Microsoft Sentinel Plugin for Log Shipper

Microsoft Sentinel Plugin for Log Shipper

This document explains how to configure the v3.0.2 Microsoft Sentinel plugin with the Log Shipper module of the Netskope Cloud Exchange platform. This plugin supports ingestion of Alerts (DLP, Malware, Policy, Compromised Credential, Malsite, Quarantine, Remediation, Security Assessment, Watchlist, CTEP, UBA), Events (Page, Application, Audit, Infrastructure, Network, Incident), and WebTx data to the Microsoft Azure Sentinel platform. To access the plugin, you would need the credentials of the Microsoft Sentinel Platform.


  • A Netskope tenant (or multiple, for example, production and development/test instances) that is already configured in Cloud Exchange.
  • A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the Log Shipper module already configured.
  • A Netskope Cloud Exchange tenant with the WebTx plugin already configured.
  • An Azure Sentinel instance.


Verify your Microsoft Sentinel instance permissions are secure and not set up for open public access. Only allow access to your cloud storage instance from your Cloud Exchange Host and any other addresses that need access.

CE Version Compatibility

This plugin is compatible with Netskope CE v4.2.0 and v5.0.1.

Microsoft Sentinel Plugin Support

The Microsoft Sentinel plugin is used to ingest Netskope Events, Netskope Alerts data and WebTx data in JSON format to Microsoft Sentinel.

Event TypesYes: Page, Application, Audit, Infrastructure, Network, Incident
Alert TypesYes: DLP, Malware, Policy, Compromised Credential, Malsite, Quarantine, Remediation, Security Assessment, Watchlist, CTEP, UBA
Syslog CE Log TypesNot supported
WebTx SupportYes

Requires a Microsoft Sentinel Account with Log Analytics workspace access.

API Details
List of APIs Used
API Endpoint Method Use Case
/api/logs POST Send log data to Log Analytics with the HTTP Data Collector

API Endpoint Sample


Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Log-Type: Netskope_Alerts1
x-ms-date: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 06:46:41 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey <WorkspaceID>:<Signature>
Request Body

	  "key1": "value1",
	  "key2": "value2",
	  "key3": "value3",
	  "key4": "value4”

API Request Endpoint


Sample API Response

200 OK
Performance Matrix

This performance reading is for a Large Stack CE tested on the below-mentioned VM specifications. The below readings are added with the consideration that it will ingest around 10K logs in 11 seconds for Alerts and Events, and 7K WebTx logs in 5 seconds.

Stack details Size: Large
RAM: 32 GB
CPU: 16 Cores
Events, Alerts ingested to Microsoft Sentinel 200K EPM
WebTx ingested to Microsoft Sentinel ~6 Mbps
User Agent

The user agent added in this plugin is in the following format:


For example:



  1. Get your Microsoft Sentinel Workspace ID and Primary Key.
  2. Configure the Microsoft Sentinel plugin.
  3. Configure a Log Shipper Business Rules.
  4. Configure the Log Shipper SIEM Mappings.
  5. Validate the plugin.

Click play to watch a video.


Get your Azure Sentinel Workspace ID and Primary Key

  1. Log in to the Entra ID portal .
  2. Click Microsoft Sentinel.
  3. Click Create on the Microsoft Sentinel page.
  4. Click Create a new workspace.
  5. Select a Resource Group, enter a Name, and select your Region. Click Review + Create.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The workspace will be created; it will take a few seconds to deploy. After deployment succeeds, click Refresh. Click on the Workspace that you created and click Add.
  8. It will take a few seconds to add the workspace.
  9. After successfully adding a workspace, go to Home > Log Analytics workspaces.
  10. Click on the workspace name that you created.
  11. Click Settings > Agents.
  12. Click Log Analytics agent instructions.
  13. Under Logs Analytics agent instruction, copy the Workspace ID and Primary Key. These are needed to configure the plugin.

