appID string The unique identifier of Connected Application
appName string The name associated with the app
appID string The unique identifier of Connected Application
riskLevel string The risk level associated with the Connected Application.
permissions list<string> The permissions associated with the Connected Application.
connectedAppName string Name of the Connected Application.
riskScore number The risk score associated with the Connected Application.
etag string ETag of the resource.
customerDomain string The customer's primary domain name string. Do not include the www prefix when creating a new customer.
alternateEmail string The customer's secondary contact email address. This email address cannot be on the same domain as the customerDomain.
phoneNumber string The customer's contact phone number
language string The customer's ISO 639-2 language code. The default value is en.
kind string Identifies the resource as a customer. Value: admin#directory#customer
id string The unique ID for the customer's Google Workspace account.
customerCreationTime number The customer's creation time
postalAddress object The customer's postal address information.
 contactName string The customer contact's name.
 postalCode string The postal code.
 addressLine1 string A customer's physical address. The address can be composed of one to three lines.
 addressLine2 string Address line 2 of the address.
 addressLine3 string Address line 3 of the address.
 organizationName string The company or company division name.
 locality string Name of the locality.
 region string Name of the region.
 countryCode string This is a required property. The customer country code.
creationTime number Creation time of the domain.
domainAliases list<object> A list of domain alias objects.
 kind string Kind of resource this is.
 etag string ETag of the resource.
 domainAliasName string The domain alias name.
 parentDomainName string The parent domain name that the domain alias is associated with. This can either be a primary or secondary domain name within a customer.
 verified boolean Indicates the verification state of a domain alias.
 creationTime string Creation time of the domain alias.
kind string Kind of resource this is.
domainName string The domain name of the customer.
etag string ETag of the resource.
isPrimary boolean Indicates if the domain is a primary domain
verified boolean Indicates the verification state of a domain.
email string The group's email address. If your account has multiple domains, select the appropriate domain for the email address. The email must be unique. This property is required when creating a group.
description string An extended description to help users determine the purpose of a group.
directMembersCount string The number of users that are direct members of the group. If a group is a member (child) of this group (the parent), members of the child group are not counted in the directMembersCount property of the parent group.
nonEditableAliases string Read-only. The list of the group's non-editable alias email addresses that are outside of the account's primary domain or subdomains. These are functioning email addresses used by the group.
id string Read-only. The unique ID of a group.
kind string The type of the API resource. For Groups resources, the value is admin#directory#group.
etag string ETag of the resource.
name string The group's display name.
adminCreated boolean Read-only. Value is true if this group was created by an administrator rather than a user.
aliases string Read-only. The list of a group's alias email addresses. To add, update, or remove a group's aliases, use the groups.aliases methods.
entry object A Group resource
 @xmlns string Schema for Atom format
 name string The group name. A group's name has a maximum of 75 characters.
 whoCanJoin string Permission to join group. Possible values are: ANYONE_CAN_JOIN: Any internet user, both inside and outside your domain, can join the group. ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_JOIN: Anyone in the account domain can join. This includes accounts with multiple domains. INVITED_CAN_JOIN: Candidates for membership can be invited to join. CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN: Non members can request an invitation to join.
 whoCanPostMessage string Permissions to post messages. Possible values are: NONE_CAN_POST: The group is disabled and archived. No one can post a message to this group. ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST: Managers, including group owners, can post messages. ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_POST: Any group member can post a message. ALL_OWNERS_CAN_POST: Only group owners can post a message. ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST: Anyone in the account can post a message. ANYONE_CAN_POST: Any internet user who outside your account can access your Google Groups service and post a message.
 archiveOnly boolean Allows the group to be archived only. Possible values are: true: Group is archived and the group is inactive. New messages to this group are rejected. The older archived messages are browsable and searchable. If true, the whoCanPostMessage property is set to NONE_CAN_POST. If reverted from true to false, whoCanPostMessages is set to ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST. false: The group is active and can receive messages. When false, updating whoCanPostMessage to NONE_CAN_POST, results in an error.
 messageModerationLevel string Moderation level of incoming messages. Possible values are: MODERATE_ALL_MESSAGES: All messages are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group. MODERATE_NON_MEMBERS: All messages from non group members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group. MODERATE_NEW_MEMBERS: All messages from new members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group. MODERATE_NONE: No moderator approval is required. Messages are delivered directly to the group.
 whoCanContactOwner string Specifies who can contact the group owner. Possible values are: ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_CONTACT, ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_CONTACT, ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_CONTACT, ANYONE_CAN_CONTACT.
 whoCanModerateMembers string Specifies who can manage members. Possible values are: ALL_MEMBERS, OWNERS_AND_MANAGERS, OWNERS_ONLY, NONE.
 email string The group's email address.
