Custom Report Queries

Custom Report Queries

You are viewing classic reports documentation. When Reports (New Experience) is no longer in BETA, the classic reports documentation will be replaced with “Reports” documentation, aka Reports (New Experience).

These are the custom query options for reports as of the Sprint 61 release. Currently, custom reports do not support all the queries that Skope IT supports. Use these query fields to generate reports of Skope IT events.


In prior versions, Event type Page used to be listed as Connection.

Event TypeSummarizable Query FieldDescription
Alertapp-cci-contacts-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access contacts, calendar data and messages?’
Alertapp-cci-data-per-tenantSearch events for apps with ‘Data segregated by tenant’
Alerttotal_collaborator_countNumber of Total Collaborators
Alertdlp_profileSearch events for a specific dlp profile applied to the content (e.g., dlp_profile = dlp-pci)
AlertcountSearch for activities with event count greater than 1 to search for events that are suppressed (e.g count gt 1)
Alertdst_latitudeSearch events for a specific destination latitude (e.g. dst_latitude > 0)
Alerttimestampthe time the event is generated
Alertsrc_regionSearch events from a specific source state or region (e.g. src_region eq CA)
Alerttraffic_typeSearch for specific traffic type
Alertapp-cci-ssoSearch events for apps with ‘SSO/AD hooks’
Alertinstance_idSearch events based on the instance of the app (e.g. for Salesforce, instance_id = production)
AlertactivitySearch for events or alerts for a specific user activity (e.g. activity eq Create)
Alertmalware_typeThis variable holds value for malware type.
Alertapp-cci-encrypt-tenant-managed-keySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow customer-managed encryption keys?’
Alertmalsite_idThis variable holds hash of malsite url.
Alertapp-cci-is-weak-cipherSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak cipher suites?’
AlertcategorySearch events for category (e.g. category = ‘Cloud Storage’)
Alertapp-cci-compliance-certSearch events for apps with ‘What compliance certifications does the app have?’
Alertapp-cci-file-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enable file sharing?  ‘
Alertapp-cci-spfSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor use a Sender Policy Framework to protect customers from spam and phishing emails?’
Alertapp-cci-erase-cust-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is all customer data erased upon cancellation of service? If so, when?’
Alertapp-cci-cc-signupSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow signup without a credit card?’
Alertapp_session_idSearch for events with specific application session id (e.g app_session_id eq <app-session-id-number>)
Alertapp-gdpr-levelGDPR Readiness level of an application
Alertapp-cci-system-operationsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application perform system operations?’
Alertapp-cci-device-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support the following device types?’
Alertapp-cci-app-tagSearch events for apps with ‘App Type’
Alertapp-cci-action-based-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce authorization policies on user activities?’
Alertorganization_unitSearch for events from a specific organization unit. Organization name is derived from user id(e.g. org eq ‘’)
Alertapp-cci-vuln-exploitSearch events for apps with ‘Vulnerabilities & Exploits’
Alertdst_longitudeSearch events for a specific destination longitude (e.g. dst_longitude > 0)
Alertapp-cci-securityheadersSearch events for apps with ‘Which HTTP security headers does the app use?’
Alertapp-cci-business-riskThe business risk level of apps (low,medium,high)
Alertapp-cci-allow-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow data classification (e.g., public, confidential, proprietary)?’
AlertorgSearch for events from a specific organization. Organization name is derived from user id(e.g. org eq ‘’)
Alertsrc_countrySearch events from a specific source country (e.g. src_country eq IN)
Alertto_userSearch events based on the destination user ids (e.g. to_user like Adam)
Alertapp-cci-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide admin audit logs?’
Alertapp-cci-app-typeThe type of the app – Consumer, Departmental, or Enterprise
Alertapp-cci-allow-proxySearch events for apps with ‘The list of platforms through which the app traffic can be proxied:’
Alertapp-cci-allow-download-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is the customer data available for download upon cancellation of service?’
AlertactionSearch for action taken by the user (e.g. Block, Bypass, Alert)
AlertosSearch for events from a specific operating system (e.g. os = Windows)
Alertdst_regionSearch events for a specific destination state (e.g. dst_region eq GA)
AlertdstipSearch events for a specific destination IP address (e.g. dstip eq
Alertemail_sourceThe source of the email used in finding compromised credentials.
