Deprecation Notice for Classic Box as a Forensic Destination

Deprecation Notice for Classic Box as a Forensic Destination

This deprecation notice is for the customers who are using Classic Box as a forensic destination. If you have any queries, contact your Netskope customer success manager or

Summary of Change

Starting release 123, Netskope will no longer support Classic Box as a forensic destination. Due to this change, new customers cannot use Classic Box as a forensic destination. Existing customers can continue to use this feature as expected, until further notice. 

Fine Print

Netskope no longer supports the Forensic feature, when you create a new Classic Box instance from Settings > Configure App Access > Classic > SaaS > Box. Here are the fine print:

  • For existing customers who are using the classic Box as a forensic destination, the feature will continue to work as expected.

  • For new customers, the classic instance setup UI for Box will no longer have the forensic checkbox. New forensic Box instances cannot be enabled.

  • Existing customers using classic Box as a forensic destination, can disable the forensic checkbox from the UI. However, once disabled, you cannot re-enable it.

  • Existing customers who have not enabled the forensic checkbox cannot enable it going forward.

General Recommendation

As an alternative, Netskope recommends creating a new Box instance using the Next Gen workflow. To learn more: Set up Box Forensic Instance.

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Deprecation Notice for Classic Box as a Forensic Destination

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