Interface
 DNSServers list DNS Servers
  ServerIP string IP of the DNS Server
 AppliedDNSServers list DNS Servers from the NICs that are part of Availability Set
  ServerIP string IP of the DNS Server
 Suffix string Internal Domain Name Suffix
IPConfigurations list IP Configurations of the Network Interface
 PublicIP list Public IPs
 PrivateIP string Private IP
 PrivateIPVersion string Represents whether the specific ipconfiguration is IPv4 or IPv6
 State string Provisioning State of the IP
 Subnet sequence Subnet
  Id string ID of the subnet
  Name string Name of the subnet
SecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group attached to the VM
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Network Interface belongs to
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the SQL Database Resource
Name string Name of the SQL Database
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of database
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Database Instance Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
DatabaseId string Identifier of the SQL Database
Status string Status of the SQL Database
Type string Database type
CreationDate number Creation data of database
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Database belongs
AuditPolicy sequence Auditing Policy of the SQL Database
 id string Identifier of the Audit Policy of the SQL Database
 id string Identifier of the Audit Policy
 Name string Name of the Audit Policy
 State string State of the Audit Policy. Possible values = [ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
 RetentionDays number Number of days to keep the Audit Policy Log
ThreatPolicy sequence Threat Detection Policy of the SQL Database
 id string Identifier of the Threat Detection Policy of the SQL Database
 id string Identifier of the Threat Policy
 Name string Name of the Threat Policy
 State string State of the Threat Policy. Possible values = [ 'New', 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
 RetentionDays number Number of days to keep the Threat Policy Log
 DisabledAlerts string Semicolon-separated list of Alerts that are disabled, or empty string to disable no Alerts. Possible values = [ 'Sql_Injection', 'Sql_Injection_Vulnerability', 'Access_Anomaly', 'Usage_Anomaly' ]
 EmailAddresses string Semicolon-separated list of e-mail addresses to which the Alert is sent
 EmailAccountAdmins string Specifies that the Alert is sent to the Account Administrators. Possible values = [ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
DataEncryption sequence Data Encryption Settings of the SQL Database
 id string Identifier of the Data Encryption Settings of the SQL Database
 TransparentDataEncryptionStatus string Status of the Database Transparent Data Encryption. Possible values = [ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Activity Log Alert
Name string Name of the Activity Log Alert
RegionName string Name of location of the Activity Log Alert
RegionId string ID of location of the Activity Log Alert
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Activity Log Alert Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
CreationDate number Creation date of the Activity Log Alert (Not Supported)
Description string Description of the Activity Log Alert
Enabled boolean Is the Activity Log Alert enabled
Conditions list List of Conditions of the Activity Log Alert
 Field string Field examined by the Condition
 Value string Value of the Field
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the ActivityLogAlert belongs to
Scopes list A list of resourceIds that will be used as prefixes
ActionGroupId list The resourceId of the action group
SubscriptionScope boolean Whether Activity Log Alert setup at subscription scope
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Activity Log Profile
Name string Name of the Activity Log Profile
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Network Security Group Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Network Security Group Zones
StorageAccount Reference to StorageAccount Identifier of the Storage Account to which the Activity Log is sent
StorageContainerPublicAccess string Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
ServiceBusRuleId string The service bus rule ID of the service bus namespace in which you would like to have Event Hubs created for streaming the Activity Log. The rule ID is of the format - '{service bus resource ID}/authorizationrules/{key name}'
Locations list Name of the location. Possible values = ['australiaeast', 'australiasoutheast', 'brazilsouth', 'canadacentral', 'canadaeast', 'centralindia', 'centralus', 'eastasia', 'eastus', 'eastus2', 'francecentral', 'francesouth', 'japaneast', 'japanwest', 'koreacentral', 'koreasouth', 'northcentralus', 'northeurope', 'southcentralus', 'southindia', 'southeastasia', 'uksouth', 'ukwest', 'westcentralus', 'westeurope', 'westindia', 'westus', 'westus2', 'global']
Categories list Categories of the Activity Log
RetentionEnabled boolean Is Retention enabled for the Activity Log
RetentionDays number Number of days for the Retention of the Activity Log
AllRegion boolean Check if activitylogprofile is enabled for all regions including global.