AlertappSearch events for a specific cloud app (e.g. app = Dropbox)
Alertapp-cci-data-center-certSearch events for apps with ‘To what data center standards does the app adhere?’
AlertsrcipSearch events from a specific source-ip address (e.g. srcip eq
Alertusergroupwhen a user group is searched, it includes every user within the group.
Alertfirst_accessedSearch for first seen time of app
Alertapp-cci-app-hosting-locationSearch events for apps with ‘From which countries does this app serve data?’
Alertaccess_methodSearch for events generated from specific access methods such as Client, Secure Forwarder, Logs, Mobile profile etc. (e.g. access_method eq ‘Client’)
Alertapp-cci-secure-pass-policySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce password best practices as policy?’
Alertapp-cci-anonymous-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow anonymous sharing of data?’
Alertapp-cci-upgrade-notificationSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide notifications to customers about upgrades and changes (e.g., scheduled maintenance, new releases, software/hardware changes)?’
Alertdlp_ruleSearch events for a dlp rule within the profile that matches the content (e.g., dlp_rule = cc_num)
Alertexternal_collaborator_countNumber of External Collaborators
Alertapp-cci-published-dr-planSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide disaster recovery services?’
Alertfrom_userSearch events for activities based on login ids for cloud apps (e.g. from_user like john)
Alertsrc_locationSearch events from a specific source city (e.g. src_location eq ‘San Francisco’)
Alertapp-cci-access-other-appsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access other apps on the device?’
Alertapp-cci-cookies-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this application use third-party cookies?’
Alertapp-cci-apphosting-providerSearch events for apps with ‘Which infrastructure or hosting provider is the app hosted on?’
Alertapp-cci-weak-algorithm-keysizeSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak signature algorithm or key size ?’
AlertbrowserSearch for events from a specific browser (e.g. browser eq Chrome)
Alertalert_typeSearch for alerts triggered by policy action, watchlist, quarantine or dlp (e.g. alert_type eq policy)
Alertapp-cci-recent-breachSearch events for apps with ‘Has this application been recently breached (in the past year)?’
Alertdst_locationSearch events for a specific destination location (e.g. dst_location = ‘San Jose’)
Alertapp-cci-encrypt-in-transitSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-in-transit?’
AlertsiteSearch for specific site
Alertapp-cci-who-owns-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Who owns the data/content uploaded to the application site? Does the customer own the data or does the application vendor own the data?’
Alertapp-cci-src-ip-enforcementSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support access control by IP address or range?’
Alertdevice_classificationHow the device has been classified
AlerthostnameSearch for events from a specific device hostname
Alertobject_idSearch events for a specific object id such as activity specific value etc. (e.g. object_id = f_12787234)
Alertdlp_rule_countSearch events that number of rules matches the content (e.g., dlp_rule_count = 10)
Alertapp-cci-file-capacitySearch events for apps with ‘File Sharing Capacity’
Alertdst_countrySearch events for a specific destination country (e.g. dst_country = US)
Alertsrc_zipcodeSearch for events from a specific source zipcode (e.g. src_zipcode eq 94043)
AlertdstportSearch events for a specific destination port (e.g. dstport = 443)
Alertapp-cci-dispersed-data-centerSearch events for apps with ‘Does the application vendor utilize geographically dispersed data centers to serve customers?’
Alertapp-cci-backup-user-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor back up customer data in a separate location from the main data center?’
Alertapp-cci-sharing-personal-info-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this app share users’ personal information (e.g., name, email, address) with third parties?’
Alerthttp_transaction_countSearch for http transaction count
AlertobjectSearch events for a specific object name. Object name displays the actual filename, folder name, report name, document name etc. (e.g. object like xls)
Alertapp-cci-multi-fact-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support multi-factor authentication?’
Alertapp-cci-user-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide user audit logs?’
AlertuserSearch events from a specific user e.g user eq
Alertinternal_collaborator_countNumber of Internal Collaborators
AlertdeviceSearch for events from a specific device (e.g. device = Windows)
Alertapp-cci-status-reportSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide infrastructure status reports?’
AlertackedSearch for alerts that have been acknowledged or not (e.g. acked eq true/false)
Alertdst_zipcodeSearch events for a specific zip code (e.g. dst_zipcode eq 94043)
AlerturlSearch URL accessed by user
Alertcclcloud confidence level of an application
Alertalert_nameSearch for alerts triggered by specific policy, watchlist or dlp (e.g. alert_name eq ‘Cloud storage Policy’)
Alertapp-cci-encrypt-at-restSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-at-rest?’
