Legal Hold Profile

Legal Hold Profile

Legal Hold is a process that an organization uses to preserve all forms of relevant information when litigation is reasonably anticipated. A Legal Hold profile is used for specifying where the files need to be held for legal purposes when action of Legal Hold is taken.

You can create a legal hold profile using the classic or next gen platform. In classic, the applications integrations are built on the 1st gen API Data Protection platform. In next gen, the application integrations are built on the latest Next Gen API Data Protection platform. Classic applications will gradually be migrated to next gen.

[Classic] Legal Hold Profile

To create a legal hold profile:

  1. Go to Policies > PROFILES > Legal Hold > Classic > NEW LEGAL HOLD PROFILE.

  2. Choose the app where you want the files to be uploaded for legal hold purposes. Today we support legal hold folders to be created on:

    • Box

    • Google Drive

    • Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive

    • Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Sites

    • Salesforce

    • Slack for Enterprise

  3. Choose the instance of the app previously created under Settings > Configure App Access > Classic > SaaS.

  4. (SharePoint only) Select the SharePoint site to store the legal hold file.

  5. Enter the email address of the custodian of the legal hold folder.

    • Before setting up a legal hold profile for Office 365 OneDrive/SharePoint apps, the custodian should log into the Office 365 account and set up the OneDrive/SharePoint app.
    • For Slack for Enterprise app, the email address should be the same as that you entered during the Slack for Enterprise instance setup.
  6. Choose the list of administrators to be notified when a file is uploaded to legal hold folder.

  7. Click NEXT.

  8. Enter a legal hold profile name and click CREATE LEGAL HOLD PROFILE.

[Next Gen] Legal Hold Profile

Use this option for SaaS apps built on the newer Next Generation API Data Protection platform. For a list of apps that support legal hold on Next Generation API Data Protection, see Next Generation API Data Protection Feature Matrix per Cloud App.

To create a Next Gen legal hold profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Policies > PROFILES > Legal Hold > Next Gen > NEW LEGAL HOLD PROFILE.

  2. Enter a profile name.

  3. Under App, select the SaaS app, and under Instance, select the SaaS app instance.

    For a list of apps that support legal hold in the Next Generation API Data Protection, see Next Generation API Data Protection Feature Matrix per Cloud App.
  4. Based on your app selection:

    • Box: Enter the email address of the Box user. The legal hold folder will be created under this user name.

    • Dropbox: Enter the email address of the Dropbox user. The legal hold folder will be created under this user name.

    • Egnyte: Enter the email address of the admin or power user. The legal hold folder will be created under this user name.

      You should enter the admin or power user email address for the legal hold profile. If you later change the user type to a ‘standard’ user, the user will lose the private folder and all the files that were stored for legal purproses.
    • Google Drive: Enter the email address of the Google Drive user. The legal hold folder will be created under this user name.

    • OneDrive: Enter the email address of the OneDrive user. The legal hold folder will be created under this user name.

    • SharePoint: Enter the SharePoint site or subsite URL in this format: https://<account-name><site-name>. For example: This site will be used to store the legal hold data. Followed by the email address of the user who has access to the site URL you entered above.

    • Slack Enterprise: When creating a legal hold profile for Slack Enterprise, make sure to select the same Slack Enterprise instance that matches the one on the policy page.

  5. Under User Email, enter the email address of the custodian of the legal hold folder.

  6. Click Save.

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