View top cloud categories by usage
View top cloud categories by usage
Value to the customer: Visibility into risk and exposure, Understanding of cloud usage for security controls, budgeting, and planning
For SkopeIT analytics about applications, go to SkopeIT™ > Applications in the Netskope UI. This page helps you manage your apps, create policies, plus analyze and export app information.
The Applications and Categories tabs show this summary information:
- Applications: The app name, with links to more details about the app, like CCI level, incident information, etc.
- Category: Software group, like Cloud Storage, Development tools, etc. Refer to Category Definitions for more information
- Sanctioned: Sanctioned or not distinctions for each app (Application tab only)
- CCL: Cloud Confidence Level score for each app (Application tab only)
- Users: Total number of users per app, with links to each user’s details
- Sessions: Total number of sessions per app
- Total Bytes: Total amount per app
- Bytes Uploaded: Total amount per app
- Bytes Downloaded: Total amount per app
Usage visibility can be obtained by viewing the results in the SkopeIT page by sessions or by bytes.
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