Digital Experience Management > Settings
Customers have the ability to tailor DEM configuration settings for different users, groups, and a multitude of other attributes. The new feature can be found on the Settings page of your Digital Experience Management (DEM) tenant. This service allows you to configure and manage the following DEM related settings:
- General Settings
- Network Path Probes
The Settings page is displayed in your tenant’s left navigation menu under the DEM section if the customer has a subscription for P-DEM Professional. Additionally, the currently logged-in user must have the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permission enabled.
How to Enable RBAC-V1 for Settings
A user must have the correct RBAC permissions enabled to view the DEM Settings page. To enable these permissions for a user, please do the following:
- Go to Tenant Homepage > Settings > Administration > Roles.
- To view the RBAC settings for a specific user, click the ellipse icon located on the far-right of the row for the selected user.
- Then, select View to open the “View Role” window which contains the RBAC settings options for that specific user.
- The “View Role” window will open for the selected user.
- Find the row for “Reports” beneath the “Functional Area” column.
- Ensure that the reports functionality permission is set to “View Only” or “View and Manage” permission in order for that user to be able to see the DEM Settings page.
How to Enable RBAC-V2 for Settings
To enable the correct permissions for the DEM Settings page with RBAC-V2, please do the following:
- Go to Tenant Homepage > Settings > Administration > Roles.
- To view the RBAC settings for a specific user, click the ellipse icon located on the far-right of the row for the selected user.
- Then, select View to open the “View Role” page which contains the RBAC settings options for the selected user.
- You will be taken to the “View Role” page for the selected user.
- On the “View Role” page, scroll down to the “Page Permissions” section.
- Click the drop-down carrot icon to expand the Digital Experience Management section.
- Ensure the permissions for the DEM Settings page are set to “View” or “Manage”.
About Settings
The DEM Settings page gives you access to features that enable you to configure DEM-related settings.
General Settings
This page gives you the ability to view and manage the general settings for DEM. You can enable and disable the DEM service for selected users by utilizing the tools in this section.
DEM Service Settings
The DEM Service Settings configuration tool enables you to control which users can have access to the DEM Service. You can select from a wide range of criteria to enable or disable the DEM Service for selected users.
To Enable the DEM Service for All Users
You can use this configuration option to enable or disable the DEM service for all users.
- Go to DEM > Settings and click on the General tab.
- Click the Edit button for the “DEM Service” section.
- The “DEM Service Settings” window will open.
- To edit, click the Status toggle to change the toggle from “disabled” to “enabled”.
- The status will be enabled for all users. A selection of criteria options to enable the DEM Service and a query preview will appear in the DEM Service Settings window.
- To enable the DEM Service for all users, click the Save button.
To Enable the DEM Service Status for Selected Categories of Users
You can use this configuration option to enable the DEM service for specific users.
- Go to DEM > Settings and click on the General tab.
- Click the Edit button for the “DEM Service” section.
- The “DEM Service Settings” window will open.
- To edit, click the Status toggle to change the toggle from “disabled” to “enabled”.
- The status will be enabled for all users, and a selection of criteria options to enable the DEM Service will appear in the “DEM Service Settings” window.
- Make selections from the following categories to create the criteria for which users will have the DEM Service enabled:
- User: Select from users, user group, and organization unit.
- OS: Select from windows and Mac.
- Device Classification: Select from managed, unmanaged, and not configured.
- You can use the “Query Preview” section to preview the query.
- To enable the DEM Service for the users that you have selected, click the Save button.
To Disable the DEM Service Status for Specific Users
You can use this configuration option to disable the DEM service for specific users by selecting the exclusion criteria.
- Go to the “DEM Service Settings” window.
- To view the “Add Exclusion Criteria” dropdown tab, ensure that the “Status” toggle is set to “enabled”.
- Click the “Add Exclusion Criteria” dropdown tab to view the following exclusion criteria options:
- User
- OS
- Classification
- Click on a criteria option to expand the criteria selection field.
- Use the selected exclusion criteria fields to select the users, OS, and device classifications that you want to exclude from the DEM service.
