Netskope Library (Reports New Experience)
Netskope Library (Reports New Experience)
This page lists and describes each Netskope created report (dashboard) and available widgets.
Dashboards and widgets are organized in a table format and in different categories (#1 image above).
Dashboards and widgets display the number of times it was copied into a Personal or Group folder (#2 image above).
This page contains pre-built dashboards and widgets that are available to you for copying to include in your personal or group folders.
From this page you can:
Search for a specific dashboard
Sort the Dashboard list
View dashboard details (the underlying report details)
Clone a dashboard and save it to your personal folders, to which you have permission to access
Copy a dashboard to a different folder, to which you have permission to access
Dashboards and widgets created in the past 90 days are tagged as ‘New’.
The table below lists and describes each default dashboard available to you.
App Usage Summary | Summarizes app usage for your company, providing details on how many users are accessing each app, what the Netskope Cloud Confidence Index category is for each app (i.e., excellent, high, medium, low, poor), number of sessions, bytes downloaded, bytes uploaded, and total bytes |
Cloud Risk Assessment - App Category | Provides information regarding the top users, applications, and categories ranked by session, applications, bytes uploaded, or bytes downloaded. It also provides numerous metrics regarding the top apps and users broken down into common app categories, including: Cloud Storage, Collaboration, CRM, Finance, HR, and Webmail. Dashboard filters can be customized to generate reports based on different app categories. |
Cloud Risk Assessment - Enterprise Readiness | Provides the top apps ranked by users, bytes downloaded, bytes uploaded, and sessions. |
Cloud Risk Assessment - Monitor and Control | Provides insights into inline usage, policy, threat and user behavior analytics alerts. |
Cloud Risk Assessment - Summary | Provides information regarding the top users, applications, and categories ranked by session, applications, bytes uploaded, or bytes downloaded. |
Cloud Risk Assessment - Visibility | Provides insights into risky app usage based on key Cloud Confidence Index attributes. |
Compromised Credentials | Provides the top apps and app categories being utilized by users with compromised credentials, as well as those with limited compliance as it relates to HIPAA and PCI. It also displays the top activities being performed by users with compromised credentials. |
Compliance Report | Provides insights into potential risks that your company and users may be exposed to while using cloud applications. Reports include the top non-compliant apps and the users of these apps in use in terms of PCI and HIPAA. It also includes the top apps with risky attributes (such as not supporting encryption at rest, limited data ownership and copyright rights, no SOC certifications, etc.). |
Log Usage Summary | Presents a summary of activity usage patterns, including the most used categories and apps, top users by session and data movement, top uploaders and downloaders, and sessions and data movement broken down by Cloud Confidence Index category (i.e., excellent, high, medium, low, poor). |
Risk Exposure Summary | Provides insights into potential risks your company and users may be exposed to while using cloud-resourced apps. This report provides details on the most used categories and apps by data movement, highest uploads to apps rated medium or below on Netskope's Cloud Confidence Index, and the top apps with risky attributes (such as no SOC 1 or SOC 2 certification, limited to no encryption, no secure password policies, etc.). |
User Agent Summary | Provides the top 100 applications ranked by total events. |
Web Usage Summary | Provides high-level information on the top users with the most usage, top visited categories, top devices used, top browsers used, top blocked users, top blocked sites, and the most visited websites broken down by category (including details on the number of sessions, bytes downloaded, bytes uploaded, and total bytes). |
Sharing Netskope Enhanced Reports Dashboards
Admins can share read-only access to Netskope Enhanced Reports dashboards with a one-time password. This is available for dashboards saved in personal and group folders. The NAA dashboard
is optimized for any form factor such as, mobile devices, tablets, monitors, etc. In addition, recipients of the dashboards can also interact with the dashboard by changing the filters or clicking the links to see additional data behind the report.
To share a report navigate to Enhanced Reports > Folders > Personal, Group, or Netskope Library.
Click the ellipses (#1 image above) at the end of the report you want to share.
Select Share with Executives (#2 image above). The Share with Executives pop-up window displays.
Select an expiration date (#1 image above). You cannot choose a date in the past but anytime in the future is allowed.
Type comma separated emails for the recipients (#2 image above). Additionally, you can send the report to an email distribution list.
