Groups/Work Chat

Groups/Work Chat

This section of the API Data Protection Policy page scans posts/messages in either Workplace by Facebook groups or chat.

  1. In the Scan Content In section, you can select the following options:
    • Workplace Groups: On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans posts, comments, replies, and attachments in different types of groups in Workplace by Facebook. This is further split into the following options:
      • All Groups: On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans posts, comments, replies, and attachments in all groups in Workplace by Facebook.
      • Groups By Privacy: On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans content in groups categorized by privacy. This is further split into the following options:
        • Open Groups: Selecting this option scans all open groups. In open groups, anyone in Workplace by Facebook can see the group, its members, and their posts.
        • Closed Groups: Selecting this option scans all closed groups. In closed groups, anyone in Workplace by Facebook can find the group and see who is in it. Only members can see posts.
        • Secret Groups: Selecting this option scans all secret groups. In secret groups, only members in Workplace by Facebook can find the group and see posts.
      • Group by Name: On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans posts, comments, replies, and attachments in selected groups in Workplace by Facebook. You can select the group(s) from the Group Name dropdown list. You can select multiple groups.
      • Muti-company Groups: Multi-company group is a special type of group in Workplace where users from different organizations can be part of a common group. On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans posts, comments, replies, and attachments in multi-company groups. This is further split into the following options:
        • All Privacy Types: Selecting this option scans all closed and secret multi-company groups.
        • Specific Privacy Types: You can select closed or secret multi-company groups.
          • Closed multi-company groups are visible to company admins, group members, people who have been invited to the group and anybody who’s a member of a company in the group. You can invite people to a closed multi-company group by sharing a link.
          • Secret multi-company groups are visible to company admins, group members and people who have been invited to the group.
    • Work Chat: On selecting this option, API Data Protection scans Workplace by Facebook chat messages and attachments. This is further split into the following options:
      • All Chats: Selecting this option scans internal and external chat messages and attachments.
      • Internal Chats: Selecting this option scans internal chat messages and attachments within the organization.
      • External Chats: Selecting this option scans chats messages and attachments outside the workplace organization like a multi-company group.
  2. When finished, click Next.
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