Email Options
Email Options
This section of the API Data Protection Policy page specifies the type of email users, external domains, and content to scan for a policy violation. The section is only for the Outlook and Gmail apps.
- Select to scan emails sent to External Users, Internal Users, Domain Profile, User Groups, Subset of Domains, or Any User. If you select Domain Profile, choose a domain name from the drop-down list. You can select:
- All External Domains – Trigger a policy action if the user belongs to any external domains.
- Specific External Domain – Trigger a policy action if the user belongs to this specific external domain.
- All External Domains Except – Do not trigger a policy if the user belongs to the exception external domain list. Here are the typical use cases and the corresponding policy triggers:
- Email is sent to a single user belonging to exclusion domain – Policy not triggered.
- Email is sent to a user in exclusion list and another user not in list – Policy triggered, alert generated.
- Email is sent to multiple users, all belonging to exclusion list – Policy not triggered.
- Email is sent to multiple users, some belonging to exclusion list, others not in the list – Policy triggered, alert generated.
To add a new external domain, select Create New from the drop-down list, enter a domain profile name and then enter the domain name(s) separated by a new line, and click Save. For additional information on domain profiles, see Domain Profile.
- Select the type of content to scan. The Body option scans the contents of the email, and the Attachment option allows you to choose the types of attachment to scan. Select an attachment type from the drop-down list, or click View All to select multiple attachment types. When finished, click Next.