

The following are the keywords supported in NGL:



Usage: with-attribute keyword is used with nested objects(json).

Syntax: property1 with-attribute { property2 = value2}


GoogleWorkspace GroupSetting should-have entry with-attribute { enableCollaborativeInbox = false }


Usage: with-element keyword is used to specify a hierarchical (or parent-child) relationship between its preceding and succeeding properties, where the parent properties is a list and child property is a member.

Syntax: property1 with-element [ property2 = value2]


microsoft365 sharingpolicy should-have sharingenabled = false or domains with-element [ sharingalloweddetails = "ContactsSharing"  ]


Usage: with-any-element keyword is used to specify a condition where any of the parent list properties’ members matches the condition following it.

Syntax: property1 with-any-element [ ip = “” ]


AzureAD User should-not-have userRegistrationDetails with-attribute {  methodsRegistered with-any-element [ "mobilePhone" ] }


Usage: exists keyword checks the presence of an property.

Syntax: property1 exists


Okta User should-have profile with-attribute { mobilePhone exists }


Usage: not-exists keyword checks the absence of an property.

Syntax: property1 not-exists


AzureAD AuthorizationPolicy should-have defaultUserRolePermissions with-attribute { permissionGrantPoliciesAssigned not-exists }


any . . as

Usage: any keyword is used for a resource type which has a relationship to the resource type mentioned prior to an expression.

as keyword is used for specifying an alias for the resource type whose value can be later used in a conditional statement. Aliases are occasionally required when a value is derived in an earlier part of the rule, and referenced in a later part of the rule. In such conditions, the latter part of the rule refers to the derived value using an alias. It is equivalent to storing a value in a variable. It is used along with any keyword which compares all the available resources assigned by the alias to match the condition. If the condition matches, the true is returned.

Syntax: any resource as a with-attribute {a.attribute1 = “value“}


servicenow SysProperties should-have any SystemProperty as s with-attribute { = "glide.authenticate.api.user.reset_password.mandatory" and s.value = "true"}


Usage: ### keyword is used to indicate that the subsequent text between two such keywords is a comment string, and will be ignored by the system.

Syntax: ### This is a comment ###


microsoft365 malwarefilterpolicy should-have len(FileTypes) > 0 ### comment here ###

Common Errors

This section outlines errors that may occur due to use of incorrect property type with the keyword.

Error ScenarioIncorrect NGL ExampleSample Error MessageSteps to fix the error
Property is not a listAzureAD User should-have jobTitle with-element[2]Error: with-element/with-any-element/with-no-element only supports a property of data type 'list', got 'jobTitle' of type 'string'Use property that uses list data type.
For example: AzureAD User should-have proxyAddresses with-element["2"]
Property is a list, but the element of the list can not be compared to the primitive typeAzureAD User should-have proxyAddresses with-element[2]Error: 'proxyAddresses' of type 'list' should not be matched against a numberProperty must be matched against a value with the same data type.
For example: AzureAD User should-have proxyAddresses with-element[""]
with-attribute is used for non object or an unlinked resource typeAzureAD User should-have displayName with-attribute {1 = 1}Error: with-attribute should be used only with a property of type 'object' or a linked resource type, got 'displayName' of type 'string'Use property of object data type or linked resource.
For example: AzureAD User should-have passwordProfile with-attribute {forceChangePasswordNextSignIn = true}
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