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Key Vault
Name string Name of the Key Vault
RegionName string Name of location of the Virtual Network
RegionId string ID of location of the Virtual Network
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Virtual Network Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Virtual Network Zones
EnabledForDeployment boolean whether Azure Virtual Machines are permitted to retrieve certificates stored as secrets from the key vault
EnabledForDiskEncryption boolean whether Azure Disk Encryption is permitted to retrieve secrets from the vault and unwrap keys
EnabledForTemplateDeployment boolean whether Azure Resource Manager is permitted to retrieve secrets from the key vault
EnableSoftDelete boolean whether the soft delete functionality is enabled for this key vault
EnablePurgeProtection boolean whether protection against purge is enabled for this vault
Keys list List of Keys associated with the Key Vault
 Expires boolean If Expiry Date of Enabled Key is Set
 Expiry number Expiry Date of the Key Set
Secrets list List of Secrets associated with the Key Vault
 Expires boolean If Expiry Date of Enabled Secret is Set
 Expiry number Expiry Date of the Secret Set
DiagnosticSettings list Diagnostic Settings of the Key Vault
 id string Identifier of the Diagnostic Setting
 Name string Name of the Diagnostic Setting
 StorageAccountId string Identifier of the Storage Account which stores Diagnostic Logs
 Logs list List of Log Settings
  LogEnabled boolean Is the Log Enabled
  Category string Category of the Log
  RetentionPolicy sequence Retention Policy of the Log
   Enabled boolean Is Retention enabled for the Log
   Days number Number of days for the Retention of the Log
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Virtual Network belongs.
ACL sequence Network ACL info for Key Vault
 id string Identifier of the Vault
 Bypass list Bypass services
 DefaultAction string Default Action
 IpRules list IpRules
  value ip ip
 VirtualNetworkRules sequence Virtual Network Rules
  Subnets list id of the Virtual Network Rule
   id string Id of the Subnet
   Name string Name of the Subnet
   RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
   AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
   IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
   EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
   NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the SQL Server Resource
Name string Name of the SQL Server
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of Server
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Server Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
VulnerabilityAssessment sequence details of Vulnerability Assessment for DataBase
 StorageAccount string Storage Account configured for VA
 RecurringScansState boolean Are periodic recurring scans enabled
 NotificationEmails list list of emails for notifying scan reports
 EmailSubscriptionAdmins boolean Is send email notification to admins and subscription owners
Status string State of the SQL Server
Type string Database type
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Database belongs
AuditPolicy sequence Auditing Policy of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Audit Policy of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Audit Policy
 Name string Name of the Audit Policy
 State string State of the Audit Policy. Possible values = [ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
 RetentionDays number Number of days to keep the Audit Policy Log
 AuditActionGroup list Audit action group of the server sudit policy
ThreatPolicy sequence Threat Detection Policy of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Threat Detection Policy of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Threat Policy
 Name string Name of the Threat Policy
 State string State of the Threat Policy. Possible values = [ 'New', 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
 RetentionDays number Number of days to keep the Threat Policy Log
 DisabledAlerts string Semicolon-separated list of Alerts that are disabled, or empty string to disable no Alerts. Possible values = [ 'Sql_Injection', 'Sql_Injection_Vulnerability', 'Access_Anomaly', 'Usage_Anomaly' ]
 EmailAddresses string Semicolon-separated list of e-mail addresses to which the Alert is sent
 EmailAccountAdmins string Specifies that the Alert is sent to the Account Administrators. Possible values = [ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]
FirewallRule list Firewall Rules of the SQL server
 id string Identifier of the Firewall Rule
 Name string Name of the Firewall Rule
 StartIP ip Starting IP Address
 EndIP ip Ending IP Address
ADAdmin sequence Azure Active Directory Admin of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Azure Active Directory Admin of the SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Azure Active Directory Admin of the SQL Server
 Status boolean Is there an Azure Active Directory Admin configured for the SQL Server
