User Overview
User Overview
Digital Experience Management’s User Overview page provides you with troubleshooting and optimization tools.
About User Overview
The User Overview page provides you with a centralized view of critical insights. You can view device health metrics like CPU, memory, storage, Wi-Fi strength, and battery level. You also have the ability to navigate the network with hop-by-hop visualizations. These tools can help provide you with a smoother end-user experience by transforming data into actionable insights by leveraging end-user experience scores, latency, packet loss, and round trip time metrics. You also have visibility into the number of monitored users, applications, sites, and devices. Additionally, you can utilize Netskope client telemetry such as operating system, geographic location, and private/public IP for further insights.
How to Enable RBAC-V1 for User Overview
A user must have the correct RBAC permissions enabled to view the DEM User Overview page. To enable these permissions for a user, please do the following:
- Go to Tenant Homepage > Settings > Administration > Roles.
- To view the RBAC settings for a specific user, click the ellipse
icon located on the far-right of the row for the selected user.
- Then, select View to open the “View Role” window which contains the RBAC settings options for that specific user.
- The “View Role” window will open for the selected user.
- Find the row for “Reports” beneath the “Functional Area” column.
- Ensure that the reports functionality permission is set to “View Only” or “View and Manage” permission in order for that user to be able to see the DEM User Overview page.
How to Enable RBAC-V2 for User Overview
To enable the correct permissions for the DEM User Overview page with RBAC-V2, please do the following:
- Go to Tenant Homepage > Settings > Administration > Roles.
- To view the RBAC settings for a specific user, click the ellipse
icon located on the far-right of the row for the selected user.
- Then, select View to open the “View Role” page which contains the RBAC settings options for the selected user.
- You will be taken to the “View Role” page for the selected user.
- On the “View Role” page, scroll down to the “Page Permissions” section.
- Click the drop-down carrot
icon to expand the Digital Experience Management section.
- Ensure the permissions for the DEM User Overview page are set to “View” or “Manage”.
Filter Menu
The filter menu gives you the ability to select from a wide range of filters to view data with specific criteria. You can select from the following filters:
- Time: Select the time range by using this filter. You can select from a predefined time filter or create a custom time range.
- Filters: Click the Add Filter button to search for a specific filter or select from the following filter options:
- User: Filter by searching for specific users.
- Source IP: Filter by searching for the public source IP address.
- User Location: Filter users by location.
- POP: Filter by the Point of Presence (POP) locations.
- Experience Score: Filter by the following Experience Score ranges:
- 71~100
- 31~70
- 0~30
- Device OS: Filter by the device OS.
- Application: Filter by specific applications.
- Clear: Clear the filter options that you have selected.
User Experience Map
The map provides you with insights into the user experience for users at various locations across the globe. The data points are represented by colored circles with a number inside of them. The circles on the map display the number of users seen at the location. The colors of the circles represent the overall user experience at that location:
- Green: Good experience
- Orange: Fair experience
- Red: Poor experience
- Grey: Unknown experience
User Overview Details
The User Overview Details section of the User Overview page provides you with a brief overview of the metrics that can help you evaluate the experience of your users.
- Monitored Users: The number of monitored users.
- Users with Poor Experience: The number of users having an experience score of less than 30.
- Monitored Devices: The number of monitored devices.
- Proactively Monitored Apps: The number of proactively monitored applications.
- Synthetically Monitored Apps: The number of synthetically monitored applications.
- Impacted Apps: The number of applications with an experience score of 30 or less.
User Details Overview
The User Details section of the User Overview page provides a brief overview of the key data points about each monitored user.
- Zoom Icon: You can click the zoom icon to view the User Details page for an individual user. These pages provide you with comprehensive information about an individual user, including a wide range of metrics that can help you with troubleshooting.
- User: A user who is connected to the Netskope service.
- Current Exp Score: The current experience score reflects the quality of the user’s experience. You can use the arrows to sort the list when there are one or more users.
- User Group: The current group or groups a user belongs to.
- Devices: The current device or list of devices a user has used to connect to the Netskope service.
- Location: The geographic location of the user.
- Applications: The number of monitored applications that a user has accessed.
User Experience Score
The user experience score provides a quantifiable measurement of a monitored user’s overall digital experience. It evaluates endpoint performance and health, application responsiveness, and network connectivity and factors in changes across these components to account for their impact on the user’s experience. The user experience score enables network administrators to continuously monitor performance and respond proactively to any emerging issues.
User Experience Score Components
The user experience score uses multiple components in a data model for computation. The components are listed below:
- Device health & performance: The user experience score assesses the operational health of a user’s device by monitoring multiple aspects like processor, memory, Wi-Fi strength, and other factors. Optimal performance in these areas—such as higher availability of resources and stronger Wi-Fi signals—can have a positive impact on the user’s experience.
