Azure AD Plugin for User Risk Exchange
Azure AD Plugin for User Risk Exchange
This document explains how to configure the Azure AD plugin with the User Risk Exchange module in the Netskope Cloud Exchange platform. The Microsoft Azure AD plugin fetches Risky users and their respective scores from Microsoft Azure AD. It also supports add to group, remove from group, and confirm compromised actions on users. The users are pulled from Home > Risky Users in the Microsoft Azure AD platform.
To complete this configuration, you need:
- A Netskope tenant (or multiple, for example, production and development/test instances) that is already configured in Cloud Exchange.
- A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the User Risk Exchange module already configured.
- An Azure AD account.
- Configuration details like Client (Application) ID, Client Secret ID and Tenant ID.
- Connectivity to the following hosts:
CE Version Compatibility
Netskope CE v4.2.0, v5.0.0
Azure AD Plugin Support
The Microsoft Azure AD URE plugin fetches users and their respective score. This plugin also performs actions.
Type of data pulled | Users |
Types of Action Supported | Add to Group, Remove from Group, Confirm Compromise, No actions |
Fields Pulled
Microsoft Azure AD Fields | Netskope CE Fields |
userPrincipalName | |
riskLevel | score |
Score Mappings
Default Netskope Score | Default Netskope Score Range |
Critical | 0-250 |
High | 251-500 |
Medium | 501-750 |
Low | 751-1000 |
Microsoft Azure AD Scores | Netskope CE URE Scores |
none hidden unknownFutureValue | None |
low | 875 |
medium | 625 |
high | 375 |
Refer to Get your Azure AD Credentials for details about obtaining and providing necessary permissions.
- Group.Create
- Group.ReadWrite.All
- GroupMember.Read.All
- IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All
- User.Read.All
API Details
List of APIs Used
API Endpoint | Method | Use Case |
<tenant_id>/oauth2/token | GET | Get OAuth2 token |
/identityProtection/riskyUsers | GET | Fetch Users and Scores |
/groups | GET | Get all groups |
/groups | POST | Create a new group |
/groups/{group-id}/members/$ref | POST | Add member to group |
/groups/{group-id}/members/{member-id}/$ref | DELETE | Remove member from group |
/identityProtection/riskyUsers/confirmCompromised | POST | Confirm a user as compromised |
/users/{user-mail} | GET | Get user by email |
Get Auth Token
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/<tenant_id>/oauth2/token
Method: GET
{ grant_type": "client_credentials", client_id": client_id, client_secret": client_secret, resource": "" }
Sample API Response:
{ "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": "3599", "ext_expires_in": "3599", "expires_on": "1666161987", "not_before": "1666158087", "resource": "", "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q...." }
Fetch Users and Scores
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/identityProtection/riskyUsers
Method: GET
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
Sample API Response:
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#identityProtection/riskyUsers", "@odata.nextLink": "$top=1&$skiptoken=*****cbe5460********************4f1442c63a7b211674hdb2850a4421048fc_1", "": "Use $select to choose only the properties your app needs, as this can lead to performance improvements. For example: GET identityProtection/riskyUsers?$select=isDeleted,isProcessing", "value": [ { "id": "f8c8dcb2-21b7-4e20-985c-52**603300d", "isDeleted": false, "isProcessing": false, "riskLevel": "high", "riskState": "confirmedCompromised", "riskDetail": "adminConfirmedUserCompromised", "riskLastUpdatedDateTime": "2024-03-14T09:59:29.085289Z", "userDisplayName": "User", "userPrincipalName": "" } ] }
Get All Groups
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/groups
Method: GET
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
Key | Value |
$filter | not groupTypes/any(s:s eq ‘DynamicMembership’) |
$top | 999 |
$orderby | displayName |
$select | id,displayName,groupTypes |
$count | true |
Sample API Response:
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#groups(id,displayName,groupTypes)", "@odata.nextLink": "$filter=groupTypes%2fany(s%3as+eq+%27DynamicMembership%27)&$top=1&$select=id%2cdisplayName%2cgroupTypes&$count=true&$skiptoken=RFNwdAoAAQAAAA", "value": [ { "id": "826e5e6c-f533-4a93-8420-fc9592ae3ca0", "displayName": "TestDynamic", "groupTypes": [ "DynamicMembership" ] } ] }
Create a New Group
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/groups
Method: POST
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
{ "description": "Created group from Netskope Cloud Exchange via Microsoft Azure AD User Risk Exchange plugin.", "displayName": "Group Name", "mailEnabled": true, "mailNickname": "groupname", "securityEnabled": false, "groupTypes": [ "Unified" ] }
Sample API Response:
