Fixed Issues In Release 120.0.0

Fixed Issues In Release 120.0.0

Here is the list of fixed issues in this release

Issue NumberCategoryDescription
505087Behavior AnalyticsFixed an issue where application instances were not loading correctly in behavior analytics policies.
509845Classic API Data ProtectionIn a rare instance, files uploaded to Google Drive were not flagged for notification by Netskope, resulting in the policy not being triggered. This issue has now been resolved.
505781Data ProtectionFixed an issue to handle the condition when the API endpoint (/api/v1/updateFileHashList) was called with the same set of file hashes. Now, the API responds with the message – “Duplicate request, no change in file hashes for the file filter”.
502568Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue where we were seeing FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR while accessing few websites using http2.
502569Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue in DPoP where no user and user group conditions were applied to SSL DND policies.
464280Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue with x-cs-app field. It should only be filled when traffic type is “CloudApp”.
423457Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue where rules with filefilter conditions may not have been considered when they followed a content inspection rule with a traffic action.
514407Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed a character length issue in Event fields: x-other-category (format 1), x-ssl-policy-categories (format 2), and x-policy-categories (format 4) by setting maximum character length to 8192 characters. The exceeding characters are omitted and replaced with ellipsis.
486959Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed webpage load issues due to user notifications for background traffic when TSS v3 is enabled.
511081Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)After this fix, you will be able to set * as the steering exception domain and it would match,, and However, please note that urls like would not be matched.
514411Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue where the “other_category” (user friendly name) field of the Page event are limited to at most 8192 characters. If it exceeds this limit, the remaining category IDs are discarded.
479604Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue on the Reverse Proxy SAML page. When the application is set to “Private Apps.”, no cert rotation is needed for that entity, so all cert rotation related screens will be hidden.
478005Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an issue where any profiles on the Office 365 Auth page without the “Re-sign SAML assertions” selected, will not have the “Netskope Settings” button anymore to download the SAML certificates. These profiles do not require SAML certificates to be uploaded to the IdP. In addition, for tenants needing rotation of SAML certs, this will not be applicable as well.
499439Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed a discrepancy in Fallback action (also known as Content Scan Failure) alerts, where the alert name does not have the right value for “policy name” field. After this change, an alert generated due to a fallback action will always have the alert name = “Fallback Action” and the policy name field will not be present.
477984Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Fixed an audit log capturing issue whenever a real-time policy is toggled from enabled to disabled or vice versa.
512192Platform ServicesIf page permission is set as “Mixed” for any of the pages in Settings > Security Cloud Platform Settings , Manage and Tools section and those menu items don’t appear in the nav bar, then the impacted role is edited and saved without any modifications.
499565Platform ServicesFixed an issue when deploying Network Location profile changes was taking a long time to complete and displaying “504 Gateway Timeout” errors.
24281 Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)Fixed an issue where the full screen command executed when F11 is pressed prompted the user for permissions in all browsers except Chrome. Now the user will be prompted only if their browser has permission restrictions for the full screen operation.
24452 Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)Fixed an issue where isolation pop-up message isolation indicator was not shown consistently. With this fix the pop-up message isolation indicator will be present or reappear in the screen when opening a new tab, or while navigating to different domains until explicitly closed.
24334 Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)Fixed an issue that prevented some files to be downloaded while browsing webpages in isolation
11177SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM)Fixed semantic errors encountered when aliases were referenced in the IN clause.
505439Traffic SteeringFixed an issue by adding a feature flag, where the system proxy after getting detected and added in the Netskope Client active proxy list cannot be removed. Contact Netskope Support to enable this flag to remove system proxy from the Netskope Client active proxy list even when it was not detected in the later proxy detection.
499052Traffic SteeringFixed an issue where Netskope Client did not allow Microsoft Office applications to be bypassed by OS. This requires a feature flag to be enabled for your tenant. Contact Netskope Support to enable the feature flag.
503670, 496830Traffic SteeringFixed an issue by introducing a new feature flag to block a process in Cert-pinned application even when it is running in Session 0 in a Windows operating system. The default value is false; that means the process gets bypassed when it is running in Session 0.
502429Traffic SteeringFixed an issue where the UI justification notification does not pop-up on Windows devices if the Justification hint text exceeds the maximum length of 140 characters.
429954Traffic SteeringIn a multi-user environment, the Client Install Time in the Client status changes whenever a user logs out. This is now fixed and the Client Install Time does not change in the event of a user logout.
496412Traffic SteeringWith this fix, iOS app can parse DNS over TCP port 53 query and response packets to set up the IP-domain mapping inside the iOS app.
501419Traffic SteeringFixed a Windows client UI process issue in multi-user Windows environment. When a user opens client UI configuration, they might see incorrect configuration such as empty device classification. This is due to stagentUI incorrectly fetching the wrong session id for the user and is not able to find related user configuration.
500870Traffic SteeringWebview2 used for NPA reauth caused issues while in use for other applications. Client uses defalut user directory folder(UDF) as the temp folder for Webview2 operations. If there are any other third-party Webview2 applications that use default UDF, it leads to resource contention. Fixed this issue by using a custom temp folder for Webview2 operations by Netskope Client so that Client does not interfere with the other application operations.
506543Traffic SteeringFixed an issue where the user can proceed with the user alerts without providing any justification inputs in a Linux device.
502315Traffic SteeringFixed an issue where it was unable to set Privileges under Roles for “Client Configuration” unless “Cloud Apps” functional area is specified in the Access Settings.
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Fixed Issues In Release 120.0.0

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