User Overview

User Overview

Introducing the Netskope Digital Experience Management’s User Overview. In today’s complex landscape, where network, device, and application nuances converge, this overview is your essential troubleshooting and optimization tool.

About the User Overview

Centralize critical insights. Dive into device health metrics like CPU, memory, storage, Wi-Fi strength, and battery level. Navigate the network with hop-by-hop visualizations. A smooth end user experience is critical. Translate data into actionable insights with end user experience scores, latency, packet loss, and round trip time metrics. Plus, gain visibility into: the number of monitored users, applications, sites, and devices. Additional Netskope client telemetry such as operating system, geographic location, and private/public IP – along with last-seen activity are provided to give further insights.

Please note that the User Overview page is RBAC-enabled.

Filter Menu

  • Time: Select the time range by using this filter.
  • Add Filter
    • User: Select specific users.
    • Source IP: Filter by the public source IP address.
    • User Location: Filter users by location.
    • POP: Filter by the Point of Presence (POP) locations.
    • Experience Score: Filter by the Experience Score.
    • Device OS: Filter by the device OS.
    • Application: Filter by specific applications.
  • Clear: Clear the filter options that you have selected.

User Overview Details

  • Monitored Users: The number of monitored users.
  • Users with Poor Experience: The number of users having a poor experience.
  • Monitored Devices: The number of monitored devices.
  • Monitored Apps: The number of monitored applications.
  • Impacted Apps: The number of impacted applications.

User Details 

  • User: A user connected to the Netskope service
  • Current Exp Score: The current experience score of a user. Use the arrows to sort the list when there are one or more users.
  • User Group: The current group or groups a user belongs to.
  • Devices: The current device or list of devices a user has used to connect to the Netskope service.
  • Location: The geographic location of the user.
  • Applications: The number of monitored applications that a user has accessed. 

User Experience Score

The user experience score provides a quantifiable measurement of a monitored user’s overall digital experience. It evaluates endpoint performance and health, application responsiveness, and network connectivity and factors in changes across these components to account for their impact on the user’s experience. The user experience score enables network administrators to continuously monitor performance and respond proactively to any emerging issues.

User Experience Score Components

The user experience score uses multiple components in a data model for computation. The components are listed below:

  1. Device health & performance: The user experience score assesses the operational health of a user’s device by monitoring multiple aspects like processor, memory, Wi-Fi strength, and other factors. Optimal performance in these areas—such as higher availability of resources and stronger Wi-Fi signals—can have a positive impact on the user’s experience.
  2. Application responsiveness: The experience score utilizes the application response metrics observed for the user by focusing on the POP that the user is connecting through. 
  3. Network connection performance: The experience score also utilizes latency measurement and network performance to account for the health of the connection from the user’s device to the relevant Netskope POP. This component accounts for the quality of the network connection, the underlay as well as the overlay performance as contributors to the user’s experience.

The score is computed if at least 2 of the above mentioned components have generated monitoring telemetry.

 Score Ranges

The user experience score range is 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates poor performance that could impact user operations and satisfaction, while a score of 100 represents an excellent state with no impacting issues.

  • Good (Green): Scores ranging from 71 to 100 indicate that users are likely enjoying optimal digital interactions. 
  • Fair (Orange): Scores between 31 and 70 represent an acceptable user experience that might still require attention. 
  • Poor (Red): Scores from 0 to 30 signal a subpar user experience, where users are likely facing significant challenges such as frequent application timeouts, slow device performance, or poor network connectivity.

Score Frequency

The user experience score is displayed at a frequency that is set by the admin for monitoring telemetry collection. The score frequency represents the time interval of data collection from the various services and components that are utilized by the P-DEM service.

For example, if an admin sets the network path probe frequency for User A at 5 minutes, then the User Drill Down dashboard for User A will display the User Experience Score at a 5-minute interval.

User Overview Drilldown Details

  • User: The currently selected user.

Filter Bar/Menu

  • Time: Select the time range by using this filter.
  • Add Filter
    • Location: Filter the selected user by location.

User Section

  • User: The currently selected user.
  • User Risk Score: A link to the current risk score for the selected user.
  • Organization Unit: The current OU for the selected user.
  • User Group: The current group or groups a user belongs to.
  • Last Known User Location: The last known geographical location for the selected user.
  • Last User Activity Seen: The last time user activity was seen.

Devices Section

  • OS Version: The selected device’s operating system.
  • Last Known User Location: The last known geographical location for the currently selected device.
  • CPU: The currently selected device’s computer processor.
  • Memory: The currently selected device’s memory size.
  • Device Classification: The currently selected device’s Device Classification status.
  • Last Seen Client Status: The currently selected device’s last known Client Status.
  • Client Version: The currently selected device’s Netskope Client version.
  • Public IP: The currently selected device’s public IP address.
  • Private IP: The currently selected device’s private IP address.
  • Gateway: The IP address of the gateway for the currently connected Netskope POP and selected device.
  • POP: The currently connected Netskope POP for the selected device.
  • Last Seen Location: The last seen geographic location of the user’s selected device.
  • Last Activity Seen: The timestamp of the last seen activity for the user’s selected device.

Applications Section

The list of applications are populated by the monitored applications being accessed by the selected user.

The Netskope DEM Experience Score is a time series view of the experience for the selected user and the monitored application.

Network Path Latency – Underlay

This visualization gives you the complete hop by hop view of a user connecting through Netskope to a monitored application. It indicates which particular hop or hops where there is latency and/or packet loss. It also provides network information such as the user’s public and private IP address, node level network information when available, as well as geographic information to help with troubleshooting.

  • Timeframe: Based on the selected time range above, this drop down will be populated by the number of paths seen for the selected user accessing the selected monitored application.
  • Total Packet Loss: The observed total packet loss percentage for the selected user and POP that the user was connected to during the time range selected.

Tunnel Latency – Overlay

  • Tunnel Latency – Overlay: The observed latency between the selected user and the POP that the user was connected to during the time range selected.

Device Performance and Health Metrics

  • CPU Usage: The observed CPU Usage in the set time range for the selected user and device.
  • Memory Usage: The observed memory usage in the set time range for the selected user and device.
  • Disk Usage: The observed disk usage in the set time range for the selected user and device.
  • Network Throughput: The observed network throughput in the set time range for the selected user and device.
  • Disk I/O Rate: The observed disk input/output rate in the set time range for the selected user and device.
  • Battery: The observed battery level in the set time range for the selected user and device (when applicable).
  • Wifi Strength: The observed Wifi strength in the set time range for the selected user and device (when applicable).
  • Network / Device Events: The list of any device or network specific events that may have occurred during the set time range such as logons, logoffs or network disconnections.

Netskope Metrics

Processing Time

The Netskope Processing Time metric provides a measurement of the average time it takes for Netskope to process your traffic at any Point of Presence (POP) used by your organization. 

The data shows the average latency observed per minute, based on the traffic (including both requests and responses) processed at the last connected POP. The traffic for this measurement is selected through a process of random sampling each minute.

Application Metrics Section

  • Round Trip Time: The observed Round Trip Time (RTT) for the user connecting through the connected Netskope POP to the monitored application.
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