About Users
For Skope IT analytics about users, go to Skope IT > Users in the Netskope UI. This page helps you manage your users, create policies, plus analyze, and export user information.
Use Cases
Here are some use cases for the Users page:
- See summary information, like the IP address or user names, number of sessions, etc.
- Monitor the number of devices, sites, and apps accessed by a user.
- Know when a user triggers policy hits or incidents.
- Identify whether the group of users who accessed this app is from the same business unit.
- Jump to Skope IT to view all the events for a user.
Users Page Columns
The following information provides brief descriptions of each column on the Users page:
- User: IP address or user name, with links to more details about the user, like OU, user group, incident information, etc.
- Applications: The app name.
- Sites: Total number of sites accessed.
- Page Visits: Total number of page visits.
- Sessions: Total number of sessions.
- Total Bytes: Total amount per user.
- Bytes Uploaded: Total mount per user.
- Bytes Downloaded: Total amount per user.
To customize the columns shown:
- Click on the top right to open the Customize Columns window.
- Select or deselect the filter items to customize the columns.
- Close the window.
Click the Restore Defaults button to restore column related settings to the default.
Users Page Components
To update the page with the most current information, click the next to the page title.
To see Skope IT events per user, select one or more users and click See Events. This action takes you to the Page Events for the selected user.
To create a policy, select users and click Create Policy. This action take you directly to the policy workflow and automatically adds user specifics to the policy for you.
To export user analytics information to a spreadsheet, click Export. The bottom of the page allows you to go to subsequent pages and increase the number of rows shown per page.