Deploy Device Intelligence Virtual Appliance on VMware vSphere

Deploy Device Intelligence Virtual Appliance on VMware vSphere

Prerequisites and Limitations

  • You have a licensed copy of the Device Intelligence product with the serial number required for activation. Please reach out to the Netskope support team to buy the product.
  • You have Device Intelligence template files downloaded locally. Please reach out to Netskope support or Technical Account Manager to get Device Intelligence template files.
  • Minimum two network interfaces (vNICs) are set up. One is a dedicated vNIC for the management interface and one is for the SPAN interface. An additional vNIC for SPAN traffic can be added if needed.
  • Virtual standard switch or virtual distributed switch is set up with “promiscuous” mode to receive span traffic.
  • Device Intelligence virtual appliance supports ESXi servers.
  • The host must be a x86-based Intel or AMD CPU with virtualization extension.
  • Device Intelligence OVA/OVF supports VMware virtual machine hardware version vmx-14.

Create Device Intelligence Appliance

  1. Log in to your VMware vSphere Client.
  2. Click on the server and select the Deploy OVF Template option from the Actions dropdown menu. Deploy OVF Template dialog box appears.
  3. On step 1, select the four locally downloaded Device Intelligence VM template files and click Next. Use multiple selection to select all the OVF template (.ovf, .vmdk, .mf, and .nvram) files.
  4. On step 2, give a name to the Device Intelligence virtual appliance, and in the Location dialog box, select a folder to create the VM, and click Next.
  5. On step 3, select the destination compute resource, and click Next.
  6. On step 4, review and verify the template default configurations, and click Next.
  7. On step 5, select the virtual disk format as Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed type. Select a valid destination storage, and click Next.
  8. On step 6, select the 2 configured vNICs to the network sources. By default, the IP address is allocated in IPv4 static format. Click Next.
  9. On step 7, change the guestinfo.serial value to the serial number provided by the support team when you bought the product.
  10. On step 8, review the configuration and Click Finish to start VM creation. Wait for the virtual machine to be ready for use.

Activate Device Intelligence

  1. Click the Actions menu of the Device Intelligence appliance VM and Power on the machine.
  2. Log in to the Device Intelligence appliance from the browser using link with Netskope registered email and password.


    If you do not have the credentials, contact the Netskope product vendor, marketing team, or support team.


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Deploy Device Intelligence Virtual Appliance on VMware vSphere

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