
Google Cloud Entities supported in DSL

Access policy











Attribute Type Description
id string Bucket ID, format - 'projects/{project-id}/buckets/{bucket-name}'
Name string Bucket ID
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Labels
 Name string Label Key
 Value string Label Value
Acl list Access controls on the bucket, containing one or more bucketAccessControls Resources
 Bucket string The name of the bucket
 Domain string The domain associated with the entity, if any
 Email string The email address associated with the entity, if any
 Entity string The entity holding the permission
 EntityId string The ID for the entity
 Etag string HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the access-control entry
 Generation number The content generation of the object, if applied to an object
 Id string The ID of the access-control entry
 Object string The kind of item this is. For object access control entries, this is always storage#objectAccessControl
 ProjectTeam sequence The name of the object, if applied to an object
  ProjectNumber string The project number
  Team string The project team associated with the entity
 Role string The access permission for the entity, valid Values (OWNER, READER)
Billing sequence The bucket's billing configuration
 RequesterPays boolean When set to true, Requester Pays is enabled for this bucket
IAMConfiguration sequence The bucket's IAM configuration
 UniformBucketLevelAccess boolean whether uniformBucketLevelAccess is enabled
 BucketPolicyOnly boolean whether BucketPolicyOnly is enabled
Cors list The bucket's Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration
 MaxAgeSeconds number The value, in seconds, to return in the Access-Control-Max-Age header used in preflight responses
 Method list The list of HTTP methods on which to include CORS response headers, (GET, OPTIONS, POST, etc)
  Value string value
 Origin list The list of Origins eligible to receive CORS response headers
  Value string None
 ResponseHeader list The list of HTTP headers other than the simple response headers to give permission for the user-agent to share across domains
  Value string value
DefaultEventBasedHold boolean Whether or not to automatically apply an eventBasedHold to new objects added to the bucket
DefaultObjectAcl list Default access controls to apply to new objects when no ACL is provided
 Bucket string The name of the bucket
 Domain string The domain associated with the entity, if any
 Email string The email address associated with the entity, if any
 Entity string The entity holding the permission
 EntityId string The ID for the entity
 Etag string HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the access-control entry
 Generation number The content generation of the object, if applied to an object
 Id string The ID of the access-control entry
 Object string The kind of item this is. For object access control entries, this is always storage#objectAccessControl
 ProjectTeam sequence The name of the object, if applied to an object
  ProjectNumber string The project number
  Team string The project team associated with the entity
 Role string The access permission for the entity, valid Values (OWNER, READER)
Encryption string Encryption configuration for a bucket
Etag string HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the bucket
Lifecycle sequence The bucket's lifecycle configuration. See lifecycle management for more information
 Rule list A lifecycle management rule, which is made of an action to take and the condition(s) under which the action will be taken
  Action sequence The action to take
   StorageClass string Target storage class
   Type string Type of the action, valid value (Delete, SetStorageClass)
  Condition sequence The condition(s) under which the action will be taken
   Age number Age of an object (in days)
   CreatedBefore number This condition is satisfied when an object is created in epoch time
   IsLive boolean If the value is true, this condition matches live objects; if the value is false, it matches archived objects
   MatchesStorageClass list Objects having any of the storage classes specified by this condition will be matched, valid values (MULTI_REGIONAL, REGIONAL, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, STANDARD, DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY)
    Value string None
   NumNewerVersions number If the value is N, this condition is satisfied when there are at least N versions (including the live version) newer than this version of the object
Logging sequence The bucket's logging configuration
 LogBucket string The destination bucket where the current bucket's logs should be placed
 LogObjectPrefix string A prefix for log object names
Metageneration number The metadata generation of this bucket
Owner sequence The owner of the bucket
 Entity string The entity, in the form project-owner-projectId
 EntityId string The ID for the entity
RetentionPolicy sequence The bucket's retention policy, which defines the minimum age an object in the bucket must reach before it can be deleted or overwritten
 EffectiveTime number The time from which the retentionPolicy was effective in epoch time
 IsLocked boolean Whether or not the retentionPolicy is locked
 RetentionPeriod number The period of time, in seconds, that objects in the bucket must be retained and cannot be deleted, overwritten, or archived
Type string Storage Class, The bucket's default storage class, valid values (MULTI_REGIONAL, REGIONAL, STANDARD, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY)
Updated number Modification time of the bucket in epoch time
Versioning sequence The bucket's versioning configuration
 Enabled boolean While set to true, versioning is fully enabled for this bucket
Website sequence The bucket's website configuration, controlling how the service behaves when accessing bucket contents as a web site
 MainPageSuffix string This allows the creation of index.html objects to represent directory pages
 NotFoundPage string Service will return the named object from this bucket as the content for a 404 Not Found result
Policies list IAM bindings associated with bucket
 Role Reference to Role IAM Role
 RoleName string ACL permissions
 Access string IAMPolicy access
 Members sequence Bucket IAM Members
  UserEmails list User Account Email
   Email string email
  GroupEmails list Group Account Email
   Email string email
  ServiceEmails list Service Account Email
   Email string email
  Domains list Domain
  AllUsers boolean All Users - represents anyone on the internet
  AllAuthenticatedUsers boolean All Authenticated Users - represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account
  ProjectOwners Reference to Project Owners of the given project
  ProjectEditor Reference to Project Editors of the given project
  ProjectViewer Reference to Project Viewers of the given project
Attribute Type Description
id string Audit Config ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/AuditConfig/{audit-config-id}'
Name string Audit Config Name
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
RegionName string Audit Config Region Name
RegionId string Audit Config Region ID
Project Reference to Project Project
HasExemptedMembers boolean Audit Config has Exempted Members?
Service string Service
AuditLogConfigs list Audit Log Configurations
 LogType string Log Type, possible values ('ADMIN_READ', 'DATA_READ', 'DATA_WRITE')
 HasExemptedMembers boolean Has Exempted Members with 'LogType'?
 ExemptedMembers sequence IAM Member
  UserEmails list User Account Email
   Email string email
  GroupEmails list Group Account Email
   Email string email
  ServiceEmails list Service Account Email
   Email string email
  Domains list Domain
  AllUsers boolean All Users
  AllAuthenticatedUsers boolean All Authenticated Users
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag name
 Value string Tag Value
Attribute Type Description
id string Project ID, format 'projects/{project-id}'
Name string Project Name
RegionName string Region Name
RegionId string Region ID
AccountName string Project Name
AccountId string Project ID
CreationDate number Project Created Date
Status string Project status, valid values (active, inactive)
LifecycleState string Project lifecycle state, valid values (LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED, DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
Active boolean Is project active?
Organization Reference to Organization project belongs to a parent organization
ComputeInfo sequence Project properties for compute
 CommonInstanceMetadata sequence Custom metadata, see Tags field metadata key/value
  Fingerprint string Hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking
  Items list Array of key/value pairs
   Key string Key for the metadata entry
   Value string Value for the metadata entry
 DefaultNetworkTier string Default network tier used for configuring resources of the project, valid values (PREMIUM, STANDARD)
 DefaultServiceAccount Reference to ServiceAccount Service Account
 Description string Textual description of the resource
 EnabledFeatures list Restricted features enabled for use on this project
  Value string value
 Quotas list Quotas assigned to this project
  Limit number Quota limit for this metric
  Metric string Name of the quota metric
  Usage number Current usage of this metric
 UsageExportLocation sequence Naming prefix for daily usage reports and the Google Cloud Storage bucket where they are stored
  BucketName string Name of an existing bucket in Cloud Storage where the usage report object is stored
  ReportNamePrefix string Prefix for the name of the usage report object stored in bucketName
 XpnProjectStatus string Role this project has in a shared VPC configuration
Tags list Labels
 Name string Key Name
 Value string Key Value
Services Reference to Service Services/API enabled for this account
OrganizationPolicies list Organization Policies
 Version number Policy Version
 Constraint string Constraint ID associated with policy
 UpdateTime number Policy Update Time
 PolicyConfiguration sequence Policy Configuration
  AllowedValues list List of values allowed for resource
  DeniedValues list List of values denied for resource
  AllValues string The policy allValues state.
  SuggestedValue string Suggested Value for policy
  InheritFromParent boolean inheritance behavior for the Policy
 PolicyEnforced boolean Is Policy is enforced
Attribute Type Description
id string Compute Instance ID, format - 'projects/{project}/zones/{zone}/instances/{instance-id}'
Name string name
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Labels to apply to this instance
 Name string Label Key
 Value string Label value
Project Reference to Project Project
TagItems list Tags to apply to this instance
 Value string value
TagFingerprint string Specifies a hash of the tag items contents and used for optimistic locking
CanIpForward boolean Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IP
CpuPlatform string CPU platform used by this instance
ShieldedVM boolean whether compute instance has ShieldedVM enabled
ConfidentialComputing boolean whether compute instance has confidential computing enabled.