AlertcciSearch for CCI score
AlertworkspaceWorkspace Name
AlertenterpriseEnterprise Name
Alertapp-cci-treat-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘If yes, does the app allow admins to take action on classified data (e.g., encrypt, control access)?’
Alertapp-cci-role-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support role-based authorization?’
Alertapp-cci-access-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide data access audit logs?’
Applicationapp-cci-contacts-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access contacts, calendar data and messages?’
Applicationapp-cci-data-per-tenantSearch events for apps with ‘Data segregated by tenant’
Applicationtotal_collaborator_countNumber of Total Collaborators
Applicationdlp_profileSearch events for a specific dlp profile applied to the content (e.g., dlp_profile = dlp-pci)
Applicationdst_latitudeSearch events for a specific destination latitude (e.g. dst_latitude > 0)
Applicationtimestampthe time the event is generated
Applicationsrc_regionSearch events from a specific source state or region (e.g. src_region eq CA)
Applicationtraffic_typeSearch for specific traffic type
Applicationapp-cci-ssoSearch events for apps with ‘SSO/AD hooks’
Applicationinstance_idSearch events based on the instance of the app (e.g. for Salesforce, instance_id = production)
Applicationapp-cci-encrypt-tenant-managed-keySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow customer-managed encryption keys?’
Applicationapp-cci-is-weak-cipherSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak cipher suites?’
ApplicationcategorySearch events for category (e.g. category = ‘Cloud Storage’)
Applicationapp-cci-compliance-certSearch events for apps with ‘What compliance certifications does the app have?’
Applicationapp-cci-file-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enable file sharing?  ‘
Applicationapp-cci-spfSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor use a Sender Policy Framework to protect customers from spam and phishing emails?’
Applicationapp-cci-erase-cust-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is all customer data erased upon cancellation of service? If so, when?’
Applicationapp-cci-cc-signupSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow signup without a credit card?’
Applicationapp_session_idSearch for events with specific application session id (e.g app_session_id eq <app-session-id-number>)
Applicationapp-gdpr-levelGDPR Readiness level of an application
Applicationapp-cci-system-operationsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application perform system operations?’
Applicationapp-cci-device-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support the following device types?’
Applicationaudit_typeSearch audit events for a specific audit type. audit_type displays the actual audit event name we get from SaaS app
Applicationapp-cci-app-tagSearch events for apps with ‘App Type’
Applicationapp-cci-action-based-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce authorization policies on user activities?’
Applicationorganization_unitSearch for events from a specific organization unit. Organization name is derived from user id(e.g. org eq ‘’)
Applicationapp-cci-vuln-exploitSearch events for apps with ‘Vulnerabilities & Exploits’
Applicationdst_longitudeSearch events for a specific destination longitude (e.g. dst_longitude > 0)
Applicationapp-cci-securityheadersSearch events for apps with ‘Which HTTP security headers does the app use?’
Applicationapp-cci-business-riskThe business risk level of apps (low,medium,high)
Applicationapp-cci-allow-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow data classification (e.g., public, confidential, proprietary)?’
ApplicationuserkeySearch events from a specific user/email e.g userkey eq
ApplicationorgSearch for events from a specific organization. Organization name is derived from user id(e.g. org eq ‘’)
Applicationsrc_countrySearch events from a specific source country (e.g. src_country eq IN)
Applicationto_userSearch events based on the destination user ids (e.g. to_user like Adam)
Applicationapp-cci-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide admin audit logs?’
Applicationapp-cci-app-typeThe type of the app – Consumer, Departmental, or Enterprise
Applicationapp-cci-allow-proxySearch events for apps with ‘The list of platforms through which the app traffic can be proxied:’
Applicationapp-cci-allow-download-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is the customer data available for download upon cancellation of service?’
ApplicationactionSearch for action taken by the user (e.g. Block, Bypass, Alert)
ApplicationosSearch for events from a specific operating system (e.g. os = Windows)
Applicationdst_regionSearch events for a specific destination state (e.g. dst_region eq GA)
ApplicationdstipSearch events for a specific destination IP address (e.g. dstip eq
ApplicationappSearch events for a specific cloud app (e.g. app = Dropbox)
Applicationapp-cci-data-center-certSearch events for apps with ‘To what data center standards does the app adhere?’