- Application responsiveness: The experience score utilizes the application response metrics observed for the user by focusing on the POP that the user is connecting through. If a customer has app probes setup, then the measurements are included in the APP responsiveness computation.
- Network connection performance: The experience score also utilizes latency measurement and network performance to account for the health of the connection from the user’s device to the relevant Netskope POP. This component accounts for the quality of the network connection, the underlay as well as the overlay performance as contributors to the user’s experience.
The score is computed if at least two of the above mentioned components have generated monitoring telemetry.
Score Ranges
The user experience score range is 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates poor performance that could impact user operations and satisfaction, while a score of 100 represents an excellent state with no impacting issues.
- Good (Green): Scores ranging from 71 to 100 indicate that users are likely enjoying optimal digital interactions.
- Fair (Orange): Scores between 31 and 70 represent an acceptable user experience that might still require attention.
- Poor (Red): Scores from 0 to 30 signal a subpar user experience, where users are likely facing significant challenges such as frequent application timeouts, slow device performance, or poor network connectivity.
Score Frequency
The user experience score is displayed at a frequency that is set by the admin for monitoring telemetry collection. The score frequency represents the time interval of data collection from the various services and components that are utilized by the P-DEM service.
For example, if an admin sets the network path probe frequency for User A at 5 minutes, then the User Drill Down dashboard for User A will display the User Experience Score at a 5-minute interval.
User Overview Page
The User Details pages provide you with comprehensive information about each monitored user. These pages contain information about the user, their devices, applications, and metrics.
User Overview Page Filter Menu
- Time: Select the time range by using this filter.
- Add Filter
- Location: Filter the selected user by location.
User Section
The user section provides you with the following information on the selected user:
- User: The currently selected user.
- User Risk Score: A link to the current risk score for the selected user.
- Organization Unit: The current OU for the selected user.
- User Group: The current group or groups a user belongs to.
- Last Known User Location: The last known geographical location for the selected user.
- Last User Activity Seen: The last time user activity was seen.
Devices Section
The devices section provides you with the following information about the device of the selected user:
- OS Version: The selected device’s operating system.
- Last Known User Location: The last known geographical location for the currently selected device.
- CPU: The currently selected device’s computer processor.
- Memory: The currently selected device’s memory size.
- Device Classification: The currently selected device’s Device Classification status.
- Last Seen Client Status: The currently selected device’s last known Client Status.
- Client Version: The currently selected device’s Netskope Client version.
- Public IP: The currently selected device’s public IP address.
- Private IP: The currently selected device’s private IP address.
- Gateway: The IP address of the gateway for the currently connected Netskope POP and selected device.
- POP: The currently connected Netskope POP for the selected device.
- Last Seen Location: The last seen geographic location of the user’s selected device.
- Last Activity Seen: The timestamp of the last seen activity for the user’s selected device.
Applications Section
The Applications section provides a list of all of the monitored applications that have been accessed by the selected user within the selected time range.
To view all monitored applications, please click the Monitored Apps button. This link takes you to the Settings page where you can view a list of all the monitored applications in DEM.
Details Section
Details Section Overview
The details section contains a wide range of metrics that provide you with insights into the user experience of the selected user.
Netskope DEM Experience Score
The Netskope DEM Experience Score is a time series view of the experience for the selected user and the monitored application. By default, this is the experience score of the user across all applications used on a particular device in a given time period. You can view the experience score trends for a particular application on a device over time by clicking on the application.
User Experience Automated RCA
The user experience automated RCA (root cause analysis) tool is a machine learning based algorithm that is used to generate a summary report of the contributing issues and factors which led to a low user experience score. To view a RCA summary report, please do the following:
- Hover your mouse over any of the DEM experience score data points in the “DEM Experience Score” time series chart.
- The “Experience Score” window will appear.
- Click on the Root Cause Analysis button to generate an RCA summary report for that respective data point.
Connectivity to Netskope NewEdge
Tunnel Latency – Overlay
This metric displays the latency within the tunnel between the user’s device and the POP over a selected time range. Latency is measured by sending probes every 30 seconds. The final latency values shown in the chart are based on aggregated probe results. The aggregation depends on the polling frequency configured in the system settings. If the polling frequency is set to 5 minutes, all probe results collected within each 5-minute window are aggregated to compute the latency for that window.