DeletionProtection boolean Whether the resource should be protected against deletion
Description string Description of this resource
Disks list Disks associated with this instance
 AutoDelete boolean Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted
 Boot boolean Indicates that this is a boot disk
 DeviceName string Unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree
 DiskEncryptionKey sequence Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key
  KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
  RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
  Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key
 GuestOsFeatures list list of features to enable on the guest operating system
  Type string None
 Index number A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk
 InitializeParams sequence Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance
  Description string Description
  DiskName string Specifies the disk name
  DiskSizeGb number Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB
  DiskType string Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance
  Tags list Labels to apply to disk
   Name string Label Key
   Value string Label value
  SourceImage Reference to Image Source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance
  SourceImageEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source image
   KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
   RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
   Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key
 Interface string Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, valid values (SCSI, NVM)E
 Licenses list Any valid publicly visible licenses
  Value string value
 Mode string mode in which to attach this disk, valid values (READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY)
 Volume Reference to Volume Specifies Source ID of an existing Persistent Disk resource
 Type string Specifies the type of the disk, valid values (SCRATCH, PERSISTENT)
GuestAccelerators list List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance
 AcceleratorCount number Number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance
 AcceleratorType string Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instanc
LabelFingerprint string hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking
Type string Compute machine type
MachineType sequence Machine type resource to use for this instance
 id string VPC ID
Metadata sequence Metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance
 Fingerprint string Hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking
 Items list Array of key/value pairs
  Key string Key for the metadata entry
  Value string Value for the metadata entry
MinCpuPlatform string Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance
NetworkInterfaces list Network configurations for this instance
 AccessConfigs list Configurations for this interfac
  Name string Name of this access configuration
  NatIP ip External IP address associated with this instance
  NetworkTier string Signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration, valid values (PREMIUM, STANDARD)
  PublicPtrDomainName string DNS domain name for the public PTR record, when SetPublicPtr enabled
  SetPublicPtr boolean Specifies whether a public DNS PTR record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name
  Type string Type of configuration, valid values (ONE_TO_ONE_NAT)
 AliasIpRanges list Alias IP ranges for this network interface
  IpCidrRange ip IP CIDR range represented by this alias IP range
  SubnetworkRangeName string subnetwork secondary range name specifying the secondary range from which to allocate the IP CIDR range for this alias IP range
 Fingerprint string Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface
 Name string Name of the network interface, generated by the server
 VPC Reference to VPC Network resource for this instance
 NetworkIP ip IPv4 internal network address to assign to the instance for this network interface
 Subnet Reference to Subnet Subnetwork resource for this instance
Scheduling sequence Sets the scheduling options for this instance
 AutomaticRestart boolean Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine
 NodeAffinities list A set of node affinity and anti-affinity
  Key string Corresponds to the label key of Node resource
  Operator string Defines the operation of node selection
  Values list Corresponds to the label values of Node resource
   Value string value
 OnHostMaintenance string Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance
 Preemptible boolean Defines whether the instance is preemptible
ServiceAccounts list Service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance
 Email string Email address of the service account
 ServiceAccount Reference to ServiceAccount None
 Scopes list Scopes to be made available for this service account.
  Value string value
StartRestricted boolean Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity
StatusMessage string Human-readable explanation of the status
AvailabilityZone string Zone where the instance resides
Firewallrule Reference to FirewallRule firewall rules applicable for the instance
Attribute Type Description
id string Compute Disk ID, format - 'projects/{project}/zones/{zone}/disks/{disk-id}'
Name string Compute Disk Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Disk create date/time in UNIX epoch
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list User Labels
 Name string Label key
 Value string Label value
Description string Description of this resource
DiskEncryptionKey sequence Encrypts the disk using a customer-supplied encryption key
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key
GuestOsFeatures list List of features to enable on the guest operating system
 Type string ID of a supported feature
LabelFingerprint string Fingerprint for the labels being applied to this disk
LastAttachTimestamp number Last attach timestamp in UNIX epoch time
LastDetachTimestamp number Last detach timestamp in UNIX epoch time
LicenseCodes list Integer license codes indicating which licenses are attached to this disk
 Value string value
Licenses list List of publicly visible licenses
 Value string value
Options string Internal use only
ReplicaZones list URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to
 Value string value
SizeGb string Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB
SourceImage Reference to Image Source image used to create this disk
SourceImageEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source image
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key
SourceImageId string ID value of the image used to create this disk
SourceSnapshot string Source snapshot used to create this disk
SourceSnapshotEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key
SourceSnapshotId string Unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk
Status string Status of disk creation
Type string Disk Type
DiskType sequence URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk
 id string Disk Type
Instances Reference to Instance Links to the users of the disk
Project Reference to Project Project
AvailabilityZone string Zone where the disk resides
Attribute Type Description
id string Image ID, format - 'projects/{project}/global/images/{image-id}'
Name string Image Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation date/time in UNIX epoch
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region name
Tags list Labels to apply to this image
 Name string Label Key
 Value string Label value
Project Reference to Project Project
ArchiveSizeBytes number Size of the image tar.gz archive stored in Google Cloud Storage (in bytes)
Deprecated sequence Deprecation status associated with this image
 Deleted number Epoch on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DELETED
 Deprecated number Epoch time on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DEPRECATED
 Obsolete number Epoch on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to OBSOLETE
 Replacement string URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource
 State string Deprecation state of this resource, valid values (DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, DELETED)
Description string Description of this resource
DiskSizeGb number Size of the image when restored onto a persistent disk (in GB)
Family string Name of the image family to which this image belongs
GuestOsFeatures list List of features to enable on the guest operating system
 Type string ID of a supported feature
ImageEncryptionKey sequence Encrypts the image using a customer-supplied encryption key
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied
ImageEncryptionType string Encryption key type, valid values (google-managed, customer-managed, customer-supplied)
LabelFingerprint string Fingerprint for the labels being applied to this image
LicenseCodes list Integer license codes indicating which licenses are attached to this image
 Value string value
Licenses list Any applicable license URI
 Value string value
RawDisk sequence Parameters of the raw disk image
 ContainerType string Format used to encode and transmit the block device
 Sha1Checksum string SHA1 checksum of the disk image
 Source string Google Cloud Storage URL where the disk image is stored
SourceDisk Reference to Volume Source disk used to create this image
SourceDiskEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source disk
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied
SourceDiskId string ID value of the disk used to create this image
SourceImage Reference to Image Source image used to create this image
SourceImageEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source image
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied
SourceImageId string ID value of the image used to create this image
SourceSnapshot string URL of the source snapshot used to create this image
SourceSnapshotEncryptionKey sequence Customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot
 KMSKey Reference to KMSKey Name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS
 RawKey string Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key
 Sha256 string SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied
SourceSnapshotId string ID value of the snapshot used to create this image
SourceType string Type of the image used to create this disk
Status string Status of the image, valid values (FAILED, PENDING, READY)
Attribute Type Description
id string Bigquery Dataset ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}'
Name string Bigquery Dataset Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Project Reference to Project Project
Tags list Labels associated with this datasets
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
