Datadog Plugin for Log Shipper

Datadog Plugin for Log Shipper

This document explains how to configure the Datadog integration with the Log Shipper module of the Netskope Cloud Exchange platform. This plugin supports ingestion of alerts, events, and web transaction logs to Datadog in CEF and JSON format.


  • A Netskope tenant (or multiple, for example, production and development/test instances) that is already configured in Cloud Exchange.
  • A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the Log Shipper module already configured.
  • A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the WebTx plugin already configured.
  • A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the Syslog for CE plugin already configured.
  • Datadog Platform access with the Datadog Agent installed.
  • Connectivity to the following hosts (any of these)
CE Version Compatibility

This plugin is compatible with Netskope CE v4.2.0 and v5.0.0.

Datadog Plugin Support

The Datadog plugin is used to ingest all the Alert, Events, Syslog CE Logs, and WebTx logs in CEF and JSON format.

Alerts Support Yes
Event Support Yes
WebTx Support Yes
Syslog CE Logs Yes

Permission to generate an API Key in Datadog.

API Details
List of APIs used
API Endpoint Method Use Case POST Send Logs to Datadog Platform
Send Logs

API Endpoint:

Method: POST
dd source: dd source
ddtags: ddtags
hostname: hostname
Request Body:

[{'message': '{"cci": 43, "timestamp": 1708515322000, "ccl": "poor"}'}]

Content-Type: application/json
API Request Endpoint:

Sample API Response:

202 Accepted
Performance Matrix

This performance reading is conducted on a Large Stack CE with these VM specifications. These readings are noted with the consideration that it will ingest around 10K events in 10 seconds to the Datadog platform.

Stack details Size: Large


RAM: 32 GB

CPU: 16 Cores

Alerts/Events ingested to SIEM ~200k EPM
WebTx ingested to SIEM ~6 MBps
User Agent

The user-agent added in this plugin is in the following format


For example:



  1. Get your Datadog API Key.
  2. Configure the Datadog Plugin.
  3. Configure a Business Rule.
  4. Configure SIEM Mappings.
  5. Validate the Datadog plugin.

Click play to watch a video.


Get your Datadog API Key

  1. Log in to your machine where the Datadog Agent is installed.
  2. Go to your Datadog agent directory as per your OS (
  3. Open datadog.yaml file.
  4. Change to logs_enabled: true.
  5. Based on your OS flavor, you need to restart your Datadog Agent.(
  6. Log in to Datadog Platform.
  7. Hover on your username from the bottom Left corner.
  8. Click Organization Settings.
  9. Under Access click API Keys.
  10. Click on the Key and click Copy to copy the key.

Configure the Datadog Plugin

  1. Go to Settings > Plugins. Search for and select the CLS Datadog plugin box to configure the plugin.
  2. Add a plugin configuration name and make sure the Datadog Default Mapping file is selected for Mapping. Click Next.
  3. Disable the toggle button to transform the logs if you want to ingest the data in JSON format; keep it enabled if you want to ingest the data in CEF format.
  4. Click Next and enter these parameters:
    • Datadog Site: The site associated with your Datadog account. For example:
    • API Key: An API Key is required by the Datadog Agent to submit metrics and events to Datadog. Provide the Datadog API Key obtained previously (from Organization Settings > Access > API Keys on the Datadog platform.
    • Datadog Tags: Tags associated with your logs. For example: env:prod,region:us-east-1.

  5. Click Save. The new plugin will be seen on the Log Shipper > Plugins page.

Configure a Log Shipper Business Rule for Datadog

  1. Go to Log Shipper > Business Rules.
  2. By default, there is a business rule that filters all alerts and events. If you want to filter out any specific type of alert or event, click Create New Rule and configure a new business rule by adding the rule name and filter.

Configure Log Shipper SIEM Mappings for Datadog

  1. Go to Log Shipper > SIEM Mappings and click Add SIEM Mapping.
  2. Select the Source plugin (Netskope CLS), Destination plugin (Datadog), and business rule, and then click Save.
  3. For WebTX, select Source plugin (Netskope WebTx) and Destination plugin (Datadog).
  4. After the SIEM mapping is added, the data will start to be pulled from the Netskope tenant, transformed, and ingested into the Datadog platform.

Validate the Datadog Plugin

Validate the Pull

To validate the pulling of Events and Alerts from the Netskope tenant:

  1. Go to Logging in Cloud Exchange and search for the pulled logs.

Validate the Push

To validate the plugin workflow:

  1. Go to Logging and Ssearch for ingested Events, Alerts & WebTx with the filter message contains ingested. The ingested logs will be filtered.

To validate the push on Datadog, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Datadog Platform.
  2. Click Logs. You have the ability to apply filters based on your host by utilizing your Tenant name.


Not able to see JSON Data on Datadog in historical cycle

Note: Data in JSON format sent to Datadog will not appear on the platform if it is more than 18 hours old.

The logs in CE for the historical data in JSON format will show Ingested without any Error.

What to do: Edit the Plugin and change the JSON to CEF format by enabling the transform logs option, so it will share the Historical Data.

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Datadog Plugin for Log Shipper

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