 @xmlns:apps string Schema for Google Workspace I/O format
 isArchived boolean Allows the Group contents to be archived. Possible values are: true: Archive messages sent to the group. false: Do not keep an archive of messages sent to this group. If false, previously archived messages remain in the archive.
 whoCanLeaveGroup string Specifies who can leave the group. Possible values are: ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_LEAVE, ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_LEAVE, NONE_CAN_LEAVE.
 favoriteRepliesOnTop boolean Indicates if favorite replies should be displayed above other replies. true: Favorite replies will be displayed above other replies. false: Favorite replies will not be displayed above other replies.
 customFooterText string Set the content of custom footer text. The maximum number of characters is 1000.
 sendMessageDenyNotification boolean Allows a member to be notified if the member's message to the group is denied by the group owner. Possible values are: true: When a message is rejected, send the deny message notification to the message author. The defaultMessageDenyNotificationText property is dependent on the sendMessageDenyNotification property being true. false: When a message is rejected, no notification is sent.
 whoCanAssistContent string Specifies who can moderate metadata. Possible values are: ALL_MEMBERS, OWNERS_AND_MANAGERS, MANAGERS_ONLY, OWNERS_ONLY, NONE.
 author object Author tag for Atom entry
 name string Name of the author, which is Google
 allowExternalMembers boolean Identifies whether members external to your organization can join the group. Possible values are: true: Google Workspace users external to your organization can become members of this group. false: Users not belonging to the organization are not allowed to become members of this group.
 includeCustomFooter boolean Whether to include custom footer. Possible values are: true, false.
 enableCollaborativeInbox boolean Specifies whether a collaborative inbox will remain turned on for the group. Possible values are: true, false.
 id string Unique identifier for a Group resource
 content object Content type of Atom entry
 @type string Content type of the Atom feed, which is text.
 #text string Content text.
 whoCanViewGroup string Permissions to view group messages. Possible values are: ANYONE_CAN_VIEW: Any internet user can view the group's messages. ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW: Anyone in your account can view this group's messages. ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW: All group members can view the group's messages. ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW: Any group manager can view this group's messages. ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW: Any group owner can view this group's messages.
 allowWebPosting boolean Allows posting from web. Possible values are: true: Allows any member to post to the group forum. false: Members only use Gmail to communicate with the group.
 spamModerationLevel string Specifies moderation levels for messages detected as spam. Possible values are: ALLOW: Post the message to the group. MODERATE: Send the message to the moderation queue. This is the default. SILENTLY_MODERATE: Send the message to the moderation queue, but do not send notification to moderators. REJECT: Immediately reject the message.
 replyTo string Specifies who the default reply should go to. Possible values are: REPLY_TO_CUSTOM: For replies to messages, use the group's custom email address. When the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property holds the custom email address used when replying to a message. If the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property must have a value. Otherwise an error is returned. REPLY_TO_SENDER: The reply sent to author of message. REPLY_TO_LIST: This reply message is sent to the group. REPLY_TO_OWNER: The reply is sent to the owners of the group. This doesn't include the group's managers. REPLY_TO_IGNORE: Group users individually decide where the message reply is sent. REPLY_TO_MANAGERS: This reply message is sent to the group's managers, which includes all managers and the group owner.
 customReplyTo string An email address used when replying to a message if the replyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM. This address is defined by an account administrator. When the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property holds a custom email address used when replying to a message. If the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property must have a text value or an error is returned.
 whoCanModerateContent string Specifies who can moderate content. Possible values are: ALL_MEMBERS, OWNERS_AND_MANAGERS, OWNERS_ONLY, NONE.
