Create a Retro Scan Job

Create a Retro Scan Job

Use this endpoint to create retro scan jobs.

Request Endpoint


Valid parameters include:

opstringcreateRequired. Operation performed.
scan_namestringEx: Scan12Required. Scan name must be different than existing scan job names.
policy_namestringEx: retroscanRequired. Policy name must be an existing policy name.
object_scan_start_time_gmtstringEx: 2020-04-01 06:30:46AMOptional. Start time used to restrict scan based on object timestamp. If start time is null and end time is provided, all objects created before the end time will be scanned.
object_scan_end_time_gmtstringEx: 2020-04-02 06:30:46AMOptional. End time used to restrict scan based on object timestamp. If end time is null and start time is provided, all objects created after the start time will be scanned.
account_namesarray of stringsEx: Account1, Account2Optional. Used to further restrict scan by account name. Account names entered must be of the provided policy.
notifyobjectinterval: Time interval between notifications.

to_users: Groups of users who will get notified.

emails: Email addresses of additional users to notify.

from_user: Email address from which the email will be sent.

Details for email notification.

Example Create Retro Scan Request

POST 'https://<tenant-URL>/api/v1/retro_scan?token=xxx&op=create' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--data-raw '{
    "scan_name": "Scan12",
    "policy_name": "retroscan",
    "object_scan_start_time_gmt": "2020-04-01 06:30:46AM",
    "object_scan_end_time_gmt": "2020-04-02 06:30:46AM",
    "account_names": ["Account1", "Account2"],
    "notify": {
      "interval": "30",
      "to_users": [
      "emails": [
      "from_user": ""
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Create a Retro Scan Job

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