List Storage Scan Policies

List Storage Scan Policies

Use this endpoint to list storage scan policies.

Request Endpoint


Valid parameters include:

opstringlistRequired. Operation performed.
filtersJSON array of object
"cloud_provider": "<aws|googlecloud>", "policy_name": "<policy_name>",
"instance": "<instance_name>",
"dlp_profile": "<dlp_profile_name>",
"threat_protection_profile": "<threat_protection-profile_name>",
"pending": "<true | false>",

Optional. Filters used to scan policies.
cloud_providerstringaws | googlecloudOptional. The storage platform provider.
policy_namestringURL-encoded stringOptional. Name of the storage policy.
instancestringArray of stringsOptional. Searches for Instance names among the allowList.
dlp_profilestringArray of stringsOptional. Name of the DLP profile.

If used DLP Profile filter AND Threat Protection Profile filter together, likely you’ll see no results.

threat_protection_profilestringArray of stringsOptional. Name of the Threat Protection profile.

If used DLP Profile filter AND Threat Protection Profile filter together, likely you’ll see no results.

pendingbooleantrue | falseOptional. Use true to return only the policies with pending changes. User false to return only the policies without pending changes
sort_bystringcloud_provider | policy name | last-editedOptional. Determines the order of policy scan results
limitintegerPositive integer less than 10000REST API responses can return up to 10000 items in a single response. You can use pagination to retrieve more results. Limit defines the page size. If limit is not provided or set to 0, all records will be shown.
skipintegerPositive integerSkip over some of the items (useful for pagination in combination with limit). Skip decides the page amount. If limit is provided and skip is not, it will default to 0.

Example List Policies Request

POST 'https://<tenant-URL>/api/v1/storage_scan_policies?token=xxx&op=list' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--data-raw '{
    "filters": {
        "cloud_provider": ["aws", "azure", "googlecloud"],
        "policy_name": "foo",
        "instance": ["instance_name1"],
        "dlp_profile": ["dlp_profile_nameA"],
        "threat_protection_profile": ["tss_profile_nameX"],
        "pending": false
    "sortby": "cloud_provider",
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0
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List Storage Scan Policies

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