Configure the Microsoft Sentinel Plugin

  1. In Cloud Exchange, go to Settings > Plugins.
  2. Search for and select the Azure Sentinel (CLS) box to open the plugin creation pages.
  3. Enter these parameters:
    • Configuration Name: Create a unique name for the configuration.
    • Mapping: Use the default mapping file.
    • Transform the raw logs: Disable if you need to send Raw Data. (Default: It will be enabled and send Transformed data).
    • Use System Proxy: Enable if the proxy is required for communication.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter these parameters:
    • Workspace ID: The unique identifier of your Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
    • Primary Key: The authentication key for your Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
    • Alerts Log Type Name: Custom Log Type name for alerts. Based on this name, schema for alerts will be created in Log Analytics Workspace with suffix _CL. Note that the value Netskope_Alerts or Netskope_Alerts_CL for this parameter matches the Netskope published playbooks in the Microsoft marketplace. In this log type, _CL will automatically be appended from Microsoft.
    • Events Log Type Name: Custom Log Type name for events. Based on this name, schema for events will be created in Log Analytics Workspace with suffix _CL. Note that the value Netskope_Events or Netskope_Events_CL for this parameter matches the Netskope published playbooks in the Microsoft marketplace. In this log type, _CL will automatically be appended from Microsoft.
    • WebTX Log Type Name: Custom Log Type name for web transactions. Based on this name, schema for web transactions will be created in Log Analytics Workspace with suffix _CL. Note that the value Netskope_WebTx or Netskope_WebTX_CL for this parameter matches the Netskope published playbooks in the Microsoft marketplace. In this log type, _CL will automatically be appended from Microsoft.
  6. Click Save.

Configure Log Shipper Business Rules for Microsoft Sentinel

Skip this step if you do not want to filter out alerts or events before ingestion.

  1. Go to Log Shipper > Business Rules.
  2. Click Create New Rule.


    By default, there’s a business rule that filters all alerts and events. If you want to filter out any specific type of alert or event, create a new Business Rule.

  3. If creating a new rule, enter a Rule Name and select the filters to use.
  4. Click Save.

Configure the Log Shipper SIEM Mappings for Microsoft Sentinel

  1. Go to Log Shipper > SIEM Mappings and click Add SIEM Mapping.
  2. For Source, select the Netskope CLS plugin configuration, select a Business Rule, and for Destination, select the Moicrosoft Sentinel plugin configuration.

    Do the same for the WebTx plugin as well.

  3. Click on Save.

Validate the Microsoft Sentinel Plugin

To validate the plugin workflow, you can check from Netskope Cloud Exchange and from the Microsoft Sentinel instance.

Validate the Pull

Go to Logging, and search for the message contains pulled logs. 

Validate the Push

To validate the plugin workflow in Netskope Cloud Exchange:

  1. Go to Logging and Search for ingested events with the filter message contains ingested.
  2. The ingested logs will be filtered.

To validate the push in the Azure platform:

  1. Log in to the Entra ID portal.
  2. Go to the Log Analytics workspace, and click on the workspace that you have created. You can filter the logs using the schema name used in the plugin example: Netskope_Alerts_CL | where alert_type_s contains “dlp”
  3. To verify the Events data filter the logs using the schema name: Netskope_Events_CL
  4. To verify the Webtx data filter the logs using the schema name: Netskope_WebTX_CL


If a user is not able to configure the Microsoft Sentinel plugin

If you are not able to configure the plugin it might be due to invalid plugin credentials provided.

What to do: Check the Workspace ID and Primary key added in the plugin configuration with the Workspace ID and Primary Key on the Sentinel Portal. Also make sure that the workspace is not deleted on Sentinel.

If data is not ingested from Cloud Exchange

Data is not ingested from Cloud Exchange to the platform. If this is the case it might be due to one of the following:

  • Data is not pulled from the Source plugin.
  • Data is not present on the Source plugin for the provided initial range.

What to do:

  • If your data is not pulled from Cloud Exchange, go to the logging page and check the logs, there will be a log like mentioned below, related to readtimeout. Wait for the error to be resolved, and check the issue from the source plugin side.

  • Check on the tenant from which date the data is present and provide that number while configuring the tenant in Cloud Exchange.
If ingested data is not reflected on the Microsoft Azure Sentinel plugin

Ingestion logs are received but the data is not reflected on the platform. If this is the case it might be due to one of the following:

  • Workspace is newly created
  • Logs are being checked in the wrong Workspace
  • File name for ingested data is wrong while searching

What to do:

  • If your data is not reflected check above options, If the workspace is newly created and data is ingested for the first time it might take a few minutes for the data to be reflected on the platform.
  • Check the workspace in which you are ingesting the logs.
  • If that is not the case then check the file name or search query that you are using for data verification. You can check the file name in the plugin configuration.

Make sure to add the _CL in the table name while filtering the data on Sentinel, as Sentinel adds the above suffix for all the file names when data is ingested, else you won’t be able to see any ingested logs.

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Microsoft Sentinel Plugin for Log Shipper

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