Create a RaaS Account in Netskope

Create a RaaS Account in Netskope

After creating a RaaS app in Google, create a RaaS account in Netskope. You will need the SSO URL, Entity ID, and Certificate copied when creating the Google RaaS app.

  1. In the Netskope UI, go to Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Reverse Proxy > SAML and click Add Account.
  2. Enter and select these parameters:
    • Enter a name for the Reverse Proxy.
    • For the Application type, select Reverse Proxy as a Service.
    • Enter the Google app Entity ID for the IDP Issuer ID.
    • Enter the Google app SSO URL for the IDP SSO URL.
    • Enter the Google app the certificate for the IDP certificate.

    When finished, click Save.

  3. From the list of SAML Reverse Proxies, click on Netskope Settings.
  4. Copy the SAML Proxy ACS URL and Organization ID to be used in the Google Admin Console in the next step.
  5. Back in the Google Admin Console, go the Service provider details page, enter the Netskope SAML Proxy ACS URL in the ACS URL field, and enter the Netskope Organization ID in the Entity ID field. When finished, click Continue.
  6. Click Finish.
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Create a RaaS Account in Netskope

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