Create a Top 10 Biggest Uploaders Report
Create a Top 10 Biggest Uploaders Report
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You can create a report that shows who uploads the most data. This helps you determine if those uploading the most data are those who should be doing so.
To create a top 10 biggest uploaders report:
- Create a new report and add a predefined chart.
- In the Select Predefined Chart window, select Top 10 Users – Biggest Uploaders (90 days) from the list.
- A graph displays on the Reports page.
This report shows the how many bytes each user has uploaded in the last 90 days.
- To change the graph format or data shown:, select the Edit icon, which opens the Edit Chart window.
- To change the format of the graph, click Next and on the Format page, select any format that is not grayed out.
- To change the data shown, click Next again and on the Values page, select the type of data to be displayed. If you can select more than one value, select a sort rule from the dropdown list.
- When finished, click Next and then Save Chart.
You can export this pie chart data in CSV format, and download or email this report in PDF format.