TDEProtector sequence Transparent Data Encryption Protector for SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the Transparent Data Encryption Protector for SQL Server
 id string Identifier of the TDE Protector
 kind string Kind of the TDE Protector
 serverKeyName string serverKeyName of the TDE Protector
 serverKeyType string serverKeyType of the TDE Protector
 uri string KeyVault key URI of the TDE Protector
 name string Name of the TDE Protector
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the User
Name string User name
CreationDate number Creation date of the User
Roles Reference to Role User Roles
LastTokenChange number Last used epoch
Type string User Type, Possible values Member, Guest
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Role
Name string Role name
Type string Type of Role
AssignableScopes list Assignable Scopes
Permissions list Role definition Permissions
 Actions list Allowed Actions
 NotActions list Denied Actions
 DataActions list Allowed Data Actions
 NotDataActions list Denied Data Actions
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Security Policy
Name string Name of the Security Policy
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
SelectedPricingTier string Pricing Tier of the Azure Subscription. Possible values = [ 'Free', 'Standard' ]
AutomaticProvisioningOfMonitoringAgent string Is Automatic Provisioning of Microsoft Monitoring Agent Enabled. Possible values = [ 'On', 'Off' ]
VMSystemUpdates string Missing security system updates on your servers will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMSecurityConfigurations string Servers which do not satisfy the configured baseline will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMEndpointProtection string Servers without an installed Endpoint Protection agent will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMDiskEncryption string Virtual machines without an enabled disk encryption will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMNetworkSecurityGroups string Internet-facing virtual machines should be protected with network security groups. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMWebApplicationFirewall string Web Application Firewall (WAF) should be enabled for Application Gateway. Possible values = [ 'Audit', 'Deny', 'Disabled' ]
VMNextGenerationFirewall string All network ports should be restricted on network security groups associated to your virtual machine. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
VMVulnerabilityAssessment string Audits virtual machines to detect whether they are running a supported vulnerability assessment solution. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
StorageEncryption string Storage accounts should use customer-managed key for encryption. Possible values = [ 'Audit', 'Disabled' ]
VMJITNetworkAccess string Management ports of virtual machines should be protected with just-in-time network access control. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
AdaptiveApplicationControls string Adaptive application controls for defining safe applications should be enabled on your machines. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
SQLAuditingAndThreatDetection string Auditing on SQL server should be enabled. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
SQLEncryption string Transparent Data Encryption on SQL databases should be enabled. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
MFAForOwner string Enable or disable the monitoring of MFA for accounts with owner permissions in subscription. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
MFAForWrite string Enable or disable the monitoring of MFA for accounts with write permissions in subscription. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
MFAForRead string Enable or disable the monitoring of MFA for accounts with read permissions in subscription. Possible values = [ 'AuditIfNotExists', 'Disabled' ]
SecurityContactEmails list List of Security Contact Emails
SecurityContactPhoneNumber string Security Contact Phone Number
SendEmailAboutAlerts boolean Is Security Alerts Emailing to Security Contact Enabled
SendEmailToSubscriptionOwners boolean Is Security Alerts Emailing to Subscription Owners Enabled
WDATPIntegratedWithSecurityCenter boolean Is Security center integrated with Windows Defender ATP (WDATP)
MCASIntegratedWithSecurityCenter boolean Is Security center integrated with Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS)
AlertNotificationMinimalSeverity string Minimal Severity for Alert Notification
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Network Watcher
Name string Name of the Network Watcher
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
RegionName string Name of location of the Network Watcher
RegionId string ID of location of the Network Watcher
ProvisioningState string Provisioning State of the Network Watcher. Possible values = [ 'Succeeded', 'Updating', 'Deleting', 'Failed' ]
