Accessing your Active and Passive Auth and MEX URLs

Accessing your Active and Passive Auth and MEX URLs

To access your Active Auth, Passive Auth, and MEX URLs:

  1. Use Powershell to log in to your cloud O365 instance, and then enter $cred=Get-Credential.
  2. Enter your Admin credentials.
  3. Enter Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred
  4. Depending on your IDP, enter one of these commands:
    • For ADFS: Get-MsolFederationProperty.
    • For PingFederate and others like Okta: Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -DomainName <Federated Domain Name>.
  5. Copy the output of the above command. In the source section Microsoft Office 365, copy the values for the following fields:
    • PassiveLogOnUriActiveLogOnUriMetadataExchangeUri

    Use the values from the fields above to configure the respective fields in the Netskope UI below:

    • Customer Passive Auth URLCustomer Active Auth URLCustomer Federation Metadata URL
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Accessing your Active and Passive Auth and MEX URLs

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