ApplicationsrcipSearch events from a specific source-ip address (e.g. srcip eq
ApplicationusergroupWhen a user group is searched, it includes every user within the group.
Applicationapp-cci-app-hosting-locationSearch events for apps with ‘From which countries does this app serve data?’
Applicationaccess_methodSearch for events generated from specific access methods such as Client, Secure Forwarder, Logs, Mobile profile etc. (e.g. access_method eq ‘Client’)
Applicationapp-cci-secure-pass-policySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce password best practices as policy?’
Applicationapp-cci-anonymous-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow anonymous sharing of data?’
Applicationapp-cci-upgrade-notificationSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide notifications to customers about upgrades and changes (e.g., scheduled maintenance, new releases, software/hardware changes)?’
Applicationdlp_ruleSearch events for a dlp rule within the profile that matches the content (e.g., dlp_rule = cc_num)
Applicationexternal_collaborator_countNumber of External Collaborators
Applicationapp-cci-published-dr-planSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide disaster recovery services?’
Applicationfrom_userSearch events for activities based on login ids for cloud apps (e.g. from_user like john)
Applicationsrc_locationSearch events from a specific source city (e.g. src_location eq ‘San Francisco’)
Applicationapp-cci-access-other-appsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access other apps on the device?’
ApplicationcountSearch for activities with event count greater than 1 to search for events that are suppressed (e.g count gt 1)
Applicationapp-cci-cookies-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this application use third-party cookies?’
Applicationapp-cci-apphosting-providerSearch events for apps with ‘Which infrastructure or hosting provider is the app hosted on?’
Applicationapp-cci-weak-algorithm-keysizeSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak signature algorithm or key size ?’
ApplicationbrowserSearch for events from a specific browser (e.g. browser eq Chrome)
Applicationapp-cci-recent-breachSearch events for apps with ‘Has this application been recently breached (in the past year)?’
Applicationdst_locationSearch events for a specific destination location (e.g. dst_location = ‘San Jose’)
Applicationapp-cci-encrypt-in-transitSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-in-transit?’
Applicationapp-cci-who-owns-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Who owns the data/content uploaded to the application site? Does the customer own the data or does the application vendor own the data?’
Applicationapp-cci-src-ip-enforcementSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support access control by IP address or range?’
ApplicationactivitySearch for events or alerts for a specific user activity (e.g. activity eq Create)
Applicationdevice_classificationHow the device has been classified
ApplicationhostnameSearch for events from a specific device hostname
Applicationdlp_rule_countSearch events that number of rules matches the content (e.g., dlp_rule_count = 10)
Applicationapp-cci-file-capacitySearch events for apps with ‘File Sharing Capacity’
Applicationdst_countrySearch events for a specific destination country (e.g. dst_country = US)
Applicationsrc_zipcodeSearch for events from a specific source zipcode (e.g. src_zipcode eq 94043)
ApplicationdstportSearch events for a specific destination port (e.g. dstport = 443)
Applicationapp-cci-dispersed-data-centerSearch events for apps with ‘Does the application vendor utilize geographically dispersed data centers to serve customers?’
Applicationapp-cci-backup-user-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor back up customer data in a separate location from the main data center?’
Applicationapp-cci-sharing-personal-info-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this app share users’ personal information (e.g., name, email, address) with third parties?’
ApplicationobjectSearch events for a specific object name. Object name displays the actual filename, folder name, report name, document name etc. (e.g. object like xls)
Applicationapp-cci-multi-fact-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support multi-factor authentication?’
Applicationapp-cci-user-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide user audit logs?’
ApplicationuserSearch events from a specific user e.g user eq
Applicationinternal_collaborator_countNumber of Internal Collaborators
ApplicationdeviceSearch for events from a specific device (e.g. device = Windows)
Applicationapp-cci-status-reportSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide infrastructure status reports?’
Applicationfirst_accessedSearch for first seen time of app
Applicationdst_zipcodeSearch events for a specific zip code (e.g. dst_zipcode eq 94043)
Applicationcclcloud confidence level of an application
Applicationapp-cci-encrypt-at-restSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-at-rest?’
ApplicationcciSearch for CCI score
ApplicationworkspaceWorkspace Name
ApplicationenterpriseEnterprise Name
Applicationapp-cci-treat-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘If yes, does the app allow admins to take action on classified data (e.g., encrypt, control access)?’
Applicationapp-cci-role-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support role-based authorization?’