 whoCanDiscoverGroup string Specifies the set of users for whom this group is discoverable. Possible values are: ANYONE_CAN_DISCOVER, ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_DISCOVER, ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_DISCOVER.
 title string Title of the API's Atom entry, which is Groups Resource Entry
 membersCanPostAsTheGroup boolean Enables members to post messages as the group. Possible values are: true: Group member can post messages using the group's email address instead of their own email address. Message appear to originate from the group itself. false: Members can not post in behalf of the group's email address.
 includeInGlobalAddressList boolean Enables the group to be included in the Global Address List. Possible values are: true: Group is included in the Global Address List. false: Group is not included in the Global Address List.
 groupId string The ID of the group with which the GroupSetting is associated.
 @xmlns:gd string Schema for Google Data protocol
 description string The description of the group. This property value can be an empty string if no group description has been entered. If entered, the maximum group description is no more than 300 characters.
 whoCanViewMembership string Permissions to view membership. Possible values are: ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW: Anyone in the account can view the group members list. ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW: The group members can view the group members list. ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW: The group managers can view group members list.
 primaryLanguage string The primary language for the group.
 defaultMessageDenyNotificationText string When a message is rejected, this is text for the rejection notification sent to the message's author. By default, this property is empty and has no value in the API's response body. The maximum notification text size is 10,000 characters.
 defaultSender string Default sender for members who can post messages as the group. Possible values are: DEFAULT_SELF, GROUP.
 customRolesEnabledForSettingsToBeMerged boolean Specifies whether the group has a custom role that's included in one of the settings being merged. This field is read-only and UPDATE and PATCH requests to it are ignored. Possible values are: true, false.
type string The type of group member. Acceptable values are: CUSTOMER: The member represents all users in a domain. An email address is not returned and the ID returned is the customer ID, GROUP: The member is another group, USER: The member is a user.
id string User Group Customer The unique ID of the group member. A member id can be used as a member request URI's memberKey.
groupId string Group The ID of the group with which the member is associated.
kind string The type of the API resource. For Members resources, the value is admin#directory#member.
etag string ETag of the resource.
role string The member's role in a group. Acceptable values are: MANAGER: This role is only available if the Google Groups for Business is enabled using the Admin Console. A MANAGER role can do everything done by an OWNER role except make a member an OWNER or delete the group. A group can have multiple MANAGER members, MEMBER: This role can subscribe to a group, OWNER: This role can send messages to the group, add or remove members, change member roles, change group's settings, and delete the group. An OWNER must be a member of the group. A group can have more than one OWNER.
email string The member's email address. A member can be a user or another group.
status string Status of member (Immutable)
memberId string The unique ID for the member. Combination of groupId and email.
name string The organizational unit's path name.
etag string ETag of the resource.
blockInheritance boolean Determines if a sub-organizational unit can inherit the settings of the parent organization. The default value is false, meaning a sub-organizational unit inherits the settings of the nearest parent organizational unit. We recommend using the default value because setting blockInheritance to true can have unintended consequences.
kind string The type of the API resource. For Orgunits resources, the value is admin#directory#orgUnit.
description string Description of the organizational unit.
orgUnitId string The unique ID of the organizational unit.
orgUnitPath string The full path to the organizational unit. The orgUnitPath is a derived property. When listed, it is derived from parentOrgunitPath and organizational unit's name.
parentOrgUnitId string The unique ID of the parent organizational unit. Required, unless parentOrgUnitPath is set.
parentOrgUnitPath string The organizational unit's parent path. For example, /corp/sales is the parent path for /corp/sales/sales_support organizational unit. Required, unless parentOrgUnitId is set.
kind string The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#privilege.
id string The unique ID for the privilege. Combination of serviceId and privilegeName.
etag string ETag of the resource.
serviceId string The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for.
privilegeName string The name of the privilege.
serviceName string The name of the service this privilege is for.
isOuScopable boolean If the privilege can be restricted to an organization unit.
rolePrivileges list<object> The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
 serviceId string The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for.
 privilegeName string The name of the privilege.
 privilegeId string The ID for the privilege. Combination of serviceId and privilegeName.
kind string The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#privilege.
