Known Issues In Hotfix Release 122.1.0

Known Issues In Hotfix Release 122.1.0

Here is the list of known issues in this release

Issue NumberCategoryDescription
511235Cloud Firewall (CFW)It is a known issue that Punycode domains are not configurable in custom firewall application or DNS profile.
569469Classic API Data ProtectionAn issue is observed when files with an encrypted Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) label applied are uploaded as part of the quarantine flow to the Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint destination. The SaaS application’s API response incorrectly returns the file size as 0 bytes, causing the tombstone creation to fail.
565414An issue is observed where a downloaded Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) encrypted quarantine file failed to open as the file is corrupted.
555657Netskope Private Access (NPA)To address a security issue, the User Key in Device Assessment is validated against the User Key in Netskope Database. Successful validation ensures customer connections (NPA tunnels) function properly, while failure results in connection downtime. Some customers may lack a User Key due to older NSClients or initial client connections, leading to known connectivity issues. To mitigate this, a flag (ALLOW_EMPTY_USERKEY) has been introduced, allowing customer connections even when the User Key is empty.
555332Netskope Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)Justification event with action as “Proceed (Cached)” should not be generated for browse traffic when TSS Scan V3 feature is enabled.
566868User alert is intermittently ineffective for HTTP2 traffic when the server sends an informational early hints response before the actual response. As it can cause the response to be incorrectly identified as a background request.
20156Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)Some HTTP redirections were not handled properly, which prevented necessary cookies from being set. This issue has been resolved by redesigning the processes to address this and similar potential problems in other services.
555622Traffic SteeringBSOD issue is observed when the DNS Security feature is enabled in a multi-user environment.
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Known Issues In Hotfix Release 122.1.0

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