Netskope GRE with Cisco IOS

Netskope GRE with Cisco IOS

Netskope supports Generic Route Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels as a traffic steering method. GRE tunnels allow you to route web traffic (port 80 and 443) to Netskope using logical tunnel interfaces that terminate to a Netskope GRE gateway.  When you create GRE tunnels in Netskope, parameters for configuring the tunnels are provided. The GRE configuration below utilizes Cisco IOS XE commands and concepts. 

This guide illustrates how to configure GRE tunnels between Netskope and the following Cisco routers:

  • Cisco CSR 1000v (VXE) running IOS XE version 17.03.03
  • Cisco ISR 3900 (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M) running IOS XE version 15.4(3)M3

You must define the GRE tunnel interfaces and failover methods. To meet your individual SLAs or requirements, you can modify certain parameters such as interfaces, timeouts, and thresholds. To learn more about the CLI steps on Cisco IOS XE, see the Cisco documentation.


Before configuring GRE, review the guidelines and prerequisites.

Creating GRE Tunnels in Netskope

To create the GRE tunnels for Cisco routers in the Netskope UI:

  1. Go to Settings > Security Cloud Platform > GRE.
  2. Click New GRE Configuration.
  3. In the New GRE Configuration window:
    • Configuration Name: Enter a name for the GRE tunnel.
    • Tunnel Type: Select Default.
    • Source Peer: Enter the source peer IP address (i.e., exit public IP) of the Cisco router that Netskope will receive packets from. Netskope identifies traffic belonging to your organization through your router or firewall IP addresses.
    The New GRE Configuration window on the GRE page.
  4. Click Save and View POPs.
  5. In the Netskope POPs window, copy the GRE Gateway IP address of the two closest Netskope POPs. You need this information to establish the GRE tunnels on your Cisco routers. For optimal performance, Netskope recommends using the geographically closest POPs and configuring two tunnels for redundancy.


    FedRAMP High POPs are different that those shown here. Your FedRAMP High tenant will show the available POPs.

    Netskope Points Of Presense POPs information in the Netskope POPs window.

Defining the Primary Tunnel Interface

  1. Log in to your Cisco router.
  2. Enter configuration mode: 
    #configure terminal
  3. Create your tunnel interface with an ID:
    #Interface Tunnel1
  4. Enter an IP address for the interface. It can be any one you choose.
    (config-if)#ip address

    If you want to process IP packets without configuring a unique IP address on an interface, you can use the IP unnumbered command instead:

    (config-if)#ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1
  5. Enter the MSS value for the interface. To learn how to calculate this value, see GRE.
    (config-if)#ip tcp adjust-mss 1436
  6. Set the tunnel source interface, which is the interface that the tunnel is attached to. It’s typically the public interface of the router.
    (config-if)#tunnel source GigabitEthernet1
  7. Set the tunnel destination to the IP address of the primary Netskope POP, which you copied in Creating GRE Tunnels in Netskope):
    (config-if)#tunnel destination

To verify the primary tunnel interface is up and running on your router, you can enter the show ip interface brief command. If the configuration is successful, the Status and Protocol will be UP.

Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1      YES DHCP   up                    up
GigabitEthernet2     YES NVRAM  up                    up
Tunnel1         YES TFTP   up  up
Tunnel2         YES TFTP   up                    up
VirtualPortGroup0  YES NVRAM  up

Defining the Backup Tunnel Interface

  1. Create your tunnel interface with an ID:
    #Interface Tunnel2
  2. Enter an IP address for the interface. It can be any one you choose.
    (config-if)#ip address

    If you want to process IP packets without configuring a unique IP address on an interface, you can use the IP unnumbered command instead:

    (config-if)#ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1
  3. Enter the MSS value for the interface. To learn how to calculate this value, see GRE.
    (config-if)#ip tcp adjust-mss 1436
  4. Set the tunnel source interface, which is the interface that the tunnel is attached to. It’s typically the public interface of the router.
    (config-if)#tunnel source GigabitEthernet1
  5. Set the tunnel destination to the IP address of the backup Netskope POP, which you copied in Creating GRE Tunnels in Netskope): 
    (config-if)#tunnel destination

To verify the backup tunnel interface is up and running on your router, you can enter the show ip interface brief command. If the configuration is successful, the Status and Protocol will be UP.

Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1      YES DHCP   up                    up
GigabitEthernet12     YES NVRAM  up                    up
Tunnel1         YES TFTP   up  up
Tunnel2         YES TFTP   up                    up
VirtualPortGroup0  YES NVRAM  up

Configuring the ACL & Route Map

You can use the route map to only route web traffic on ports 80 and 443 to through the GRE tunnels.