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#groups/$entity", "id": "6999bb7****************05b4e04155", "deletedDateTime": null, "classification": null, "createdDateTime": "2024-03-16T11:01:45Z", "creationOptions": [], "description": "Created group from Netskope Cloud Exchange via Microsoft Azure AD User Risk Exchange plugin.", "displayName": "Group Name", "expirationDateTime": null, "groupTypes": [ "Unified" ], "isAssignableToRole": null, "mail": "", "mailEnabled": true, "mailNickname": "groupname", "membershipRule": null, "membershipRuleProcessingState": null, "onPremisesDomainName": null, "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null, "onPremisesNetBiosName": null, "onPremisesSamAccountName": null, "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null, "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null, "preferredDataLocation": null, "preferredLanguage": null, "proxyAddresses": [ "" ], "renewedDateTime": "2024-03-16T11:01:45Z", "resourceBehaviorOptions": [], "resourceProvisioningOptions": [], "securityEnabled": false, "securityIdentifier": "S-1-12-1-1771682685-1286044974-90333062-1430380724", "theme": null, "uniqueName": null, "visibility": "Public", "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [], "serviceProvisioningErrors": [] }
Add a Member to a Group
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/groups/{group-id}/members/$ref
Method: POST
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
{ "": "{id}" }
Sample API Response: (Status Code 204)
Remove a Member from a Group
API Endpoint: <Base URL>/groups/{group-id}/members/{member-id}/$ref
Method: DELETE
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
Sample API Response: (Status Code 204)
Confirm a User as Compromised
API endpoint: <Base URL>/identityProtection/riskyUsers/confirmCompromised
Method: POST
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
{ "userIds": [ "targeted-userId-1" ] }
Sample API Response: (Status Code 204)
Fetch Users and Scores
API endpoint: <Base URL>/users/{user-mail}
Method: GET
Key | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | */* |
Authorization | Bearer <auth_token> |
Sample API Response:
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity", "": "This request only returns a subset of the resource's properties. Your app will need to use $select to return non-default properties. To find out what other properties are available for this resource see", "businessPhones": [], "displayName": "Crest", "givenName": null, "jobTitle": null, "mail": "", "mobilePhone": null, "officeLocation": null, "preferredLanguage": "en-US", "surname": null, "userPrincipalName": "", "id": "e0ae0b3b-**********7-cb84372efc52" }
Performance Matrix
The performance readings are conducted on a Large CE Stack with these VM specifications by pulling 500K Users and their respective risk scores in a plugin cycle.
Stack details | Size: Large RAM: 32 GB CPU: 16 Cores |
User Risk scores fetched from Microsoft Azure AD | 500K |
Time Taken | ~120 mins |
User Agent
- Obtain your Azure AD credentials: Client (Application) ID, Client Secret ID, Tenant ID, Microsoft Azure AD URL, and Microsoft Graph Token URL.
- Configure the Azure AD plugin.
- Configure User Risk Exchange Business Rules and Actions for the Azure AD plugin.
- Validate the Azure AD plugin.
Click play to watch a video.
- Go to and log in.
- Click Azure Active Directory, and go to Overview > Basic Information.
- Here you will find your Tenant ID. Copy this to use when you configure the plugin.
- On the left hand side of Azure Active Directory, click App registrations.
- Click on your application name, or to create a new one, click New Registration. For a new registration, enter a name and click Register.
- On the application page, you will find the Application (client) ID. Copy this to use when you configure your plugin. This is for the Client (Application) ID setting for the plugin.
- Click Certificates and Secrets.
- Click + New Client Secret to create your key, and enter a description for you secret ID, select the duration for the secret value (by default it will be 6 months), click Add. Make sure you copy the value (NOT secret id), which is used for the Client Secret ID in the plugin. You can only get this when a Client Secret is first created.
- Next, perform the following steps:
- Click + Add a permission and then select + Add a permission. Click Microsoft Graph. Click Application Permission. Search for and select the following:Grant admin consent on left side.
- Group.Create
- Group.ReadWrite.All
- GroupMember.Read.All
- IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All
- User.Read.All
- Click + Add a permission and then select + Add a permission. Click Microsoft Graph. Click Application Permission. Search for and select the following:
- Collect the Tenant ID, Client (Application) ID, and Client Secret ID to configure the plugin.
- In Cloud Exchange, go to Settings > Plugins.
- Search for and select the Microsoft Azure AD v1.2.1 (URE) plugin box.
- Enter a Configuration Name and the Sync Interval, and then click Next.
- Enter the Client (Application) ID, Client Secret ID, and Tenant ID, Microsoft Azure AD URL obtained earlier. When finished, click Next.
- Select a range of scores.
- Click Save.
- Go to User Risk Exchange and click Business Rules.
- Click Create New Rule
- Select the options in the filter that you want to use. From the dropdowns, select a field, an operator, and a value, and then click Save.
You can see what your users’ scores are by going to Users in the User Risk Exchange left panel.