Applicationapp-cci-access-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide data access audit logs?’
NetworkactionSearch events for a specific action (e.g. action = block)
NetworkappSearch events for a specific cloud app (e.g. app = Dropbox)
NetworkdstipSearch events for a specific destination IP address (e.g. dstip eq
NetworkusergroupWhen a user group is searched, it includes every user within the group.
Networkip_protocolSearch events based on IP protocol.
NetworkosSearch for events from a specific operating system (e.g. os = Windows)
Networkos_versionSearch for a specific OS version.
Networkorganization_unitSearch for events from a specific organization unit. Organization name is derived from user id (e.g. organization_unit eq ‘’)
NetworkportSearch events based on port (e.g. port = 443)
Networksrc_countrySearch events from a specific source country (e.g. src_country eq IN)
NetworksrcipSearch events from a specific source IP address (e.g. srcip eq
Networksrc_locationSearch events from a specific source city (e.g. src_location eq ‘San Francisco’)
NetworktimestampSearch events based on the time the event is generated
NetworkuserSearch events from a specific user (e.g user eq
Pageapp-cci-contacts-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access contacts, calendar data and messages?’
Pageapp-cci-data-per-tenantSearch events for apps with ‘Data segregated by tenant’
PagecountSearch for activities with event count greater than 1 to search for events that are suppressed (e.g count gt 1)
Pagedst_latitudeSearch events for a specific destination latitude (e.g. dst_latitude > 0)
PagetimestampSearch events based on the time the event is generated
Pagesrc_regionSearch events from a specific source state or region (e.g. src_region eq CA)
Pageapp-cci-ssoSearch events for apps with ‘SSO/AD hooks’
PagedomainSearch for specific domain
Pageapp-cci-encrypt-tenant-managed-keySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow customer-managed encryption keys?’
Pageaggregated_userSearch events where the user field is a network location (e.g. aggregated_user eq True)
Pageapp-cci-is-weak-cipherSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak cipher suites?’
PagecategorySearch events for category (e.g. category = ‘Cloud Storage’)
Pageapp-cci-compliance-certSearch events for apps with ‘What compliance certifications does the app have?’
Pageapp-cci-file-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enable file sharing?  ‘
Pageapp-cci-spfSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor use a Sender Policy Framework to protect customers from spam and phishing emails?’
PagenetworkSearch events from a network (e.g. network eq NET24:
Pageuser_generatedSearch for events for user generated page events
Pageapp-cci-erase-cust-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is all customer data erased upon cancellation of service? If so, when?’
Pageapp-cci-cc-signupSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow signup without a credit card?’
Pageapp-gdpr-levelGDPR Readiness level of an application
Pagetraffic_typeSearch for specific traffic type
Pageapp-cci-system-operationsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application perform system operations?’
Pageapp-cci-device-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support the following device types?’
Pageapp-cci-app-tagSearch events for apps with ‘App Type’
Pageapp-cci-action-based-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce authorization policies on user activities?’
Pageorganization_unitSearch for events from a specific organization unit. Organization name is derived from user id(e.g. org eq ‘’)
Pageapp-cci-vuln-exploitSearch events for apps with ‘Vulnerabilities & Exploits’
Pagedst_longitudeSearch events for a specific destination longitude (e.g. dst_longitude > 0)
Pageapp-cci-securityheadersSearch events for apps with ‘Which HTTP security headers does the app use?’
Pageapp-cci-business-riskThe business risk level of apps (low,medium,high)
Pageapp-cci-allow-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow data classification (e.g., public, confidential, proprietary)?’
PageorgSearch for events from a specific organization. Organization name is derived from user id (e.g. org eq ‘’)
Pagesrc_countrySearch events from a specific source country (e.g. src_country eq IN)
Pageapp-cci-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide admin audit logs?’
Pageapp-cci-app-typeThe type of the app – Consumer, Departmental, or Enterprise
Pageapp-cci-allow-proxySearch events for apps with ‘The list of platforms through which the app traffic can be proxied:’
Pageapp-cci-allow-download-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Is the customer data available for download upon cancellation of service?’
PageosSearch for events from a specific operating system (e.g. os = Windows)
Pagedst_regionSearch events for a specific destination state (e.g. dst_region eq GA)
PagedstipSearch events for a specific destination IP address (e.g. dstip eq
PageappSearch events for a specific cloud app (e.g. app = Dropbox)
Pageapp-cci-data-center-certSearch events for apps with ‘To what data center standards does the app adhere?’