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Cosmos Database Resource
Name string Name of the Cosmos Database
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of database
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Database Instance Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Type string Database type
AutomaticFailover boolean Whether Automatic failover is enabled
FailoverPolicies list Failover policies
 LocationName string Location name
 id string Id of the policy
 FailoverPriority number Priority of failover
IpRules list Allowed IP Rules
 value ip IP under the IpRules
VirtualNetworkRules sequence Virtual Network Rules
 Subnets list id of the Virtual Network Rule
  id string Id of the Subnet
  Name string Name of the Subnet
  RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
  AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
  IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
  EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
  NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
DocumentEndPoint string Document End Point
WriteLocations list Write locations
 DocumentEndPoint string Document Write Location
 LocationName string location name
 id string Id of the location
 FailoverPriority number Failover Priority
 ProvisioningState string Provisioning State
IsVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled boolean Whether Virtual Network Filter is enabled
ConsistencyPolicy sequence Consistency Policy
 MaxStalenessPrefix string max Staleness Prefix
 MaxIntervalInSeconds number Max Interval
 DefaultConsistencyLevel string Default consistency level
ReadLocations list Read locations
 DocumentEndPoint string Document Write Location
 LocationName string location name
 id string Id of the location
 FailoverPriority number Failover Priority
 ProvisioningState string Provisioning State
Status string Status of the SQL Database
DatabaseAccountOfferType string DB Account Offer Type
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Database belongs
Capabilities list Capabilities
 Name string Name of capability
 Value string Value of capability
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Datalake Store
Name string Name of the Datalake Store
RegionId string Id of location of Datalake Store
RegionName string Name of the location of Datalake Store
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Database Instance Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Type string kind of DB
Status string Status of the Datalake Store
ResourceGroup string Resource Group to which the Database belongs
CreationDate number Creation Date
LastModifiedTime number Last modified time
EndPoint string End Point of Datalake store
VirtualNetworkRules sequence Virtual Network Rules for Datalake Store
 Subnets list id of the Virtual Network Rule
  id string Id of the Subnet
  Name string Name of the Subnet
  RouteTable Reference to RouteTable RouteTbale associated with the Subnet
  AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
  IPConfigurations list IP Configurations
  EndpointServices list Endpoint Services
  NetworkSecurityGroup Reference to NetworkSecurityGroup Network Security Group
FirewallRules list Firewall Rules
 Name string Name of the rule
 id string Id of the rule
 StartIP ip Start IP of the firewall rule
 EndIP ip End IP of the firewall rule
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Function App
Name string Name of the Function App
RegionName string Name of location of the Function App
RegionId string ID of location of the Function App
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Function App Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Function App
Type string type of Function App
AvailabilityState string availability State of Function App
ClientAffinityEnabled boolean client Affinity Enabled of Function App
ClientCertEnabled boolean client Cert Enabled of Function App
ContainerSize number container Size of Function App
DailyMemoryTimeQuota number daily Memory Time Quota of Function App
DefaultHostName string default Host Name of Function App
Enabled boolean enabled of Function App
EnabledHostNames list enabled Host Names of Function App
HostNameSslStates list host Name Ssl States of Function App
 HostType string host Type of Function App
 Name string name of Function App
 SslState string ssl State of Function App
HostNames list host Names of Function App
HostNamesDisabled boolean host Names Disabled of Function App
HttpsOnly boolean https Only of Function App
LastModifiedTimeUtc string last Modified Time Utc of Function App
OutboundIpAddresses list outbound Ip Addresses of Function App
PossibleOutboundIpAddresses list possible Outbound Ip Addresses of Function App
RepositorySiteName string repository Site Name of Function App
Reserved boolean reserved of Function App
ScmSiteAlsoStopped boolean scm Site Also Stopped of Function App
ServerFarmId string server Farm Id of Function App
State string state of Function App