DatasetACL list None
 Role string Describes the rights granted to the user specified by the other member of the access object, valid values (READER, WRITER, OWNER)
 Domain string Domain to grant access to
 GroupEmail string Email address of a Google Group to grant access to
 SpecialGroup string A special group to grant access, valid values (projectOwners, projectReaders, projectWriters, allAuthenticatedUsers)
 UserEmail string Email address of a user to grant access to
 BigqueryTable sequence A view from a different dataset to grant access to
  id string ID of the bigquery table
Tables list Tables belonging to the bigquery dataset
 id string ID of the Table
 creationTime number creationTime of Table
 expirationTime number expirationTime of Table
 lastModifiedTime number lastModifiedTime of Table
 encryption sequence encryptionConfiguration of table
  kmsKeyName string cryptokey of the Table
  enabled boolean Whether CMEK enabled for the table
Views list Views belonging to the bigquery dataset
 id string ID of the View
 creationTime number creationTime of view
 expirationTime number expirationTime of view
 lastModifiedTime number lastModifiedTime of view
 encryption sequence encryptionConfiguration of view
  kmsKeyName string cryptokey of the view
  enabled boolean Whether CMEK enabled for the view
Externals list Externals belonging to the bigquery dataset
 id string ID of the external
 creationTime number creationTime of external
 expirationTime number expirationTime of external
 lastModifiedTime number lastModifiedTime of external
 encryption sequence encryptionConfiguration of external
  kmsKeyName string cryptokey of the external
  enabled boolean Whether CMEK enabled for the external
MaterializedViews list Materialized Views belonging to the bigquery dataset
 id string ID of the materialized View
 creationTime number creationTime of materialized view
 expirationTime number expirationTime of materialized view
 lastModifiedTime number lastModifiedTime of materialized view
 encryption sequence encryptionConfiguration of materialized view
  kmsKeyName string cryptokey of the materialized view
  enabled boolean Whether CMEK enabled for the materialized view
DefaultPartitionExpirationMs number The default partition expiration for all partitioned tables in the dataset, in milliseconds
DefaultTableExpirationMs number The default lifetime of all tables in the dataset, in milliseconds
Encryption sequence CMEK settings
 Enabled boolean Is bigquery dataset encrypted by CMEK
 CMEK string CMEK used to encrypt the bigquery dataset
Description string User-friendly description of the dataset
FriendlyName string Descriptive name for the dataset
LastModifiedTime number Last modified date/time in epoch time
Attribute Type Description
id string Logging Sink ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/sinks/{sink-id}'
Name string Sink name
RegionName string Region Name
RegionId string Region ID
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
Project Reference to Project Project (if role belongs to project)
Tags list Labels
 Name string Key Name
 Value string Key Value
Destination sequence Export destination
 Bucket Reference to Bucket Destination Google Cloud Storage Bucket
 BigqueryDataset Reference to BigqueryDataset Bigquery Dataset
 PubSubTopic sequence Pub/Sub Topic
  id string ID
 URL string URL
Filter string Log filter
WriterIdentity sequence Writers IAM identity can be a service account or group
 ServiceAccount string Service Account IAM
 Group string Group IAM
IncludeChildren string Include logs from all sources from sink's parent resource
Attribute Type Description
id string DB Instance ID, format - 'projects/{project-id}/sqlInstances/{instance-name}'
Name string Db Instance Name
RegionId string Region Id
RegionName string Region Name
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Instance Created Date
AvailabilityZone string Availabile Zone for instance (Compute Engine Zone)
Status string Project Status, valid values ('active', 'inactive')
ComputeClass string The tier (or machine type) for this instance
Tags list User provided labels
 Name string Key Name
 Value string Key Value
VPC Reference to VPC VPC name
DatabaseType string Database type, valid values (POSTGRES, SQLSERVER, MYSQL)
BackendType string Backend type, valid values (FIRST_GEN, SECOND_GEN, EXTERNAL)
ConnectionName string Connection name of the Cloud SQL instance
CurrentDiskSize number Current disk usage of the instance in bytes
DatabaseVersion string Database engine type and versio
FailoverReplica sequence Name and status of the failover replica
 Available boolean Availability status
 Name string Name of the failover replica
InstanceType string Instance type, valid values (CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE, ON_PREMISES_INSTANCE, READ_REPLICA_INSTANCE)
IpAddresses list Assigned IP addresses for the instance
 IpAddress ip IP address assigned
 TimeToRetire number Due time for this IP to be retired, UNIX epoch time
 Type string Type of this IP address
Ipv6Address ip IPv6 address assigned to the instance
MasterInstanceName string Name of the instance which will act as master in the replication
MaxDiskSize number Maximum disk size of the instance in bytes
OnPremisesConfiguration sequence Configuration specific to on-premises instances
 Host string Host of the on-premises instance
 Port number Port of the on-premises instance
Project Reference to Project Project (if role belongs to project)
ReplicaConfiguration sequence Configuration specific to failover replicas and read replicas
 FailoverTarget boolean Specifies if the replica is the failover target
 MysqlReplicaConfiguration sequence MySQL specific configuration
  CaCertificate string PEM representation of the trusted CA's x509 certificate
  ClientCertificate string PEM representation of the slave's x509 certificate
  ClientKey string PEM representation of the slave's private key
  ConnectRetryInterval number Seconds to wait between connect retries
  DumpFilePath string Path to a SQL dump file in Google Cloud Storage from which the slave instance is to be created
  MasterHeartbeatPeriod number Interval in milliseconds between replication heartbeats
  Password string Password for the replication connection
  SslCipher string A list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption
  Username string Username for the replication connection.
  VerifyServerCertificate boolean Whether or not to check the master's Common Name value in the certificate that it sends during the SSL handshake
ReplicaNames list Replicas of the instance
 Value string value
ServerCaCert sequence SSL configuration
 Cert string certPEM representation.
 CertSerialNumber string certSerialNumberSerial number, as extracted from the certificate.
 CommonName string commonNameUser supplied name.
 CreateTime number Time when the certificate was created, UNIX epoch time
 ExpirationTime number Time when the certificate expires, UNIX epoch time
 Instance string Name of the database instance.
 Sha1Fingerprint string SHA1 Fingerprint.
ServiceAccountEmailAddress string Service Account Email Address
ServiceAccount Reference to ServiceAccount Service Account
Settings sequence User settings
 ActivationPolicy string Activation policy specifies when the instance is activated, valid values (ALWAYS, NEVER, ON_DEMAND)
 AuthorizedGaeApplications list App Engine app IDs that can access this instance. First Generation instances only
  Value string value
 AvailabilityType string Availability type for PostgreSQL instances only, valid values (ZONAL, REGIONAL)
 BackupConfiguration sequence Daily backup configuration for the instance
  BinaryLogEnabled boolean Whether binary log is enabled
  Enabled boolean Whether this configuration is enabled
  ReplicationLogArchivingEnabled boolean Replication Log Archiving Enabled
  StartTime string Start time for the daily backup configuration in HH:MM
 CrashSafeReplicationEnabled boolean Whether database flags for crash-safe replication are enabled, for read replica instances only
 DataDiskSizeGb number Size of data disk, in GB
 DataDiskType string Type of data disk, valid values (PD_SSD, PD_HDD)
 DatabaseFlags list database flags passed to the instance at startup
  Name string name
  Value string value
 DatabaseReplicationEnabled boolean Whether replication is enabled, for read replica instances only
 IpConfiguration sequence Settings for IP Management
  AuthorizedNetworks list list of external networks that are allowed to connect to the instance using the IP
   ExpirationTime number Date/time when this access control entry expires, UNIX epoch time
   Name string Label to identify this entry
   CIDR ip Whitelisted value for the access control list
  Ipv4Enabled boolean Whether the instance should be assigned an IP address or not
  PrivateNetwork string Resource link for the VPC network from which the Cloud SQL instance is accessible for private IP
  RequireSsl boolean Whether SSL connections over IP should be enforced or not
 LocationPreference sequence Location preference settings
  FollowGaeApplication string App Engine application to follow
  Zone string Preferred Compute Engine zone
 MaintenanceWindow sequence Maintenance window for this instance
  Day number day of week (1-7), starting on Monday
  Hour number hour of day - 0 to 23
  UpdateTrack string Maintenance timing setting, canary (Earlier) or stable (Later)
 PricingPlan string The pricing plan for this instance. This can be either PER_USE or PACKAGE
 ReplicationType string Type of replication this instance uses,valid values (ASYNCHRONOUS, SYNCHRONOUS)
 SettingsVersion number The version of instance settings
 StorageAutoResize boolean Configuration to increase storage size automatically
 StorageAutoResizeLimit number The maximum size to which storage capacity can be automatically increased
 Tier string The tier (or machine type) for this instance
State string Current serving state of the Cloud SQL instance, valid values (RUNNABLE, PENDING_CREATE, MAINTENANCE, FALIED, UNKNOWN_STATE)
SuspensionReason list If the instance state is SUSPENDED, the reason for the suspension
 Value string value, Potential values, (BILLING_ISSUE, INTERNAL_MAINTENANCE, and OPERATIONAL_ISSUE)
Users list Database user in a Cloud SQL instance
 Name string The name of the user in the Cloud SQL instance
 Host string Host name from which the user can connect
 Password string Password for the user
Attribute Type Description
id string VPC ID, format - 'projects/{project}/global/networks/{network-id}'
Name string VPC Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list User Labels
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
IPv4Range ip Range of internal addresses that are legal on this network
AutoCreateSubnetworks boolean VPC network is created in "auto" mode if true else in "custom" mode.