roleId string ID of the role.
etag string ETag of the resource.
roleName string Name of the role.
roleDescription string A short description of the role.
isSystemRole boolean Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
isSuperAdminRole boolean Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
kind string The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#roleAssignment.
assignedTo string User Group The unique ID of the entity this role is assigned to-either the userId of a user, the groupId of a group, or the uniqueId of a service account as defined in Identity and Access Management (IAM).
assigneeType string Output only. The type of the assignee (USER or GROUP).
condition string The condition associated with this role assignment. A RoleAssignment with the condition field set will only take effect when the resource being accessed meets the condition. If condition is empty, the role (roleId) is applied to the actor (assignedTo) at the scope (scopeType) unconditionally. Note: Feature is available to Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Google Workspace for Education Plus and Cloud Identity Premium customers. No additional setup is needed to use the feature. Currently in the Beta version, the RoleAssignment associated with a condition is not respected in Admin Console ( yet.
orgUnitId string If the role is restricted to an organization unit, this contains the ID for the organization unit the exercise of this role is restricted to.
roleAssignmentId string ID of this roleAssignment.
roleId string Role The ID of the role that is assigned.
etag string ETag of the resource.
scopeType boolean The scope in which this role is assigned. Acceptable values are: CUSTOMER, ORG_UNIT.
etag string ETag of the resource.
clientId string The Client ID of the application the token is issued to.
scopes list<string> A list of authorization scopes the application is granted.
userKey string User The unique ID of the user that issued the token.
anonymous boolean Whether the application is registered with Google. The value is true if the application has an anonymous Client ID.
displayText string The displayable name of the application the token is issued to.
nativeApp boolean Whether the token is issued to an installed application. The value is true if the application is installed to a desktop or mobile device.
kind string The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#token.
primaryEmail string The user's primary email address. This property is required in a request to create a user account. The primaryEmail must be unique and cannot be an alias of another user.
ipWhitelisted boolean If true, the user's IP address is subject to a deprecated IP address allowlist configuration.
isEnforcedIn2Sv boolean Is 2-step verification enforced (Read-only)
externalIds list<object> The list of external IDs for the user, such as an employee or network ID.
 type string The type of external ID. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: account, custom, customer, login_id, network, organization.
 customType string If the external ID type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
 value string The value of the external ID.
addresses list<object> The list of the user's addresses.
 country string Country.
 extendedAddress string For extended addresses, such as an address that includes a sub-region.
 poBox string The post office box, if present.
 postalCode string The ZIP or postal code, if applicable.
 streetAddress string The street address, such as 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway. Whitespace within the string is ignored; however, newlines are significant.
 locality string The town or city of the address.
 region string The abbreviated province or state.
 formatted string A full and unstructured postal address. This is not synced with the structured address fields. Includes the following attributes: street address, P.O. box, city, state/province, ZIP/postal code, country/region.
 type string The address type. Acceptable values: custom, home, other, work.
 countryCode string The country code. Uses the ISO 3166-1 standard.
 customType string The address type. Acceptable values: custom, home, other, work.
 primary boolean If this is the user's primary address. The addresses list may contain only one primary address.
 sourceIsStructured boolean Indicates if the user-supplied address was formatted. Formatted addresses are not currently supported.
keywords list<object> The list of the user's keywords.
 customType string If the keyword type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
 type string Each entry can have a type which indicates standard type of that entry. For example, keyword could be of type occupation or outlook. In addition to the standard type, an entry can have a custom type and can give it any name. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: custom, mission, occupation, outlook.
 value string Keyword.
creationTime number The time the user's account was created.
includeInGlobalAddressList boolean Indicates if the user's profile is visible in the Google Workspace global address list when the contact sharing feature is enabled for the domain.
phones list<object> A list of the user's phone numbers.
 value string A human-readable phone number. It may be in any telephone number format.
 type string The type of phone number.
 customType string If the phone number type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
locations list<object> The list of the user's locations.
 deskCode string Most specific textual code of individual desk location.
 type string The location type.
 area string Textual location. This is most useful for display purposes to concisely describe the location.
 buildingId string Building identifier.
 floorName string Floor name/number.