UsageState string usage State of Function App
ResourceGroup string Resource Group of Function App
Function list function of Function App
 id string id of Function App
 Name string name of Function App
 Config sequence config of Function App
  Bindings list bindings of Function App
   AuthLevel string auth Level of Function App
   Direction string direction of Function App
   Methods list methods of Function App
   Name string name of Function App
   Type string type of Function App
 HREF string HREF of Function App
 Type string type of Function App
Configurations list Configuration of Function Apps
 id string id of Function App
 Name string Name of Function App
 AlwaysOn boolean Always On of Function App
 AppCommandLine string App Command Line of Function App
 AutoHealEnabled boolean Auto Heal Enabled of Function App
 CORS sequence CORS of Function App
  AllowedOrigins list Allowed Origins of Function App
 DefaultDocuments list Default Documents of Function App
 DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled boolean Detailed Error Logging Enabled of Function App
 Experiments sequence Experiments of Function App
  RampUpRules list Ramp Up Rules of Function App
 HTTP20Enabled boolean HTTP20 Enabled of Function App
 HTTPLoggingEnabled boolean HTTP Logging Enabled of Function App
 LinuxFxVersion string Linux Fx Version of Function App
 LoadBalancing string Load Balancing of Function App
 LocalMySqlEnabled boolean Local My Sql Enabled of Function App
 LogsDirectorySizeLimit number Logs Directory Size Limit of Function App
 ManagedPipelineMode string Managed Pipeline Mode of Function App
 MinTLSVersion string Minimum TLS Version of Function App
 NetFrameworkVersion string Net Framework Version of Function App
 NodeVersion string Node Version of Function App
 NumberOfWorkers number Number Of Workers of Function App
 PhpVersion string Php Version of Function App
 PublishingUsername string Publishing Username of Function App
 PythonVersion string Python Version of Function App
 RemoteDebuggingEnabled boolean Remote Debugging Enabled of Function App
 RequestTracingEnabled boolean Request Tracing Enabled of Function App
 SCMType string SCM Type of Function App
 Use32BitWorkerProcess boolean Use32 Bit Worker Process of Function App
 VirtualApplications list Virtual Applications of Function App
  PhysicalPath string Physical Path of Function App
  PreloadEnabled boolean Preload Enabled of Function App
  VirtualPath string Virtual Path of Function App
 VNetName string VNet Name of Function App
 WebSocketsEnabled boolean Web Sockets Enabled of Function App
PublicCertificates list Public Certificates Info for Function Apps
 id string id of Public Certificate
 Name string Name of Public Certificate
 Type string Type of Public Certificate
 PublicCertificateLocation string Public Certificate Location for Function App
 Blob string Blob of Certificate for Function App
 Thumbprint boolean Thumbprint of public cert for Function App
AuthSettings list Auth Settings of Function Apps
 id string id of Auth Settings
 Name string Name of Auth Settings
 Type string Type of Auth Settings
 DefaultProvider string Default Provider of Auth Setting for Function App
 TokenStoreEnabled boolean Token Store Enabled for Function App
 UnauthenticatedClientAction string Unauthenticated Client Action Auth Setting for Function App
 Enabled boolean Enabled Auth Setting for Function App
ADRegistered boolean Enabled Register with Azure Active Directory
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Kubernetes Cluster
Name string Name of the Kubernetes Cluster
RegionName string Name of location of the Kubernetes Cluster
RegionId string ID of location of the Kubernetes Cluster
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Tags list Kubernetes Cluster Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
AvailabilityZone list List of Kubernetes Cluster
Type string Kubernetes Cluster type
Status string Provisioning State of the Kubernetes Cluster
NodeResourceGroup string Node Resource Group
EnableRBAC boolean Enable RBAC
NetworkProfile sequence Network Profile
 PodCidr ip pod IP address
 DockerBridgeCidr ip docker Bridge IP address
 ServiceCidr ip Service IP address
 DNSServiceIP ip DNS IP address
 NetworkPlugin string Network Plugin
DNSPrefix string DNS Prefix of Kubernetes Cluster
KubernetesVersion string Kubernetes Version of Kubernetes Cluster
AgentPoolProfiles list Agent Pool Profiles of Kubernetes Cluster
 Count number count of agent pool
 OSType string OS Type of Agent Poool
 Name string Name of Agent Pool
 StorageProfile string Storage Profile of Agent Pool
 VMSize string VM Size of Agent Pool
 OSDiskSizeGB number OS Disk Size in GB
 MaxPods number MAX no of Pods
ServicePrincipalProfile sequence Service Principal Profile of Kubernetes Cluster
 ClientId string Client Id of profile
AddonProfiles sequence Addon Profiles of the Kubernetes Cluster
 OMSAgent sequence OMS agent of profile for Kubernetes Cluster
  Enabled boolean Addon profile is enabled
  Config sequence Config of OMS agent
   LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID string Log Analytics Workspace Resource ID for addon profile
 HTTPApplicationRouting sequence HTTP application routing of the Kubernetes Cluster
  Enabled boolean Addon profile is enabled
  Config sequence Config of HTTP application routing
   HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName string HTTPApplication Routing Zone Name
FQDN string FDQN for kubernetes cluster
Attribute Type Description
id string RouteTable ID
Name string Name of the route table
RegionName string Name of location of the Virtual Network
RegionId string ID of location of the Virtual Network
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
Status string Provisioning State of the Route Table
Tags list Virtual Network Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Routes list routes associated with the routetable
 id string route associated with the routetable
 Name string Name of the route
 AddressPrefix string Address Prefix
 NextHopType string route next hop type
Subnets list Subnets associated with the route table
 id string Id of the Subnet
RoutePropagation boolean Virtual network gateway route propagation
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the group
Name string Group name
Description string Group description
Roles Reference to Role Group roles
Members sequence Members details
 Users Reference to User User members
 ServicePrincipals Reference to ServicePrincipal ServicePrincipal members
 Groups Reference to Group Group members
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the service principal
Name string Display name
PublisherName string Publisher name
SignInAudience string SignIn name
Roles Reference to Role Roles
Type string Service principal type
Oauth2Permissions list Auth permissions for application
 UserConsentDisplayName string User consent name
 UserConsentDescription string User consent description
 Enabled boolean Enabled status
 AdminConsentDisplayName string Admin consent name
 AdminConsentDescription string Admin consent description
 Value string Value
 Type string Type
 id string Id
Application Reference to Application Application attached to this Service Principal
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the application
Name string Name of the application
AppId string App id
PasswordCredentials list App password credentials
 CustomKeyIdentifier string Custom key identifier
 EndDate number End date
 StartDate number Start date
 KeyId string Key id
RequiredResourceAccess list Required resources
 ResourceAppId string Resource app id
 ResourceAccess list Resource access
  id string Resource id
  Type string Resource type
Oauth2Permissions list Auth permissions for Application
 UserConsentDisplayName string User consent name
 UserConsentDescription string User consent description
 Enabled boolean Enabled status
 AdminConsentDisplayName string Admin consent name
 AdminConsentDescription string Admin consent description
 Value string Value
 Type string Type
 id string Permission Id
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the MYSQL Server Resource
Name string Name of the MYSQL Server
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of Server
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Server Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Tier string Tier of the MYSQL Server
Type string Database type
Capacity number Capacity of the MYSQL Server
Family string Family of the MYSQL Server
administratorLogin string Login of the MYSQL Server
Version string Version of the MYSQL Server
sslEnforcement string sslEnforcement of the MYSQL Server
userVisibleState string State of the MYSQL Server
FQDN string fullyQualifiedDomainName of the MYSQL Server
earliestRestoreDate Number earliestRestoreDate of the MYSQL Server
backupRetentionDays number Storage profile backupRetentionDays of the MYSQL Server
geoRedundantBackup string Storage Profile geoRedundantBackup of the MYSQL Server
storageMB number Storage Profile storage MB of the MYSQL Server
storageAutogrow string storageAutogrow of the MYSQL Server
replicationRole string Replication role of the MYSQL Server
masterServerId string Master Server ID of the MYSQL Server
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the PostgreSQL Server Resource
Name string Name of the PostgreSQL Server
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of Server
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Server Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Tier string Tier of the PostgreSQL Server
Type string Database type
Capacity number Capacity of the PostgreSQL Server
Family string Family of the PostgreSQL Server
administratorLogin string Login of the PostgreSQL Server
Version string Version of the PostgreSQL Server
sslEnforcement string sslEnforcement of the PostgreSQL Server
userVisibleState string State of the PostgreSQL Server
FQDN string fullyQualifiedDomainName of the PostgreSQL Server
earliestRestoreDate Number earliestRestoreDate of the PostgreSQL Server