Description string Description of this resource
GatewayIPv4 ip Gateway address for default routing out of the network
Peerings list List of network peerings for the resource
 AutoCreateRoutes boolean Whether full mesh connectivity is created and managed automatically
 Name string Name of this peering
 VPC Reference to VPC Peer network
 State string State for the peerin
 StateDetails string Details about the current state of the peering
RoutingMode string Network-wide routing mode to use
Subnetworks Reference to Subnet All subnetworks in this VPC network
Mode string Compute Network/Subnet Mode, valid values (AUTO, CUSTOM, LEGACY)
DNSPolicy sequence Network DNS Policy
 id string ID of DNS Policy
 name string Name of DNS Policy
 description string Description of DNS Policy
 enableLogging boolean Whether DNS Policy has logging enabled
Attribute Type Description
id string Kubernetes Cluster ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/locations/{locaiton-id}/clusters/{cluster-id}'
Name string Kubernetes Cluster Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Resource labels for the cluster to use to annotate any related Google Compute Engine resources
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
AddonsConfig sequence Configurations for the various addons available to run in the cluster
 HttpLoadBalancing sequence Configuration for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon
  Disabled boolean Disabled
 HorizontalPodAutoscaling sequence Configuration for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature
  Disabled boolean Disabled
 KubernetesDashboard sequence Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard
  Disabled boolean Disabled
 NetworkPolicyConfig sequence Configuration for NetworkPolicy
  Disabled boolean Disabled
 IstioConfig sequence Configuration for NetworkPolicy
  Disabled boolean Disabled
  Auth string The specified Istio auth mode, either none, or mutual TLS
 CloudRunConfig sequence Configuration options for the Cloud Run feature
  Disabled boolean Disabled
  LoadBalancerType string Which load balancer type is installed for Cloud Run
 DnsCacheConfig sequence Configuration for NodeLocal DNSCache
  Enabled boolean Whether NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled for this cluster
 ConfigConnectorConfig sequence Configuration for Config Connector add-on
  Enabled boolean Whether Cloud Connector is enabled for this cluster
 GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig sequence Configuration for the Compute Engine PD CSI driver. This option can only be enabled at cluster creation time
  Enabled boolean Whether the Compute Engine PD CSI driver is enabled for this cluster
 KalmConfig sequence Configuration for KALM addon
  Enabled boolean Whether KALM is enabled for this cluster
Autoscaling sequence Cluster-level autoscaling configuration
 EnableNodeAutoprovisioning boolean Enables automatic node pool creation and deletion
 ResourceLimits list Contains global constraints regarding minimum and maximum amount of resources in the cluster
  Maximum number Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster
  Minimum number Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster
  ResourceType string Resource name "cpu", "memory" or gpu-specific string.
 AutoscalingProfile string Defines autoscaling behaviour
 AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults sequence AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP
  OauthScopes list Set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs
   Value string value
  ServiceAccount string Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs
  UpgradeSettings sequence Upgrade settings control disruption and speed of the upgrade
   MaxSurge number The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process
   MaxUnavailable number The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process. A node is considered available if its status is Ready
  Management sequence NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool
   AutoUpgrade boolean Is node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool
   AutoRepair boolean Is node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool
   UpgradeOptions sequence Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool
    AutoUpgradeStartTime number This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades
    Description string Field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade
  MinCpuPlatform string Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance
  DiskSizeGb number Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB
  DiskType string Type of the disk attached to each node
  ImageType string Image type to use for this node
  ShieldedInstanceConfig sequence A set of Shielded Instance options
   EnableIntegrityMonitoring boolean Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot integrity of the instance. The attestation is performed against the integrity policy baseline. This baseline is initially derived from the implicitly trusted boot image when the instance is created
   EnableSecureBoot boolean Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification fails
  BootDiskKmsKey string The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be of the form projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]
 AutoprovisioningLocations list The list of Google Compute Engine zones in which the NodePool's nodes can be created by NAP
BinaryAuthorization sequence Configuration for Binary Authorization
 Enabled boolean Enabled
ClusterIpv4Cidr ip IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR
CurrentMasterVersion string Current software version of the master endpoint
Conditions list Describes which conditions caused the cluster or a node pool to have current status
 Message string Human-friendly representation of the condition
CurrentNodeCount number Number of nodes currently in the cluster
DefaultMaxPodsConstraint sequence The default constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool of this cluster
 MaxPodsPerNode number Constraint enforced on the max num of pods per node.
Description string Description of this cluster
EnableKubernetesAlpha boolean Kubernetes alpha features are enabled on this cluster
EnableTpu boolean Enable the ability to use Cloud TPUs in this cluster. This field is deprecated, use tpu_config.enabled instead.
Endpoint ip IP address of this cluster's master endpoint
ExpireTime number Date/Time the cluster will be automatically deleted in UNIX Epoch time
InitialClusterVersion string Initial Kubernetes version for this cluster
InitialNodeCount number Number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must ensure that your Compute Engine resource quota is sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have available firewall and routes quota. For requests, this field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, since this configuration (along with the "node_config") will be used to create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a node_pool at the same time. This field is deprecated, use node_pool.initial_node_count instead.
IpAllocationPolicy sequence Configuration for cluster IP allocation
 AllowRouteOverlap boolean Allow allocation of cluster CIDR ranges that overlap with certain kinds of network routes
 ClusterIpv4CidrBlock ip IP address range for the cluster pod IPs
 ClusterSecondaryRangeName string Name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster CIDR block
 CreateSubnetwork boolean Whether a new subnetwork will be created automatically for the cluster
 NodeIpv4CidrBlock ip IP address range of the instance IPs in this cluster
 ServicesIpv4CidrBlock ip IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster
 ServicesSecondaryRangeName string Name of the secondary range to be used as for the services CIDR block
 SubnetworkName string Custom subnetwork name to be used if createSubnetwork is true
 TpuIpv4CidrBlock ip IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this cluster
 UseIpAliases boolean Whether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster
 UseRoutes boolean Whether routes will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. This is used in conjunction with use_ip_aliases. It cannot be true if use_ip_aliases is true. If both use_ip_aliases and use_routes are false, then the server picks the default IP allocation mode
LabelFingerprint string Fingerprint of the set of labels for this cluster
LegacyAbac sequence Configuration for the legacy Attribute Based Access Control authorization mode
 Enabled boolean Enabled
Locations list List of Google Compute Engine locations in which the cluster's nodes should be located
 Value string value
LoggingService string Logging service the cluster should use to write logs
MaintenancePolicy sequence Configure the maintenance policy for this cluster
 ResourceVersion string A hash identifying the version of this policy, so that updates to fields of the policy won't accidentally undo intermediate changes (and so that users of the API unaware of some fields won't accidentally remove other fields). Make a get() request to the cluster to get the current resource version and include it with requests to set the policy
 Window sequence Specifies the maintenance window in which maintenance may be performed
  DailyMaintenanceWindow sequence DailyMaintenanceWindow specifies a daily maintenance operation window
   StartTime string Time within the maintenance window to start the maintenance operations (HH:MM)
   Duration string Duration of the time window, automatically chosen to be smallest possible in the given scenario, format (PTnHnMnS)
  RecurringWindow sequence RecurringWindow specifies some number of recurring time periods for maintenance to occur. The time windows may be overlapping. If no maintenance windows are set, maintenance can occur at any time
   Recurrence string An RRULE ( for how this window reccurs. They go on for the span of time between the start and end time
   Window sequence Represents an arbitrary window of time
    StartTime number The time that the window first starts
    EndTime number The time that the window ends. The end time should take place after the start time
MasterAuth sequence Authentication information for accessing the master endpoint
 ClientCertificate string Base64-encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint
 ClientKey string Base64-encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint
 ClusterCaCertificate string Base64-encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster
 ClientCertificateConfig sequence Configuration for client certificate authentication on the cluster
  IssueClientCertificate boolean Issue a client certificate
 Password string Password to use for HTTP basic authentication
 Username string Username to use for HTTP basic authentication
MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig sequence Configuration options for master authorized networks feature
 CidrBlocks list External networks that could access Kubernetes master through HTTPS
  CidrBlock ip External network CIDR
  DisplayName string Field for users to identify CIDR blocks
 Enabled boolean Whether or not master authorized networks is enabled
MonitoringService string Monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics
Network Reference to VPC Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected
NetworkConfig sequence Configuration for cluster networking
 Network Reference to VPC The relative name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected
 Subnetwork Reference to Subnet Relative name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected
 EnableIntraNodeVisibility boolean Whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for this cluster. This makes same node pod to pod traffic visible for VPC network
 DefaultSnatStatus sequence Whether the cluster disables default in-node sNAT rules. In-node sNAT rules will be disabled when default_snat_status is disabled. When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic
  Disabled boolean DefaultSnatStatus contains the desired state of whether default sNAT should be disabled on the cluster
 DatapathProvider string The datapath provider selects the implementation of the Kubernetes networking model for service resolution and network policy enforcement
NetworkPolicy sequence Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy feature
 Enabled boolean Enabled
 Provider string Network Policy providers, valid values (PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED, CALICO)
NodeConfig sequence Parameters used in creating the cluster's nodes. For requests, this field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, since this configuration (along with the "initial_node_count") will be used to create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a node_pool at the same time. For responses, this field will be populated with the node configuration of the first node pool. (For configuration of each node pool, see node_pool.config). If unspecified, the defaults are used. This field is deprecated, use node_pool.config instead.
