Acknowledge Anomalies
Acknowledge Anomalies
This endpoint should be used to acknowledge the anomalies for a user or a list of users.
Request Endpoint
Valid query parameters are:
Key | Value | Description |
token | string | Required. The token obtained from the REST API page in the Netskope UI ( Settings > Tools > Rest API v1) is required. We recommend that you place the token in the body of the request, not in the endpoint URL. |
users | List of email addresses | List of users to be acknowledged. Either a comma separated list like users=user1,user2 ,…, or an array like users=user1&users=user2 &… can be used. |
Example Request
POST https://<tenant-URL>/api/v1/ackanomalies?users="user1"&users="user22" { "token": "f32a973eddd7bc1602fc0f48dc0a" "users": "," }