Network Path Latency – Underlay
This visualization provides a detailed breakdown of the network path between the user’s device and the Netskope POP, displaying latency and packet loss at each hop at the measured time.Network admins can use this view to identify ISP routing issues and assess their impact on user experience. If an application is selected on the page, the view also shows latency between the POP and the application. The Polling Frequency configured in the Settings page determines how often traceroute runs. The following metrics are shown:
- Latency Between Hops: The estimated latency between consecutive hops in the path. In the collapsed view, the hop latency is summarized inside a circle.
- Latency to Netskope POP: Measures latency between the user’s device and the POP.
- Packet Loss: Shows packet loss measured from the user’s device to each hop.
Total Connectivity Time
The Total Connectivity Time metric provides detailed information about the whole process of connecting the NSClient to the Netskope POP. You can hover over a data point on the chart to view information about the DNS resolution time, TCP Connection time, and TLS Handshake time.
End-to-End Metrics
Time to First Byte, Time to Last Byte
The Time to First Byte (TTFB) corresponds to the time between the NSClient sending the HTTPS request (aka first byte of the request is sent) and when it receives the first byte of data payload (also called the response). The Time to Last Byte (TTLB) corresponds to the time between the NSClient sending the HTTPS request and when it receives the last byte of data payload.
Total Response Time
The Total Response Time corresponds to the total duration of the App Probe test. It simulates the exact time for a transaction to complete.
Device Performance and Health Metrics
CPU Usage
The CPU Usage metric displays the observed CPU Usage in the set time range for the selected user and device. You can hover over the time data points to view more detailed information about the CPU, processes, and threads. You can also click the View all processes button to view additional information, to learn more, please see the Process Info section.
Memory Usage
The Memory Usage metric displays the observed memory usage in the set time range for the selected user and device. You can hover over the time data points to view more detailed information about the memory, processes, and threads. You can also click the View all processes button to view additional information, to learn more, please see the Process Info section.
Disk Usage
The Disk Usage metric displays information about the disk usage of the selected user and device for the set time range. To view the disk usage percentage at a selected time, hover over the associated data point.
Process Info
The Process Info window provides you with additional details about the process info. To open the Process Info window for a specific timestamp, do the following:
- Select a set timestamp by hovering over the corresponding data point on the CPU Usage, Memory Usage, or Disk Usage metric.
- A box of data will appear when you hover over a timestamp.
- Click the View all processes button.
- The Process Info window will open.
- View information for the selected timestamp by clicking on the following tabs:
- CPU: This tab displays a list of the process, CPU %, threads, and process ID.
- Memory: This tab displays a list of the process, memory %, threads, and process ID.
- Disk I/O: This tab displays a list of the process, bytes written, bytes read, and process ID.
Network Throughput
The Network Throughput metric displays the observed network throughput in the set time range for the selected user and device. You can view the sent bytes and received bytes by hovering over a data point.
Disk I/O Rate
The Disk I/O Rate metric displays the observed disk input/output rate in the set time range for the selected user and device. You can hover over a data point to view information about the bytes written, bytes read, and processes. You can also click the View all processes button to view additional information, to learn more, please see the Process Info section.
This metric provides information about the battery level for the selected user’s device at a specific point in time.
Wifi Strength
This metric provides information about the wifi signal strength for the selected user’s device at a specific point in time.
Network Events – Device Events
This metric displays data on any device or network specific events that may have occurred during the set time range such as logons, logoffs, or network disconnections.
Netskope Metrics
Processing Time
The Netskope Processing Time metric provides a measurement of the average time it takes for Netskope to process your traffic at any POP used by your organization. The data shows the average latency observed per minute, based on the traffic (including both requests and responses) processed at the last connected POP. The traffic for this measurement is selected through a process of random sampling each minute.
Transit Time
The Transit Time corresponds to the total time spent within the Netskope infrastructure. It includes the time spent in the NSProxy to forward the request from the NSClient to the application server, added to the time spent in the NSProxy to forward the response from the application server back to the NSClient.
Application Metrics
Round Trip Time
The observed Round Trip Time (RTT) for the user connecting through the connected Netskope POP to the monitored application.
TCP Connection Time, SSL Handshake Time
These metrics correspond to the time needed for the NSProxy to securely connect to the application server. This includes the TCP as well as SSL/TLS handshake processes. The Redirect count provides the number of redirections that have been observed during the select timeframe. The “Connection” time from the Netskope POPs to Applications section corresponds to the time spent by the NSProxy to establish a TCP connection with the targeted server. The “TLS” time from the Netskope POPs to Applications section corresponds to the time spent by the NSProxy to perform the TLS handshake process with the targeted server.
Server Response Time
The Server Response Time metric displays the time between the first byte of NSProxy request to the application server and the first byte of response received by the NSProxy. This Server time is the main server performance indicator, as it mainly takes the server processing time into account.