 Accelerators list List of hardware accelerators to be attached to each node
  AcceleratorCount number Number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance
  AcceleratorType string Accelerator type resource name
 DiskSizeGb number Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB
 DiskType string Type of the disk attached to each node
 ImageType string Image type to use for this node
 LocalSsdCount number Number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node
 MachineType string Google Compute Engine machine type, default 'n1-standard-1'
 MinCpuPlatform string Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance
 Preemptible boolean Are created as preemptible VM instances
 OauthScopes list Set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs
  Value string value
 ServiceAccount string Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs
 Metadata list Metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster
  Name string Metadata Name
  Value string Metadata Value
 Labels list Map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node
  Name string Tag Name
  Value string Tag Value
 Tags list List of instance tags applied to all nodes
  Value string value
 Taints list List of kubernetes taints to be applied to each node
  Key string Key for taint
  Value string Value for taint
 SandboxConfig sequence SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use for the node
  SandboxType string Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
  Type string Type
 NodeGroup string Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
 BootDiskKmsKey string The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be of the form projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]
 ShieldedInstanceConfig sequence A set of Shielded Instance options
  EnableIntegrityMonitoring boolean Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot integrity of the instance. The attestation is performed against the integrity policy baseline. This baseline is initially derived from the implicitly trusted boot image when the instance is created
  EnableSecureBoot boolean Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification fails
 ReservationAffinity sequence The optional reservation affinity. Setting this field will apply the specified Zonal Compute Reservation to this node pool.
  ConsumeReservationType string Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption
  Key string Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify "" as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value
  Values list Corresponds to the label value(s) of reservation resource(s)
 LinuxNodeConfig sequence Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes
  Sysctls string The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes
 EphemeralStorageConfig sequence EphemeralStorageConfig contains configuration for the ephemeral storage filesystem.
  LocalSsdCount number Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size. If zero, it means to disable using local SSDs as ephemeral storage
 WorkloadMetadataConfig sequence Workload metadata configuration for this node
  NodeMetadata string Configuration for how to expose the node metadata to the workload running on the node, valid values (UNSPECIFIED, SECURE, EXPOSE)
NodeIpv4CidrSize number nodeIpv4CidrSize
NodePools list nodePools
 Autoscaling sequence autoscaling
  Autoprovisioned boolean autoprovisioned
  Enabled boolean Is autoscaling enabled for this node pool
  MaxNodeCount number Maximum number of nodes in the NodePool
  MinNodeCount number Minimum number of nodes in the NodePool
 Conditions list Describes which conditions caused the cluster or a node pool to have current status
  Message string Human-friendly representation of the condition
 Config sequence Parameters used in creating the cluster's nodes
  Accelerators list List of hardware accelerators to be attached to each node
   AcceleratorCount number Number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance
   AcceleratorType string Accelerator type resource name
  DiskSizeGb number Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB
  DiskType string Type of the disk attached to each node
  ImageType string Image type to use for this node
  LocalSsdCount number Number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node
  MachineType string Google Compute Engine machine type, default 'n1-standard-1'
  MinCpuPlatform string Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance
  Preemptible boolean Are created as preemptible VM instances
  OauthScopes list Set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs
   Value string value
  ServiceAccount string Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs
  Metadata list Metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster
   Name string Metadata Name
   Value string Metadata Value
  Labels list Map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node
   Name string Tag Name
   Value string Tag Value
  Tags list List of instance tags applied to all nodes
   Value string value
  Taints list List of kubernetes taints to be applied to each node
   Key string Key for taint
   Value string Value for taint
  SandboxConfig sequence SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use for the node
   SandboxType string Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
   Type string Type
  NodeGroup string Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
  BootDiskKmsKey string The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be of the form projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]
  ShieldedInstanceConfig sequence A set of Shielded Instance options
   EnableIntegrityMonitoring boolean Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot integrity of the instance. The attestation is performed against the integrity policy baseline. This baseline is initially derived from the implicitly trusted boot image when the instance is created
   EnableSecureBoot boolean Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification fails
  ReservationAffinity sequence The optional reservation affinity. Setting this field will apply the specified Zonal Compute Reservation to this node pool.
   ConsumeReservationType string Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption
   Key string Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify "" as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value
   Values list Corresponds to the label value(s) of reservation resource(s)
  LinuxNodeConfig sequence Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes
   Sysctls string The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes
  EphemeralStorageConfig sequence EphemeralStorageConfig contains configuration for the ephemeral storage filesystem.
   LocalSsdCount number Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size. If zero, it means to disable using local SSDs as ephemeral storage
  WorkloadMetadataConfig sequence Workload metadata configuration for this node
   NodeMetadata string Configuration for how to expose the node metadata to the workload running on the node, valid values (UNSPECIFIED, SECURE, EXPOSE)
 InitialNodeCount number Initial node count for the pool
 Management sequence NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool
  AutoUpgrade boolean Is node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool
  AutoRepair boolean Is node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool
  UpgradeOptions sequence Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool
   AutoUpgradeStartTime number This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades
   Description string Field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade
 MaxPodsConstraint sequence Constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool
  MaxPodsPerNode number Constraint enforced on the max num of pods per node
 Name string Name of the node pool
 Status string Status of the nodes in this pool instance, valid values (STATUS_UNSPECIFIED, PROVISIONING, RUNNING, RUNNING_WITH_ERROR, RECONCILING, STOPPING, ERROR)
 StatusMessage string Additional information about the current status of this node pool instance
 Version string Version of the Kubernetes of this node
 Locations list The list of Google Compute Engine zones in which the NodePool's nodes should be located. If this value is unspecified during node pool creation, the Cluster.Locations value will be used, instead. Warning - changing node pool locations will result in nodes being added and/or removed
  Value string value
 SelfLink string Server-defined URL for the resource
 PodIpv4CidrSize number The pod CIDR block size per node in this node pool
 UpgradeSettings sequence Upgrade settings control disruption and speed of the upgrade
  MaxSurge number The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process
  MaxUnavailable number The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process. A node is considered available if its status is Ready
 InstanceGroups list Managed instance groups associated with this node pool
  id string value
PodSecurityPolicyConfig sequence Configuration for the PodSecurityPolicy feature
 Enabled boolean Enabled
PrivateClusterConfig sequence Configuration for private cluster
 EnablePrivateEndpoint boolean Whether the master's internal IP address is used as the cluster endpoint
 EnablePrivateNodes boolean Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only
 MasterIpv4CidrBlock ip IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network
 PrivateEndpoint string Internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint
 PublicEndpoint string External IP address of this cluster's master endpoint
 PeeringName string The peering name in the customer VPC used by this cluster
 MasterGlobalAccessConfig sequence Controls master global access settings
  Enabled boolean Whenever master is accessible globally or not
ServicesIpv4Cidr ip IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster
Status string Current status of this cluster. ('STATUS_UNSPECIFIED', 'PROVISIONING', 'RUNNING', 'RECONCILING', 'STOPPING', 'ERROR', 'DEGRADED')
StatusMessage string Additional information about the current status of this cluster. This field is deprecated. Use Conditions instead.
Subnetwork Reference to Subnet Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected
TpuIpv4CidrBlock ip IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this cluster
VerticalPodAutoscaling sequence Cluster-level Vertical Pod Autoscaling configuration
 Enabled boolean Enabled
Zone string Location/Zone
DatabaseEncryption sequence Configuration of etcd encryption
 State string State of etcd encryption
 KeyName string Name of CloudKMS key to use for the encryption of secrets in etcd. Ex. projects/my- project/locations/global/keyRings/my- ring/cryptoKeys/my-key
ReleaseChannel sequence ReleaseChannel indicates which release channel a cluster is subscribed to. Release channels are arranged in order of risk. When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, Google maintains both the master version and the node version. Node auto-upgrade defaults to true and cannot be disabled.