backupRetentionDays number Storage profile backupRetentionDays of the PostgreSQL Server
geoRedundantBackup string Storage Profile geoRedundantBackup of the PostgreSQL Server
storageMB number Storage Profile storage MB of the PostgreSQL Server
storageAutogrow string storageAutogrow of the PostgreSQL Server
replicationRole string Replication role of the PostgreSQL Server
masterServerId string Master Server ID of the PostgreSQL Server
log_duration string Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement
log_connections string Logs each successful connection
log_disconnections string Logs end of a session, including duration
log_checkpoints string Logs each checkpoint
connection_throttling string Enables temporary connection throttling per IP
log_retention_days number Sets how many days a log file is saved for
firewall_rules list list of firewall rules attached to the PostgreSQL server
 id string resource ID for the resource
 name string name of the resource
 type string type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
 properties sequence firewall rules
  startIpAddress string start IP address of the server firewall rule
  endIpAddress string end IP address of the server firewall rule
infrastructureEncryption string A status showing whether the server has enabled infrastructure encryption. [Disabled | Enabled]
Attribute Type Description
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Name string Name of the LoadBalancer
RegionId string Id of location of LoadBalancer
RegionName string Name of the location of LoadBalancer
Tags list Server Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
backendAddressPools list backendAddressPools of the LoadBalancer
frontendipconfig list frontendIPConfigurations of the LoadBalancer
id string Identifier of the LoadBalancer Resource
inboundNatPools list inboundNatPools of the LoadBalancer
inboundNatRules list inboundNatRules of the LoadBalancer
loadBalancingRules list loadBalancingRules of the LoadBalancer
outboundRules list outboundRules of the LoadBalancer
probes list probes of the LoadBalancer
provisioningState string provisioningState of the LoadBalancer
public_ip list public_ip of the LoadBalancer
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Security Policy
Name string Name of the Security Policy
AccountId string Azure Subscription ID
AccountName string Azure Subscription Name
AzureDefenderForServer boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Servers
AzureDefenderForAppService boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for App Service
AzureDefenderForAzureSQLDataBaseServers boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Azure SQL database servers
AzureDefenderForSQLServersOnMachine boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for SQL servers on machines
AzureDefenderForStorage boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Storage
AzureDefenderForKubernetes boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Kubernetes
AzureDefenderForContainerRegistries boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Container Registries
AzureDefenderForKeyVault boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Key Vault
AzureDefenderForDNS boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for DNS
AzureDefenderForARM boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Azure Resource Manager
AzureDefenderForRDS boolean Is Azure Defender enabled for Open Source Relational Databases
Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the Managed SQL Instance Resource
Name string Name of the Managed SQL Instance
RegionId string Id of location of Database
RegionName string Name of the location of Managed SQL Instance
AccountId string Id of the subscription
AccountName string Subscription name
Tags list Managed SQL Instance Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Tier string Tier of the Managed SQL Instance
SkuName string Database type
Capacity number Capacity of the Managed SQL Instance
Family string Family of the Managed SQL Instance
AdministratorLogin string Login of the Managed SQL Instance
SubnetID string Subnet ID of the Managed SQL Instance
State string State of the Managed SQL Instance
LicenseType string License of the Managed SQL Instance
VCores number The number of vCores.
StorageSize number Storage Size in GB
FQDN string The fully qualified domain name of the managed instance.
ProvisioningState string Provsioning State
Collation string Collation of the managed instance.
PublicDataEndpointEnabled boolean Whether or not the public data endpoint is enabled.
ProxyOverride string Connection type used for connecting to the instance.
MinimalTlsVersion string Minimum TLS Version
DNSZone string The Dns Zone that the managed instance is in.
MaintenanceConfigurationId string Specifies maintenance configuration id to apply to this managed instance.
StorageAccountType string The storage account type used to store backups for this instance
ZoneRedundancy boolean Whether or not the multi-az is enabled.