Isolation Events in Skope IT
Isolation Events in Skope IT
You can monitor event data in Skope IT to ensure Netskope RBI is monitoring your network traffic. Skope IT filters include “isolate” as a valid action in all events that include the field action: from Page events, Application events, and Alerts. This allows admins to easily filter RBI related events in Skope IT (action = “isolate”).

For example, navigate to Skope IT > Page Events > click the event to view the Page Event Details panel.
In the Page Events Details panel > Alert section, the “isolate” action displays.

The enhanced filtering of events in Skope IT is available to filter application events, page events, and alerts by action using the predefined filter in the + Add Filter menu.
For example, navigate to Skope IT > Page Events > > Action > Isolate > Apply. This enables admins to filter isolation events easily (action: isolate) and combine them with additional filters. You can apply this filter for application events and alerts.

Navigate to Skope IT > Page Events > > RBI Template> Apply. This enables admins to filter page events based on the policies using RBI templates.