 Channel string channel specifies which release channel the cluster is subscribed to
ShieldedNodes sequence Configuration of Shielded Nodes feature
 Enabled boolean Whether Shielded Nodes features are enabled on all nodes in this cluster
ShieldedInstanceConfig sequence A set of Shielded Instance options
 EnableIntegrityMonitoring boolean Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot integrity of the instance. The attestation is performed against the integrity policy baseline. This baseline is initially derived from the implicitly trusted boot image when the instance is created
 EnableSecureBoot boolean Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification fails
SandboxConfig sequence SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use for the node
 SandboxType string Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
ResourceLabels list The resource labels for the cluster to use to annotate any related Google Compute Engine resources
ResourceUsageExportConfig sequence Configuration for exporting cluster resource usages
 BigqueryDestination sequence Configuration to use BigQuery as usage export destination
  DatasetId string The ID of a BigQuery Dataset
 EnableNetworkEgressMetering boolean Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic
 ConsumptionMeteringConfig sequence Configuration to enable resource consumption metering
  Enabled boolean Whether to enable consumption metering for this cluster. If enabled, a second BigQuery table will be created to hold resource consumption records
AuthenticatorGroupsConfig sequence Configuration for returning group information from authenticators
 Enabled boolean Whether this cluster should return group membership lookups during authentication using a group of security groups
 SecurityGroup string The name of the security group-of-groups to be used. Only relevant if enabled = true
WorkloadIdentityConfig sequence Configuration for the use of Kubernetes Service Accounts in GCP IAM policies
 IdentityNamespace string IAM Identity Namespace to attach all Kubernetes Service Accounts to
 WorkloadPool string The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to
 IdentityProvider string identity provider is the third party identity provider
ClusterTelemetry sequence Telemetry integration for the cluster
 Type string Type of the integration
TpuConfig sequence Configuration for Cloud TPU
 Enabled boolean Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
 UseServiceNetworking boolean Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
 Ipv4CidrBlock string IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC
NotificationConfig sequence NotificationConfig is the configuration of notifications
 Pubsub sequence Notification config for Pub/Sub
  Enabled boolean Enable notifications for Pub/Sub
  Topic string The desired Pub/Sub topic to which notifications will be sent by GKE. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}
ConfidentialNodes sequence ConfidentialNodes is configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs
 Enabled boolean Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster
SelfLink string Server-defined URL for the resource
Attribute Type Description
id string Firewall ID, format 'projects/{project_id}/global/firewalls/{firewall_id}'
Name string Firewall Name
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
Allowed list Allowed Traffic Rules
 Protocol string Allowed Protocol
 Ports list Allowed Ports
  ToPort number To port
  FromPort number from port
Denied list Denied Traffic Rules
 Protocol string Denied Protocol
 Ports list Denied Ports
  ToPort number To port
  FromPort number from port
Description string description of firewall rule
Direction string Direction of firewall rule - valid values (EGRESS, INGRESS)
Disabled boolean Is firewall rule disabled
EnableLogging boolean enable Logging
UniqueId string id
VPC Reference to VPC Network resource for this firewallrule
Priority number priority of firewall rule
SourceRanges list sourceRanges
 Value ip ip
DestinationRanges list Firewall Destination Ranges
 Value ip ip
TargetTags list targetTags
 Value string value
SourceTags list Firewall Source Tags
 Value string value
SourceServiceAccounts list Firewall Source Service Accounts
 Value string value
TargetServiceAccounts list Firewall Target Service Accounts
 Value string value
Attribute Type Description
id string Subnet ID, format - 'projects/{project-id}/regions/{region-id}/subnetworks/{subnet-id}'
Name string Subnet Name
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
Description string Subnetwork description
LogEnabled boolean Whether to enable flow logging for this subnetwork
Fingerprint string Fingerprint of this resource
Gateway string Gateway address for default routes to reach destination addresses outside this subnetwork
CIDR ip Range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork
VPC Reference to VPC Network to which this subnetwork belongs
PrivateIPGoogleAccess boolean Whether the VMs in this subnet can access Google services without assigned external IP addresses
SecondaryIpRanges list Configurations for secondary IP ranges for VM instances contained in this subnetwork
 CIDR ip Range of IP addresses belonging to this subnetwork secondary range
 RangeName string Name associated with this subnetwork secondary range
Attribute Type Description
id string Role ID, format 'roles/{role-name}' or 'projects/{project-id}/roles/{role-name}'
Name string Role Name
AccountName string Project Name (Not present if role does not belong to a project)
AccountId string Project ID (Not present if role does not belong to a project)
Stage string Current stage of launch of role
Permissions list Permissions this role grants
Project Reference to Project Project (if role belongs to project)
Deleted boolean Current deleted state of the role
InbuiltRole boolean Is role GCP in-built role or custom to project
Title string Role title
Attribute Type Description
id string Forwarding Rule ID, format - 'projects/{project-id}/regions/{region-id}/forwardingRules/{forwardingRules-id}'
Name string name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
IP ip IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of
Address sequence GCP Compute Address resource
 id string Address ID
Protocol string IP protocol to which this rule applies, valid values (TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP, ICMP)
PortRanges list Forwarding rule port range
 FromPort number Start port range
 ToPort number End port range
BackendService string For INTERNAL load balancing, this field identifies the BackendService resource to receive the matched traffic
Description string Description of this resource
IpVersion string IP Version that will be used by this forwarding rule. valid values (IPV4, IPV6)
Type string Load Balancing Scheme, signifies what the ForwardingRule will be used for, valid values (INTERNAL, INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED, EXTERNAL)
Network string For INTERNAL and INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED load balancing, this field identifies the network that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule
NetworkTier string This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this load balance, valid values (PREMIUM , STANDARD)
Subnet Reference to Subnet For internal load balancing, this field identifies the subnetwork that the load balanced IP should belong to for this Forwarding Rule
Target string Target resource to receive the matched traffic
Attribute Type Description
id string Service Account ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/serviceAccounts/{service-account-email}'
Name string Email
AccountName string Project Name
AccountId string Project ID
Project Reference to Project Project
Email string Email address of the service account
Oauth2ClientId string OAuth2 client id for the service account
UniqueId string Unique and stable id of the service account
Keys list Service Account Key pairs
 id string Key name
 Validity sequence Validity duration of the key
  AfterTime number Key valid after time
  BeforeTime number Key valid before time
 Algorithm string Key Algorithm, valid values (KEY_ALG_UNSPECIFIED, KEY_ALG_RSA_1024, KEY_ALG_RSA_2048)
Attribute Type Description
id string KMS Key ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/locations/{locaiton-id}/keyRings/{keyring-id}/cryptoKeys/{key-id}'
Name string Key name
RegionName string Region Name
RegionId string Region ID
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
Project Reference to Project Project
Tags list Labels
 Name string Key Name
 Value string Key Value
CreationDate number Project Created Date in UNIX Epoch time in seconds
RotationPeriod number Rotation period
NextRotationTime number Date/Time for next Rotation in Epock
Bindings list IAM Policy bindings of Cloud KMS
 Role string Role attached to Cloud KMS
 Members list Member of IAM Policy for Cloud KMS
Attribute Type Description
id string IAM Policy ID, format 'project[s]/{project-id}/roles/{role-name}'
Name string IAM Policy Name
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
RegionName string IAMPolicy Region
RegionId string IAMPolicy Region
Access string IAMPolicy access
Role Reference to Role IAM Role
Project Reference to Project Project
Members sequence IAM Member
 UserEmails list User Account Email
  Email string email
 GroupEmails list Group Account Email
  Email string email
 ServiceEmails list Service Account Email
  Email string email
 Domains list Domain
 AllUsers boolean All Users
 AllAuthenticatedUsers boolean All Authenticated Users
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag name
 Value string Tag Value
Attribute Type Description
id string IAM Policy ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/IAMPolicyUsers/{user-email}'
Name string User Email
AccountName string Project Name
AccountId string Peoject ID
RegionName string IAMPolicy Region
RegionId string IAMPolicy Region
Roles Reference to Role IAM Role
Project Reference to Project Project
Tags list Tags or Label
 Name string Tag name
 Value string Tag Value
Attribute Type Description
id string DNS Managed Zone ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/dnsManagedZones/{managed-zones-id}'
Name string User assigned name for this DNS Managed Zone
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list User Label
 Name string Label Key
 Value string Label Value
Project Reference to Project Project
Description string Resource description
DnsName string DNS name of this managed zone
NameServerSet string Specifies the NameServerSet for this ManagedZone
NameServers list Delegate the managed zone to these virtual name servers
 Value string value
DnssecConfig sequence DNS Security Extensions Configuration
 DefaultKeySpecs list Specifies parameters that will be used for generating initial DnsKeys for this ManagedZone
  Algorithm string DNSSEC algorithm of the key, valid values (ecdsap256sha256, ecdsap384sha384, rsasha1, rsasha256, rsasha512)
  KeyLength number Length of the keys in bits
  KeyType string Key type, valid values (keySigning, zoneSigning)
 NonExistence string Specifies the mechanism used to provide authenticated denial-of-existence responses, valid values (nsec, nsec3)
 State string Specifies whether DNSSEC is state, valid values (on. off. transfer)
 Status string Status of DNSSEC, valid values (active, inactive)
Attribute Type Description
id string Log Metric ID, format - 'projects/{project-id}/logMetrics/{metric-type-id}'
Name string Log Metric Name
AccountId string Account ID
AccountName string Account Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Project Reference to Project Project
Tags list Label Extractors
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
BucketOptions sequence Describes the bucket boundaries used to create a histogram of the extracted values
 ExplicitBuckets sequence ExplicitBucket
  Bounds list Bounds, values must be monotonically increasing
   Value number value
 ExponentialBuckets sequence Exponential Bucket
  GrowthFactor number Growth Factor, must be greater than 1
  NumFiniteBuckets number Finite Buckets, must be greater than 0
  Scale number Scale, Must be greater than 0
 LinearBuckets sequence Linear Bucket
  NumFiniteBuckets number Finite Buckets, must be greater than 0
  Offset number Lower bound of the first bucket
  Width number Width, must be greater than 0.
