Device Intelligence Licensing

Device Intelligence Licensing

As a Device Intelligence customer, you will be given the option to purchase Device Intelligence capabilities using either a Basic or Advanced Device Intelligence license.

Contact the Netskope representative or support team to get your license.

The following table shows the list of all the capabilities, associated UI paths and their access in Basic and Advanced licenses.

CapabilityUI PathBasic LicenseAdvance LicenseDocumentation Link
DashboardsDashboard > ExecutiveYesYesExecutive Dashboard in Device Intelligence
Dashboard > SecurityYesYes
Dashboard > ITYes
Note: Compliance section in the IT Ops tab is not supported for basic license
Device InventoryInventory > DevicesYesYesDevice Intelligence Asset Inventory
Inventory > EventsYesYes
Inventory > ActivitiesYesYes
Investigate DevicesInvestigate > DevicesYesYesInvestigate Devices
Investigate > EventsYesYesInvestigate Events
Investigate > ActivitiesYesYesOperational Technology
Investigate > RiskYesYesInvestigate Risks
Investigate > ComplianceNoYesInvestigate Compliance Services
Investigate > HealthNoYes-
Policy ManagementPoliciesNoYesProtect Device Intelligence
On-demand vulnerability scanningManage > ScansNoYesOpenVAS Scans
Centralized cybersecurity asset managementManage > AssetsNoYesNetskope Assets
User managementManage > UsersYesYesUser Management in Device Intelligence
Sites and regions managementManage > SitesNoYesSites and Regions
Manage > RegionsNoYes
GroupsManage > GroupsNoYesTags and Groups
TagsManage > TagsNoYes
Integrations with 3rd party NACs and firewallsManage > IntegrationsNoYesIntegrations
Manage > ConfigurationsNoYesConfigurations
ReportingReports > Saved SearchesYesYesDownload Reports
Reports > ReportsYesYesGenerate Reports
Reports > Reclassification RequestsYesYesDevice Attribute Reclassification
Email DigestManage > UsersYesYesDaily Digest
Operational TechnologyYesYesOperational Technology
DI ExchangeNoYesDevice Intelligence Exchange
– Health dashboard, Operational Technology and Device Intelligence Exchange are tenant based features. Contact your Netskope representative or support team to enable these features in your tenant.
– The UI features are available to you as per your license and user role access.


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