Deploy Neskope Client For Android In Restricted Regions

Deploy Neskope Client For Android In Restricted Regions

This document describes the various methods to deploy Netskope Client in restricted regions. The admin can choose one of the following options:

  • Deployment by hosting the APK file in a company drive.

  • Deployment using Microsoft Intune MDM.

Option 1: Deployment By Hosting APK File In Company Drive

Step 1: Admin can host the Android APK file in company drive.

Using this option, the admin can host the Android APK file in a company drive from where users can download and install the software.

To host the APK file:

  1. Go to the Netskope Support portal.

  2. Download the APK file for Android provided under the Latest Golden Release.

  3. Upload it to your company drive.

Step 2: Send Email Invite to the end-users.

Using this option, the admin can create a template for sending an email to the end-users on the Netskope webUI.

  1. In Netskope tenant webUI, go to Settings > Tools > Templates.

  2. Edit the Email Invitation template.  Refer to the sample email invite template provided under the heading “Sample Email Invite Template“.

  3. Go to Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Users.

  4. Click Send Invitation.

    To learn more, view: Email Invite.

    Sample Email Invite Template

    	    <p>{{NS_ADMINEMAIL}} at {{NS_ORGNAME}} has requested this message be sent to you.</p>
    {{NS_ORGNAME}} is using a new solution that enables you to securely use various cloud based apps to further increase your productivity.
    	    <p>Please follow the link below and the security system will be automatically applied. Each type of device requires the proper Client. Please install the correct Client type for your device.</p>
    	    <p><a href="{{NS_MACADDON}}">macOS Client</a></p>
    	    <p><a href="{{NS_WINADDON}}">Windows Client</a></p>
    	    <p><a href="{{NS_IOSPROFILE}}">iOS Profile</a></p>
    	    <p><a href="{{NS_ANDROIDCLIENT}}">Android Client</a></p>
                <p>Users in restricted regions can download the Netskope Client from here: <a href=<your Drive Location>>Android Client</a></p>
    	    <div style="{{NS_IOSCLIENT_FLAG}}">
    		<p><a href="{{NS_IOSCLIENT}}">{{IOSCLIENT_TEXT}}</a></p>
    	    <div style="{display: block}">
    		<p><a href="{{NS_LINUXADDON}}">Linux Client</a></p>
    	       <p>If you have any concerns about this communication, please contact your administrator directly either via email or phone.
    <p>Please note that this invitation can only be used by you and will not be usable by other users. In case, someone else in the organization needs this service, just let us know and we will get additional invitations sent out to the relevant folks. Thank You.
    	    <p>Detailed Instructions:</p>
    <p>Each of these installers will apply the Netskope Client to your system. The Netskope Client will secure your access to all of your cloud apps.
    	    <p>If at any time you have any issues or questions do not hesitate to email <a href="">Netskope Support</a></p>
    	    <p>- Netskope Team</p></div>
 The drive location must be the place where the admin decides to host the APK file.

Step 3: End-user can download and install Netskope Client.

End-users can now Install the Client application and enroll.

Option 2: Deployment Using Microsoft Intune MDM


Download the APK file from the Netskope Support Portal.

Install Netskope Client 

To install the Netskope Client:

  1. In the MS Endpoint Manager admin console, go to Apps > All Apps .

  2. Click Android.

  3. Click +Add.

  4. From Select app type, choose Line-of-business app.

  5. Click Select.

  6. This navigates to the Add App screen.

  7. Under App information, select an app package file in Select File.

  8. In App Package file, upload the package file.

  9. Click OK.

  10. After you click OK, enter the following details:

    • Publisher: Enter Netskope.

    • Targeted Platform: Select Android device administrator.

    • Minimum Operating System: Select Android 9.0(Pie).

  11. Click Next.

  12. Under Assignments, select the user groups or users to which the app is to be deployed in the Required section (options +Add group, +Add all users, +Add all devices).

  13. Click Next.

  14. Under Review and Create, validate the configured details.

  15. Click Create.

    The created app is displayed in the Android Apps page.

    To learn more, view Add an Android line-of-business app to Microsoft Intune.

User Enrollment

User Enrollment with Email Invite

To send an email invite:

  1. Go to Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Users.

  2. Click Send Invitation.

User Enrollment By Manually Entering Credentials

  • Netskope Admin would have to supply the tenant URL to the end users.

  • After entering the tenant URL, users would be presented with the IDP page where they have to enter the login credentials.

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