Description string None
Filter string An advanced logs filter which is used to match log entries
MetricDescriptor sequence Metric descriptor associated with the logs-based metric
 Description string None
 DisplayName string Concise name for the metric
 Labels list A description of a label
  Description string Detailed description of the metric
  Key string Label key
  ValueType string Value type for label, valid values (STRING, BOOL, INT64)
 Metadata sequence Metadata which can be used to guide usage of the metric
  IngestDelay number Delay of data points caused by ingestion in seconds
  LaunchStage string Launch stage of the metric definition, valid values (LAUNCH_STAGE_UNSPECIFIED, EARLY_ACCESS, ALPHA, BETA, GA, DEPRECATED)
  SamplePeriod number Sampling period of metric data point in seconds
 MetricKind string The kind of measurement, valid values (METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED, GAUGE, DELTA, CUMULATIVE)
 Name string Metric descriptor name
 Type string Metric type, including its DNS name prefix
 Unit string Unit in which the metric value is reported
 ValueType string Value type of a metric, valid values (VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, BOOL, INT64, DOUBLE, STRING, DISTRIBUTION, MONEY)
ValueExtractor string ValueExtractor is used when using a distribution logs-based metric to extract the values to record from a log entry
AlertPolicies Reference to AlertPolicy AlertPolicies using this log metric
Attribute Type Description
id string Alert Policy ID , format 'projects/{project-id}/alertPolicies/{alert-policy-id}'
Name string Alert Policy Name
AccountId string GCP Project ID
AccountName string GCP Project Name
CreationDate number Alert policy creation date in UNIX epoch time
RegionId string GCP Location ID
RegionName string GCP Location Name
Tags list User Labels
 Name string Label Name
 Value string Label Value
Combiner string Logical conjunction, valid values (COMBINE_UNSPECIFIED, AND, OR, AND_WITH_MATCHING_RESOURCE)
Conditions list List of conditions for the policy, contains either ConditionAbsent or ConditionThreshold
 ConditionAbsent sequence Condition that checks that a time series continues to receive new data points
  Aggregations list Specifies the alignment of data points in individual time series as well as how to combine the retrieved time series together
   AlignmentPeriod number Alignment period for per-time series alignment in seconds
   CrossSeriesReducer string Approach to be used to combine time series
   GroupByFields list Set of fields to preserve when CrossSeriesReducer is specified
    Value string value
   PerSeriesAligner string Approach to be used to align individual time series
  Duration number Amount of time that a time series must fail to report new data to be considered failing in seconds
  LogMetric Reference to LogMetric Log Metric in filter, if used
  Filter string Filter that identifies which time series should be compared with the threshold
  Trigger sequence Number/percent of time series for which the comparison must hold in order for the condition to trigger
   Count number Absolute number of time series that must fail the predicate for the condition to be triggered
   Percent number Percentage of time series that must fail the predicate for the condition to be triggered
 ConditionThreshold sequence Condition that compares a time series against a threshold
  Aggregations list Specifies the alignment of data points in individual time series as well as how to combine the retrieved time series together
   AlignmentPeriod number Alignment period for per-time series alignment in seconds
   CrossSeriesReducer string Approach to be used to combine time series
   GroupByFields list Set of fields to preserve when CrossSeriesReducer is specified
    Value string value
   PerSeriesAligner string Approach to be used to align individual time series
  Comparison string Comparison to apply between the time series and the threshold, valid values (COMPARISON_UNSPECIFIED, COMPARISON_GT, COMPARISON_GE, COMPARISON_LT, COMPARISON_LE, COMPARISON_EQ, COMPARISON_NE)
  DenominatorAggregations list Specifies the alignment of data points in individual time series selected by denominatorFilter
   AlignmentPeriod number Alignment period for per-time series alignment in seconds
   CrossSeriesReducer string Approach to be used to combine time series
   GroupByFields list Set of fields to preserve when CrossSeriesReducer is specified
    Value string value
   PerSeriesAligner string Approach to be used to align individual time series
  DenominatorFilter string Filter that identifies a time series that should be used as the denominator of a ratio that will be compared with the threshold
  Duration number Amount of time that a time series must violate the threshold to be considered failing
  LogMetric Reference to LogMetric Log Metric in filter, if used
  DenominatorLogMetric Reference to LogMetric Log Metric in denominator filter, if used
  Filter string None
  ThresholdValue number Value against which to compare the time series
  Trigger sequence Number/percent of time series for which the comparison must hold in order for the condition to trigger
   Count number Absolute number of time series that must fail the predicate for the condition to be triggered
   Percent number Percentage of time series that must fail the predicate for the condition to be triggered
 DisplayName string Short name or phrase used to identify the condition in dashboards
 Name string Unique resource name for this condition
CreationRecord sequence Creation of the alerting policy record
 MutateTime number Creation date/time of the alerting policy in UNIX epoch time
 MutatedBy string Email address of the user making the change
DisplayName string A short name or phrase used to identify the policy in dashboards
Documentation sequence Documentation that is included with notifications and incidents related to this policy
 Content string Text of the documentation
 MimeType string Format of the content field
Enabled boolean Whether or not the policy is enabled
MutationRecord sequence Most recent change to the alerting policy
 MutateTime number Edited date/time of the alerting policy in UNIX epoch time
 MutatedBy string Email address of the user making the change
NotificationChannels list Identifies the notification channels to which notifications should be sent
 Value string value
Attribute Type Description
id string Route Id, format - 'projects/{project}/routes/{route-id}'
Name string Route Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Instance tags to which this route applies
 Name string value
 Value string value
Description string Description of this resource
DestinationCIDR ip Destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to, CIDR IPV4
Network Reference to VPC GCP Compute Network that this route applies to
NextHopGateway string Gateway that should handle matching packets
NextHopInstance Reference to Instance Instance that should handle matching packets
NextHopIP ip IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets
NextHopNetwork Reference to VPC Local network if it should handle matching packets
NextHopPeering string Network peering name that should handle matching packets
NextHopVpnTunnel string VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets
Priority number Priority of this route
UniqueId string Unique identifier for the resource
Warnings list If potential misconfigurations are detected for this route, this field will be populated with warning messages
 Code string A warning code
 Data list Metadata about this warning
  Key string Key that provides more detail on the warning being returned
  Value string Warning data value corresponding to the key
 Message string Human-readable description of the warning code
Attribute Type Description
id string Service Id, format - 'projects/{project-id}/services/{service-name}'
Name string name
AccountName string Project Name
AccountId string Project ID
Project Reference to Project Project
Config sequence config
 Authentication sequence authentication
 Documentation sequence documentation
  Summary string summary
 Name string name
 Quota sequence quota
 Title string title
 Usage sequence usage
  Requirements list requirements
   Value string value
State string state
Attribute Type Description
id string Cloud Functions ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/locations/{locaton-id}/functions/{cluster-id}'
Name string Kubernetes Cluster Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Resource labels for the cluster to use to annotate any related Google Compute Engine resources
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
Status string Function status
EntryPoint string Function EntryPoint
Runtime string Function runtime
Timeout string Function timeout
AvailableMemoryMb number Function available Memory in Mb
ServiceAccountEmail string Function serviceAccountEmail
UpdateTime string Function updateTime
VersionId string Function versionId
Network string Function network
MaxInstances number Function maxInstances
VPCConnector string Function VPC Connector
SourceArchiveUrl string Function source Archive Url
SourceRepository sequence Function Source Repository
 URL string URL
 DeployedURL string Cloud function deployed Url
SourceUploadUrl string Function source Upload Url
HTTPSTrigger sequence Function HTTPS Trigger
 url string url
EventTrigger sequence Function eventTrigger
 EventType string Event Type
 Resource string Trigger Resource
 Service string Trigger Service
 FailurePolicy sequence failurePolicy
  retry sequence retry
Attribute Type Description
id string Dataproc Cluster ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/regions/{locaton-id}/cluster/{cluster-id}'
Name string Dataprocs Cluster Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
Tags list Labels for Dataproc Clusters
 Name string Tag Name
 Value string Tag Value
ClusterName string Cluster Name
Status sequence Cluster Status
 State string Cluster Status State
 Detail string Cluster Status Detail
 StateStartTime string Cluster State Start Time
 Substate string Cluster Status Substate
StatusHistory list Cluster Status History
 State string Cluster Status State
 Detail string Cluster Status Detail
 StateStartTime string Cluster State Start Time
 Substate string Cluster Status Substate
ClusterUuid string Cluster Cluster Uuid
Metrics sequence Cluster metrics
 HDFSMetrics list Cluster hdfs Metric
  Name string HDFS Metric Property Name
  Value string HDFS Metric Properties Value
 YARNMetrics string Cluster YARN Metric
Config sequence Cluster Config
 ConfigBucket string Cluster config Bucket
 EncryptionConfig sequence Cluster encryption Config
  GcePdKmsKeyName string Cluster gce Pd Kms Key Name
 GceClusterConfig sequence Cluster gce Cluster Config