Click Add to send the one time password (#3 image above).
The one-time password expires after one hour. A new password is generated each time the report is accessed. To access the same URL later, you will be sent a new one-time password, refer to the Recipient Workflow section below for details. -
By default the “Send a copy of dashboard url to the above email recipients” checkbox is selected (#4 image above).
Optionally, you can uncheck the default checkbox and click Add. By doing so, use the “Copy Dashboard Link” (#5 image above) to send the one-time password to the recipient(s). This is helpful if you want to send the dashboard link through other tools, e.g. Slack, Gmail Chat, Microsoft Teams, etc.
Recipient Workflow
The executive recipient receives an email with the link.
Once they click the link, a one-time password is generated and sent to the email configured by the admin that shared the link with the executive recipient.
The recipient clicks the link in the email and pastes the one-time password and clicks Verify.
Optionally, the recipient can click Resend an OTP if the one-time password expires.
Once the dashboard loads, you can resize the browser window and the dashboard will be responsive to the size of the window and rearrange the contents to fit the size. These dashboards will also load to fit any mobile device such as tablets, mobile phones, or conference room televisions / projectors. In addition, you can drill into the dashboard by clicking the data or changing the filter values.
Scheduling Enhanced Reports Dashboards
Users can schedule Personal, Group, or Netskope Library dashboards as well as widgets. In addition, schedule owners can manage (view / edit) their own schedules in their Personal, Group, or Netskope Library folders. However, if you are not the schedule owner, you may see a report listed in a schedule but you cannot view or edit the report. If you click the report link, the system displays an error message.
Report Admins can view all scheduled reports listed in their Personal, Group, or Netskope folders.
Navigate to Enhanced Reports > Folders > Scheduled to view all scheduled dashboards and widgets.
The list view page displays the following information:
Name – dashboard or widget name (the same name may be listed multiple times. This means, the same report has multiple schedules and / or multiple owners.
Schedule Name – name you designate for the shared report.
Schedule – the date and time the dashboard or widget will be sent to the recipient(s).
Last Sent (UTC) – the last date and time in UTC format the shared report was sent.
Type – filter by dashboard or widget.
Format – filter by format type: CSV, HTML, PDF, PNG, Table, Text, Visualizations, XLSX
Recipients – email address(es) of users scheduled to receive the dashboard or widget.
Schedule Owner – email address of the user that created the schedule. Only schedule owners can delete a schedule.
Click the ellipses at the end of a dashboard name to view and manage the schedule.
The delete option is only available for the schedule owner. Deleting a schedule does not delete the report.
In addition, a deactivated user’s schedule is removed automatically from any scheduled dashboards. If all recipients unsubscribe from a scheduled email delivery, that schedule is deleted from the Scheduled list view page.
Admins can view details for the scheduled dashboard or widget such as create date, description, and activities.
You can filter a time range and one or more activities associated with the dashboard or widget.
Activities include:
Executive Access
Ad Hoc Run
Scheduled Run
Schedule a Dashboard or Widget
Navigate and open a dashboard or widget. Widgets must be saved to your personal library before you can create a schedule.
From your dashboard or widget click the vertical dots and select Schedule Delivery.
The Schedule window displays. The Settings tab is the default tab that displays. Select the desired recurrence from the dropdown. Options will change based on your selection such as Day, Time, Months, etc.
Recurrence options include: Send now, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Specific months, Specific days, and Datagroup update.
Type the recipient’s email address. If there are multiple recipients, type one email address and click return. You can click All or External to toggle between the recipient lists.
Select a format by which the recipients will receive the email file. Options include: CSV, PDF, or PNG visualization.
Click the Filters tab to view the dashboard or widget filters. The filters are already applied to the dashboard or widget. If you want to make changes to the filters, exit the schedule and make your changes before returning to the schedule window.
Click the Advanced Options tab to add a message to include in the body of the email your recipients will receive.
Select the “Expand tables to show all rows” checkbox. Note, large tables may render as plain text or limit displayed rows.
Select the “Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column” checkbox.
Select the Paper size from the dropdown.
Select the Delivery timezone.
Optionally, click Test now to send the dashboard or widget as a test before the scheduled time.
Click Save.