Configure Actions for the Azure AD Plugin
The Microsoft Azure AD plugin supports:
- Add to Group action will add a user to a selected group.
- Remove from Group action will remove a user from a selected group.
- Confirm Compromised action will confirm that the user that is added to risky used is actually a risky user and change the Risk State of that user to “Confirm Compromised”.
- No Action will not perform any action on users.
To configure these actions, follow the below steps.
Add to Group
- Go to Actions in User Risk Exchange and click Add Action Configuration.
- Select a Business rule, a Configuration, and select the name of your configured plugin.
- On the Actions dropdown, select Add to Group.
- On the Group dropdown, select Create new group and enter a Group Name to create a new group in Microsoft Azure AD.
- Click Save.
- Click Sync to perform the action manually. Enter the days, and click Fetch to see the number of users that will be affected by this action. Click Sync to perform actions.
Remove from Group
- Go to Actions in User Risk Exchange and click Add Action Configuration.
- Select a Business Rule, a Configuration, and select the name of your configured plugin.
- On the Actions dropdown, select Remove from Group.
- On the Group dropdown, select the group to remove.
- Click Save and then Sync. Enter the days, and click Fetch to see the number of users that will be affected by this action. Click Sync to perform actions.
Confirm Compromised
- Go to Actions in User Risk Exchange and click Add Action Configuration.
- Select a Business Rule, a Configuration, and select the name of your configured plugin.
- On the Actions dropdown, select Confirm Compromised.
- Click Save and then Sync. Enter the days, and click Fetch to see the number of users that will be affected by this action. Click Sync to perform actions.
No Action
- Go to Actions in User Risk Exchange and click Add Action Configuration.
- Select a Business Rule, a Configuration, and select the name of your configured plugin.
- On the Actions dropdown, select No Action, and then enable Generate Alerts toggle.
- Click Save and then Sync. Enter the days, and click Fetch to see the number of users that will be affected by this action. Click Sync to perform actions.
Validate the Azure AD Plugin
Validate the Pull
In the Microsoft Azure AD platform, the users are shown at Home > Risky Users.
In User Risk Exchange, go to Users and check the users pulled from the Microsoft Azure AD plugin.
Also, you can go to Logging and search the logs for pulling users from the Microsoft Azure AD platform.
Use a filter like this.
Validate the Action
To validate the actions performed in Cloud Exchange, go to Logging and search for logs related to Microsoft Azure AD plugin.
In Microsoft Azure AD, look for the Add to group and Remove from group action.
- Go to Home > Azure Active Directory. Click Groups on the left-hand panel.
- Search and select the name of your group. For example, Netskope in this case. Click Members on the left-hand panel.
- Verify the members in the group according to the action you performed.
Confirm Compromised Action
- Log in to Microsoft Azure platform and search for Microsoft Azure AD Risky Users.
- You’ll see Risk State. Initially when a user is added to Risky Users, then its risk state is At Risk, and after the action is performed, then its risk state should be changed to confirm compromised, as shown here.
Note: It might take a few minutes after the action “Confirm Compromised” is performed for the status of a user to change on the Azure platform.
Group ID is displayed instead of Group name in action configuration post plugin update
After upgrading the Plugin from v1.1.2 to the latest version, the user will get the Group ID displayed in the Action instead of Group Display Name:
What to do: Edit the Action and select the Group according to the previously saved group.
Group ID and name is displayed in the action if the group is deleted from platform
If the group or group name is Updated/Deleted from the Microsoft Azure AD, then the Group name will be displayed as below in the action configuration and the user will receive an error while trying to perform the action Add to Group or Remove from Group:
{"id": "26739fd0-bba6-4eb7-b761-878e6f460a1c", "displayName": "Netskope CE Azure AD Demo", "display_name": "Netskope CE Azure AD Demo (Security)", "group_type": "Security"}
What to do: Check if the group exists else create the group with the same name on the Azure platform, or use a different group in the action configuration.
Receiving warning log: Unable to add/remove user in/from a group
When an action, Add to Group, is performed on a user whose already present in a group, below warning log will be received. The same behavior will be noticed when an action Remove from group is performed on a user who is not present in the group.
URE Microsoft Azure AD [Microsoft Azure AD]: Unable to add user with email '' to group named 'Netskope' and ID '5bbe2369-24b4-44a2-b37c-778b9a77f7a3'. This error may occur if user already exist in group. Error: {'code': 'Request_BadRequest', 'message': "One or more added object references already exist for the following modified properties: 'members'.", 'innerError': {'date': '2024-03-18T06:31:08', 'request-id': '33b52b75-ffee-4ff5-95d2-6250205947ee', 'client-request-id': '33b52b75-ffee-4ff5-95d2-6250205947ee'}}
What to do: Check if the user is already present in the group or not. If the user is already present, this log will be received.