PagesrcipSearch events from a specific source-ip address (e.g. srcip eq
PageusergroupWhen a user group is searched, it includes every user within the group.
Pageapp-cci-app-hosting-locationSearch events for apps with ‘From which countries does this app serve data?’
Pageconn_durationSearch events based on how long the connection was established in seconds (e.g conn_duration > 10000)
Pageaccess_methodSearch for events generated from specific access methods such as Client, Secure Forwarder, Logs, Mobile profile etc. (e.g. access_method eq ‘Client’)
Pageapp-cci-secure-pass-policySearch events for apps with ‘Does the app enforce password best practices as policy?’
Pageapp-cci-anonymous-sharingSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app allow anonymous sharing of data?’
Pageapp-cci-upgrade-notificationSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide notifications to customers about upgrades and changes (e.g., scheduled maintenance, new releases, software/hardware changes)?’
Pageapp-cci-published-dr-planSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide disaster recovery services?’
Pagesrc_locationSearch events from a specific source city (e.g. src_location eq ‘San Francisco’)
Pageapp-cci-access-other-appsSearch events for apps with ‘Does this application access other apps on the device?’
Pagelatency_minSearch events based on the min latency values from proxy to app in ms (e.g. latency_min > 200)
Pageapp-cci-cookies-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this application use third-party cookies?’
Pageapp-cci-apphosting-providerSearch events for apps with ‘Which infrastructure or hosting provider is the app hosted on?’
Pagelatency_maxSearch events based on the max latency values from proxy to app in ms (e.g. latency_max > 200)
Pageapp-cci-weak-algorithm-keysizeSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app increase the risk of data exposure by supporting weak signature algorithm or key size ?’
PageuserkeySearch events from a specific user/email e.g userkey eq
PagebrowserSearch for events from a specific browser (e.g. browser eq Chrome)
Pageapp-cci-recent-breachSearch events for apps with ‘Has this application been recently breached (in the past year)?’
Pagedst_locationSearch events for a specific destination location (e.g. dst_location = ‘San Jose’)
Pageapp-cci-encrypt-in-transitSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-in-transit?’
Pagelatency_totalSearch events based on the total latency values from proxy to app in ms (e.g. latency_total gt 200)
PagesiteSearch for specific site
Pageapp-cci-who-owns-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Who owns the data/content uploaded to the application site? Does the customer own the data or does the application vendor own the data?’
Pageapp-cci-src-ip-enforcementSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support access control by IP address or range?’
PagehostnameSearch for events from a specific device hostname
Pageapp-cci-file-capacitySearch events for apps with ‘File Sharing Capacity’
Pagedst_countrySearch events for a specific destination country (e.g. dst_country = US)
Pagesrc_zipcodeSearch for events from a specific source zipcode (e.g. src_zipcode eq 94043)
PagedstportSearch events for a specific destination port (e.g. dstport = 443)
Pageapp-cci-dispersed-data-centerSearch events for apps with ‘Does the application vendor utilize geographically dispersed data centers to serve customers?’
Pageapp-cci-backup-user-dataSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor back up customer data in a separate location from the main data center?’
Pageapp-cci-sharing-personal-info-3rd-partySearch events for apps with ‘Does this app share users’ personal information (e.g., name, email, address) with third parties?’
Pagehttp_transaction_countSearch for http transaction count
Pageapp-cci-multi-fact-authSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support multi-factor authentication?’
Pageapp-cci-user-audit-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide user audit logs?’
PageuserSearch events from a specific user e.g user eq
PagedeviceSearch for events from a specific device (e.g. device = Windows)
Pageapp-cci-status-reportSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app vendor provide infrastructure status reports?’
Pagefirst_accessedSearch for first seen time of app
Pagedst_zipcodeSearch events for a specific zip code (e.g. dst_zipcode eq 94043)
Pagecclcloud confidence level of an application
Pageapp-cci-encrypt-at-restSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app encrypt data-at-rest?’
PagecciSearch for CCI score
Pageapp-cci-treat-classify-dataSearch events for apps with ‘If yes, does the app allow admins to take action on classified data (e.g., encrypt, control access)?’
Pageapp-cci-role-based-accessSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app support role-based authorization?’
Pageapp-cci-access-logsSearch events for apps with ‘Does the app provide data access audit logs?’
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