GitHub Audit Events

GitHub Audit Events

The following list of audit events are supported for GitHub:

Event Name
Add (org) member
Add (repo) member
Add (repo) team
Add (team) member
Add (team) repository
Archive repository
Assign issues
Assign pull request
Block user
Build page
Close issue
Close milestone
Close project
Close pull request
Completed commit status
Convert project card
Create branch
Create commit comment
Create deployment
Create issue comment
Create label
Create market plan
Create milestone
Create page
Create project
Create project card
Create project column
Create pull request review comment
Create repository
Create tag
Create team
Delete branch
Delete issue comment
Delete label
Delete market plan
Delete milestone
Delete (org) member
Delete project
Delete project card
Delete project column
Delete pull request review comment
Delete (repo) commit status
Delete (repo) member
Delete repository
Delete tag
Delete team
Delete (team) member
Demilestone issue
Dismiss pull request review
Edit issue
Edit issue comment
Edit label
Edit market plan
Edit milestone
Edit page
Edit project
Edit project card
Edit project column
Edit pull request
Edit pull request review
Edit pull request review comment
Edit (repo) member
Edit team
Edit (team) member
Failed commit status
Failed deployment
Fork repository
Install app
Invite (org) member
Label pull request
Milestone issue
Move project card
Move project column
Open issue
Open milestone
Open pull request
Pending commit status
Pending deployment
Privatize repository
Publicize repository
Publish release
Push changes
Remove request review pull request
Reopen issue
Reopen project
Reopen pull request
Request review pull request
Start watch
Submit pull request review
Success deployment
Unarchive repository
Unassign issue
Unassign pull request
Unblock user
Unlabel issue
Unlabel pull request
Unsupported event
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GitHub Audit Events

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