Deprecated Features In Release 117.0.0
Deprecated Features In Release 117.0.0
Here is the list of deprecated features in this release.
CASB Real-time Protection
Removed Instance ID Support for GitHub Copilot
Netskope has removed instance ID support for GitHub Copilot application connector. Due to traffic change in GitHub Copilot, instance ID was impacted.
Removed Domain in GitHub Copilot
Netskope has removed support for domain from the GitHub Copilot application. This domain is used as a background traffic of Visual Studio Code and no longer needed for any GitHub Copilot activities.
Removed Multipart File Upload Support in WeTransfer
Netskope has removed multipart file upload support in WeTransfer application. Starting this release, Netskope will generate an upload event for every chunk/small file upload.
Cloud Confidence Index (CCI)
Upload and Download Activities for Policies with Threat Profile
Only Upload and Download activities are valid for policies with Threat profile applied. Publish and Send are no longer supported as valid activities for policies with Threat profile.
Netskope Public Cloud Security
Deprecation Notice For Classic Azure Blob Storage As a Forensic Destination
Netskope no longer supports the Forensic feature when creating a new Microsoft Azure instance through Settings > Configure App Access > Classic > IaaS. Here are the fine prints:
For existing customers who are using the classic Microsoft Azure Blob storage as a forensic destination, the feature will continue to work as expected.
For new customers, the classic instance setup UI for Microsoft Azure will no longer have the forensic checkbox. New forensic Microsoft Azure instances cannot be enabled.
Existing customers using classic Microsoft Azure Blob storage as a forensic destination, can disable the forensic checkbox from the UI. However, once disabled, you cannot re-enable it.
Existing customers who have not enabled the forensic checkbox cannot enable it going forward.
As an alternative, Netskope recommends creating a new Microsoft Azure instance using the Next Gen workflow. To learn more: Set up Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Forensic Instance.
To learn more about this notice: Deprecation Notice for Classic Azure Blob Storage as a Forensic Destination
SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM)
SSPM Rule Deprecation
The “Ensure audit logging for non-owner mailbox access is enabled” rule will be deprecated as it is not required by CIS anymore.
If this rule is part of policies (directly included or via the Compliance Standards), all findings on this rule will be removed from the latest view. You do not need to take any action.