  InternalIpOnly boolean Cluster internal Ip Only
  Metadata list Metadata key/value pairs assigned to cluster
   Name string Metadata Name
   Value string Metadata Value
  NetworkUri string Cluster network Uri
  ServiceAccount string Cluster service Account
  ServiceAccountScopes list Cluster service Account Scopes
   Value string value
  SubnetworkUri string Cluster subnetwork Uri
  Tags list Cluster tags
   Value string value
  ZoneUri string Cluster zone Uri
 InitializationActions list Cluster initialization Actions
  ExecutableFile string Cluster executable File
  ExecutionTimeout string Cluster execution Timeout
 MasterConfig sequence Cluster master Config
  Accelerators list Cluster accelerators
   AcceleratorCount number Cluster accelerator Count
   AcceleratorTypeUri string Cluster accelerator Type Uri
  DiskConfig sequence Cluster disk Config
   BootDiskSizeGb number Cluster boot Disk Size Gb
   BootDiskType string Cluster boot Disk Type
   NumLocalSsds number Cluster num Local Ssds
  ImageUri string Cluster image Uri
  InstanceNames list Cluster instance Names
   Value string value
  IsPreemptible boolean Cluster is Preemptible
  MachineTypeUri string Cluster machine Type Uri
  ManagedGroupConfig sequence Cluster managed Group Config
   InstanceGroupManagerName string Cluster instance Group Manager Name
   InstanceTemplateName string Cluster instance Template Name
  NumInstances number Cluster num Instances
 SecondaryWorkerConfig sequence Cluster secondary Worker Config
  Accelerators list Cluster accelerators
   AcceleratorCount number Cluster accelerator Count
   AcceleratorTypeUri string Cluster accelerator Type Uri
  DiskConfig sequence Cluster disk Config
   BootDiskSizeGb number Cluster boot Disk Size Gb
   BootDiskType string Cluster boot Disk Type
   NumLocalSsds number Cluster num Local Ssds
  ImageUri string Cluster image Uri
  InstanceNames list Cluster instance Names
   Value string value
  IsPreemptible boolean Cluster is Preemptible
  MachineTypeUri string Cluster machine Type Uri
  ManagedGroupConfig sequence Cluster managed Group Config
   InstanceGroupManagerName string Cluster instance Group Manager Name
   InstanceTemplateName string Cluster instance Template Name
  NumInstances number Cluster num Instances
 SoftwareConfig sequence Cluster software Config
  ImageVersion string Cluster image Version
  OptionalComponents list Cluster optional Components
   Value string value
  Properties list Properties key/value pairs assigned to cluster
   Name string Properties Name
   Value string Properties Value
 WorkerConfig sequence Cluster worker Config
  Accelerators list Cluster accelerators
   AcceleratorCount number Cluster accelerator Count
   AcceleratorTypeUri string Cluster accelerator Type Uri
  DiskConfig sequence Cluster disk Config
   BootDiskSizeGb number Cluster boot Disk Size Gb
   BootDiskType string Cluster boot Disk Type
   NumLocalSsds number Cluster num Local Ssds
  ImageUri string Cluster image Uri
  InstanceNames list Cluster instance Names
   Value string value
  IsPreemptible boolean Cluster is Preemptible
  MachineTypeUri string Cluster machine Type Uri
  ManagedGroupConfig sequence Cluster managed Group Config
   InstanceGroupManagerName string Cluster instance Group Manager Name
   InstanceTemplateName string Cluster instance Template Name
  NumInstances number Cluster num Instances
Attribute Type Description
id string Organization ID, format 'organizations/{project-id}'
Name string Organization Name
RegionName string Region Name
RegionId string Region ID
AccountName string Project Name
AccountId string Project ID
CreationDate number Organization creation date
Status string Organization status, valid values (active, inactive)
LifecycleState string Organization lifecycle state, valid values (LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED, DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
Owner sequence Owner Of Organization
 DirectoryCustomerId string Directory Customer Id of Organization
DisplayName string Display Name or Organization
OrganizationPolicies list Organization Policies
 Version number Policy Version
 Constraint string Constraint ID associated with policy
 UpdateTime number Policy Update Time
 PolicyConfiguration sequence Policy Configuration
  AllowedValues list List of values allowed for resource
  DeniedValues list List of values denied for resource
  AllValues string The policy allValues state.
  SuggestedValue string Suggested Value for policy
  InheritFromParent boolean inheritance behavior for the Policy
 PolicyEnforced boolean Is Policy is enforced
Projects Reference to Project Projects associated with Organization
EssentialContacts list Essential Contact of Organization
 Name string Essential Contact name of Organization
 Email string The email address to send notifications to. This does not need to be a Google account.
 NotificationCategorySubscriptions list The categories of notifications that the contact will receive communications for
  NotificationCategory string The notification categories that an essential contact can be subscribed to
 LanguageTag string The preferred language for notifications, as a ISO 639-1 language code
 ValidationState string The validity of the contact. A contact is considered valid if it is the correct recipient for notifications for a particular resource (VALIDATION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED | VALID | INVALID)
 ValidateTime number The last time the validationState was updated, either manually or automatically. A contact is considered stale if its validation state was updated more than 1 year ago
Attribute Type Description
id string Access Policy ID, format 'accessPolicies/{accessPolicy-id}'
Name string Access Policy Name
AccountId string Project ID
AccountName string Project Name
RegionId string Region ID
RegionName string Region Name
CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
UpdationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
Parent string Parent of access Policy
Org Reference to Organization Org of access policy
Title string Title of access policy
AccessLevel list Access Level
 Name string Access Level Name
 Title string Access Level Title
 CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
 UpdationDate number Update Time Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
 Basic sequence Access Level Basic config
  Conditions list Access level conditions
   IPSubnetworks list IP Subnetworks
   DevicePolicy sequence Device Policy
    RequireScreenlock boolean Require Screen lock
    AllowedEncryptionStatuses list Allowed Encryption Statuses
    OSConstraints list OS Constraints
     OSType string OS Type
     MinimumVersion string Minimum Version of OS
     RequireVerifiedChromeOs boolean Require Verified Chrome OS
    RequireCorpOwned boolean Require Corp Owned
    AllowedDeviceManagementLevels list Allowed Device Management Levels
    RequireAdminApproval boolean Require Admin Approval
   RequiredAccessLevels list Required Access Levels
   Negate string Whether to negate the Condition
   Members list Members
   Regions list Regions for access level
  CombiningFunction string Combining Function
ServicePerimeters list Service Perimeters
 Name string Access Level Name
 Title string Access Level Title
 UpdationDate number Update Time Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
 CreationDate number Creation Date/Time in UNIX Epoch time
 PerimeterType string Perimeter Type
 Status sequence Perimeter Type
  Resources list resources Type
  AccessLevels list Access Levels
  RestrictedServices list Perimeter Type
Attribute Type Description
id string API Key ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/locations/global/keys/{api-key-id}'
Name string API Key Name
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
RegionName string API Key Region Name
RegionId string API Key Region ID
CreationDate number Creation date/time in UNIX epoch
UpdatedDate number Creation date/time in UNIX epoch
APIRestrictions list A restriction for a specific service. Requests are allowed if they match any of these restrictions. If no restrictions are specified, all targets are allowed
 Service string The service for this restriction. It should be the canonical service name, for example - You can use gcloud services list to get a list of services that are enabled in the project
ApplicationRestriction string An application restriction controls which websites, IP addresses, or applications can use your API key. You can set one application restriction per key
BrowserKeyRestrictions list The HTTP referrers (websites) that are allowed to use the key
 AllowedReferrer string A regular expressions for the referrer URLs that are allowed to make API calls with this key
ServerKeyRestrictions list The IP addresses of callers that are allowed to use the key
 AllowedIp ip A caller IP address that are allowed to make API calls with this key
AndroidKeyRestrictions list The Android apps that are allowed to use the key
 Sha1Fingerprint string The SHA1 fingerprint of the application. For example, both sha1 formats are acceptable - DA:39:A3:EE:5E:6B:4B:0D:32:55:BF:EF:95:60:18:90:AF:D8:07:09 or DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709. Output format is the latter
 PackageName string The package name of the application
IosKeyRestrictions list The iOS apps that are allowed to use the key
 AllowedBundleId string A bundle ID that are allowed when making API calls with this key
Attribute Type Description
id string Access Approval Setting ID, format 'projects/{project-id}/accessApprovalSettings'
Name string Access Approval Setting Name
AccountName string Account Name
AccountId string Account ID
RegionName string Access Approval Setting Region Name
RegionId string Access Approval Setting Region ID
Enabled boolean Is Access Approval Setting enabled in the project or not
NotificationEmails list A list of email addresses to which notifications relating to approval requests should be sent. Notifications relating to a resource will be sent to all emails in the settings of ancestor resources of that resource. A maximum of 50 email addresses are allowed
EnrolledServices list A list of Google Cloud Services for which the given resource has Access Approval enrolled. Access requests for the resource given by name against any of these services contained here will be required to have explicit approval. If name refers to an organization, enrollment can be done for individual services. If name refers to a folder or project, enrollment can only be done on an all or nothing basis.
 CloudProduct string The product for which Access Approval will be enrolled
 EnrollmentLevel string The enrollment level of the service (ENROLLMENT_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED | BLOCK_ALL)