Using the REST API v2 UCI Reset

Using the REST API v2 UCI Reset

Use UCI Reset API to reset a user(s) UCI score to 1000 (max). An anomaly shows the UCI reset action that is made by the admin, which is viewable in the Incidents list page.

Method: POST

URL: https://<tenant-URL>/api/v2/incidents/users/uci/reset


-H 'Netskope-Api-Token: XXXXXXX'

-H 'Content-Type: application/json'


The current list of parameters are available in Swagger. Navigate to Settings > Tools > REST API v2 > to open the Swagger UI tab in your browser.


curl -X POST 'https://<tenant-URL>/api/v2/incidents/users/uci/reset'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Netskope-Api-Token: xxxxx'
-d '{
"users": ["", ""]

Navigate to Incidents > Behavior Analytics > select the alert to view the following details. You can view the Application Events in Skope IT or directly from this page. This is helpful for auditing.

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Using the REST API v2 UCI Reset

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