To configure an access control list (ACL) and route map: 

  1. Create an ACL for the traffic you want to match and apply the route map to:
    (config)#access-list 10 permit tcp any any eq www
    (config)#access-list 20 permit tcp any any eq 443
  2. Define a route map to match traffic against:
    (config)#route-map netskope permit 10
  3. Assign the access-list to the route map you created in Step 2:
    (config-route-map)#match ip address 2000
  4. Set the tunnel interfaces in order of priority:
    (config-route-map)#set interface Tunnel1 Tunnel2
  5. Apply the route map to the interface that the traffic must be rerouted from:
    (config-route-map)#Interface GigabitEthernet2
    (config-if)#ip policy route-map netskope

Configuring the Failover Options

Cisco provides two options to automate failover between the primary and backup GRE tunnels.  You can use keepalives on the tunnel or combine IP SLA with Embedded Event Manager (EEM) to automate the failover. Netskope recommends using GRE keepalives because they are easy to configure. 

Configure GRE Keepalives

Configure your tunnel interfaces for keepalives (the parameters 10 and 3 are for demonstration purposes only.  They need to be tuned to your environment and thresholds.  The first parameter is the keepalive period and the second is the number of keepalive retries before the tunnel will be changed to a down state until the keepalive succeeds again.

(config)#interface tunnel1
(config-if)#keepalive 10 3
(config-if)#interface tunnel2
(config-if)#keepalive 10 3

To learn more about monitoring GRE tunnels with keepalives, see GRE. To learn more about GRE keepalives, see the Cisco documentation.

Combine IP SLA and EEM

  1. Configure host routes to the primary and backup probe IP addresses through their corresponding tunnel interface.
    (config)#ip route Tunnel1
    (config)#ip route Tunnel2
  2. Ping the probe to test it’s reachability.
  3. Configure the IP SLA objects:
    (config)#ip sla 1
    (config-ip-sla)#icmp-echo source-interface Tunnel1
    (config-ip-sla-echo)#threshold 500
    (config-ip-sla-echo)#frequency 5
    (config)#ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
    (config)#ip sla 2
    (config-ip-sla)#icmp-echo source-interface Tunnel2
    (config-ip-sla-echo)#threshold 500
    (config-ip-sla-echo)#frequency 5
    (config)#ip sla schedule 2 life forever start-time now
  4. Track the IP SLA objects. The Event Manager uses this to trigger failover.
    (config)#track 1 ip sla 1
    (config-track)#delay down 10 up 15
    (config)#track 2 ip sla 2
    (config-track)#delay down 10 up 15
  5. Configure an Event Manager applet that allows failover to the backup tunnel based on the primary tunnel’s IP SLA and resumes using the primary tunnel when it’s healthy again.
    (confg)#event manager applet Primary_Tunnel_State_Down
    (config-applet)#event track 1 state down
    (config-applet)#action 1 wait 3
    (config-applet)#action 2 cli command “enable”
    (config-applet)#action 3 cli command “config t”
    (config-applet)#action 4 cli command "route-map netskope-tunnel"
    (config-applet)#action 5 cli command “no set interface Tunnel1 Tunnel2”
    (config-applet)#action 5 cli command “set interface Tunnel2”
    (confg)#event manager applet Primary_Tunnel_State_Up
    (config-applet)#event track 1 state up
    (config-applet)#action 1 wait 3
    (config-applet)#action 2 cli command “enable”
    (config-applet)#action 3 cli command “config t”
    (config-applet)#action 4 cli command "route-map netskope-tunnel"
    (config-applet)#action 5 cli command “no set interface Tunnel2”
    (config-applet)#action 5 cli command “set interface Tunnel1 Tunnel2”

    These two applets only apply when the primary tunnel goes up or down.  You can define more applets for when the failover tunnel state changes or if both tunnels states go down.

Sample CLI Configuration

Below is a sample CLI GRE tunnel configuration for Cisco routers:

interface GigabitEthernet1 
 ip address dhcp
 ip nat outside
 negotiation auto
 no mop enabled
 no mop sysid
interface GigabitEthernet2
 ip address
 ip policy route-map netskope
 negotiation auto
 no mop enabled
 no mop sysid
interface Tunnel1 
 description "Primary GRE Tunnel"
 ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1436
 keepalive 10 3
 tunnel source GigabitEthernet1 
 tunnel destination
interface Tunnel2
 description "Backup GRE Tunnel"
 ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1436
 keepalive 10 3
 tunnel source GigabitEthernet1 
 tunnel destination
ip access-list extended 2000
 10 permit tcp any any eq 443
 20 permit tcp any any eq www
route-map netskope permit 10
 match ip address 2000
 set interface Tunnel1 Tunnel2
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