- If you are selecting more than one exclusion criteria, choose whether you want the exclusion criteria to match “ANY” or “ALL” of the selected criteria by choosing from the following two options:
- ANY: One or more of the selected criteria must be matched for a selection to be excluded from having the DEM Service enabled.
- ALL: All of the selected criteria must be matched for a selection to be excluded from having the DEM Service enabled.
- DEM will be enabled for all users except for the ones specified in the exclusion criteria.
- You can use the “Query Preview” section to preview the query.
- Click the Save button to save your selections.
Monitored Applications
You can use this feature to select and edit up to seven monitored applications from 47 predefined applications.
To Configure Monitored Applications
- Go to DEM > Settings and click on the General tab.
- Click the Edit button in the Monitored Applications section of the page.
- Search for the applications of your choice by typing an application name in the search field or by scrolling through the list of 47 applications.
- Make your selection of up to seven applications.
- Click the Save button to save your selection of applications.
Network Path Probes
The Network Path Probes section enables you to define the monitoring policies for users with the DEM service. These policies determine the data collected and the frequency of collection to meet your specific monitoring needs.
About Network Path Probes
The Network Path Probes section enables you to define the monitoring policies for users with DEM.
A. Network Path Probes Tab: This tab will take you to the Network Path Probes configuration section of the Settings page.
B. New Network Path Probes Button: Clicking this button will open the “New Network Path Probe” window where you can create a new probe.
C. Probe Name: The name of the probe.
D. Source: The selections that have been made for the user, user groups, and OUs.
E. Devices: The OS and devices that have been selected.
F. Status: Whether the probe is enabled or disabled.
G. Handle Icon: You can click and hold the handle icon to drag and drop a row.
H. Order Number: A specific probes place on the ordered list of probes on the Network Path Probes subpage.
I. Ellipse Icon: You can click the ellipse icon to view the following additional options for a selected probe:
- Disable: Select this option to disable the probe.
- Edit: Select this option to edit the probe.
- Delete: Select this option to delete the probe.
- (move): Select this option to move the probe.
J. Page Number Tool: This number displays the page that you are viewing on the Network Path Probes subpage. When available, you can click the arrows to view additional pages.
K. Rows Per Page: Use this tool to change the number of rows you can view per page.
L. Edit Icon: Clicking the edit icon at the bottom of the page will open the “Default Network Path Probe” window. You can edit the following settings in this window:
- Enable or disable the “Process Info Collection” settings by using the Enabled/Disabled toggles.
- Change the frequency of data collection by selecting from the list of options in minutes.
To Configure a New Network Path Probe
You can create a new policy for Network Path Probes to tailor monitoring specifically to individual users, user groups, or devices based on criteria such as management status and OS. This customized policy allows you to set specific monitoring parameters that override the default settings. You can configure a new probe by following these steps:
- Click the New Network Path Probe button.
- The “New Network Path Probe” configuration window will open.
- Make the following selections to configure a new probe:
- Network Path Probe Name: Enter the name for the new probe.
- Probe Status: Use the toggle to enable or disable the probe.
- Network Path and Device Health Collection: Use the toggle to enable or disable this feature.
- Process Info Collection: Use the toggle to enable or disable this feature.
- Frequency (minutes): Select the frequency of data collection by selecting from the list of options in minutes.
- Users and Devices: Select the users and devices that you want to be monitored:
- User: All users will be monitored by default. Select specific users by using the users search field if you only want to monitor specific users.
- OS: All OS will be monitored by default. To monitor a subset of OS, select Windows or Mac from the OS search field.
- Device Classification: All device classifications will be monitored by default. Select from managed, unmanaged, and not configured in the device classification search field if you want to monitor devices with specific classifications.
- Click the Save button to create the new probe.
To Edit an Existing Network Path Probe
To edit an existing probe follow these steps:
- Select the probe you want to edit by clicking the ellipse icon in the row for that probe.
- A small options menu will open.
- Click Edit.
- The “Edit Network Path Probe” window will open.
- Edit the probe by changing the settings in the window.
- Click the Save button to save the changes to the probe.