 floorSection string Floor section. More specific location within the floor.
 customType string If the location type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
gender object A nested object containing the user's gender.
 addressMeAs string A human-readable string containing the proper way to refer to the profile owner by humans, for example "he/him/his" or "they/them/their."
 customGender string Name of a custom gender.
 type string The type of gender. Acceptable values: female, male, other, unknown
notes object Notes for the user as a nested object.
 contentType string Content type of note, either plain text or HTML. Default is plain text. Acceptable values: text_plain, text_html.
 value string Contents of notes.
kind string The type of the API resource.
id string The unique ID for the user. A user id can be used as a user request URI's userKey.
thumbnailPhotoEtag string Output only. ETag of the user's photo (Read-only)
suspensionReason string Output only. Has the reason a user account is suspended either by the administrator or by Google at the time of suspension. The property is returned only if the suspended property is true.
suspended boolean Indicates if user is suspended.
isMailboxSetup boolean Indicates if the user's Google mailbox is created. This property is only applicable if the user has been assigned a Gmail license.
etag string Output only. ETag of the resource.
thumbnailPhotoUrl string Output only. The URL of the user's profile photo. The URL might be temporary or private.
isDelegatedAdmin boolean Indicates if the user is a delegated administrator. Delegated administrators are supported by the API but cannot create or undelete users, or make users administrators. These requests are ignored by the API service.
archived boolean Indicates if user is archived.
aliases list<string> The list of the user's alias email addresses.
deletionTime number Output only. The time the user's account was deleted.
lastLoginTime number The last time the user logged into the user's account.
orgUnitPath string OrgUnit The full path of the parent organization associated with the user. If the parent organization is the top-level, it is represented as a forward slash (/).
recoveryPhone string Recovery phone of the user. The phone number must be in the E.164 format, starting with the plus sign (+).
agreedToTerms boolean This property is true if the user has completed an initial login and accepted the Terms of Service agreement.
emails list<object> The list of the user's email addresses. The maximum allowed data size is 10KB.
 primary boolean Indicates if this is the user's primary email. Only one entry can be marked as primary.
 customType string If the email address type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
 type string The type of the email account. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: custom, home, other, work.
 address string The user's email address. Also serves as the email ID. This value can be the user's primary email address or an alias.
customerId string The customer ID to retrieve all account users. You can use the alias my_customer to represent your account's customerId. As a reseller administrator, you can use the resold customer account's customerId. To get a customerId, use the account's primary domain in the domain parameter of a users.list request.
organizations list<object> The list of organizations the user belongs to.
 customType string If the value of type is custom, this property contains the custom type.
 department string Specifies the department within the organization, such as sales or engineering.
 description string The description of the organization.
 costCenter string The cost center of the user's organization.
 name string The name of the organization.
 title string The user's title within the organization. For example, member or engineer.
 domain string The domain the organization belongs to.
 fullTimeEquivalent string The full-time equivalent millipercent within the organization (100000 = 100%).
 location string The physical location of the organization. This does not need to be a fully qualified address.
 symbol string Text string symbol of the organization. For example, the text symbol for Google is GOOG.
 type string The type of organization. Acceptable values: domain_only, school, unknown, work.
 primary boolean Indicates if this is the user's primary organization. A user may only have one primary organization.
sshPublicKeys list<object> A list of SSH public keys.
 key string An SSH public key.
 expirationTimeUsec number A SHA-256 fingerprint of the SSH public key. (Read-only)
 fingerprint string Each entry can have a type which indicates standard type of that entry. For example, keyword could be of type occupation or outlook. In addition to the standard type, an entry can have a custom type and can give it any name. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: custom, mission, occupation, outlook.
languages list<object> The list of the user's languages. The maximum allowed data size is 1KB.
 languageCode string ISO 639 string representation of a language. See Language Codes for the list of supported codes. Valid language codes outside the supported set will be accepted by the API but may lead to unexpected behavior. Illegal values cause SchemaException. If this is set, customLanguage can't be set.
 preference string Optional. If present, controls whether the specified languageCode is the user's preferred language. If customLanguage is set, this can't be set. Allowed values are preferred and not_preferred.
 customLanguage string Other language. User can provide their own language name if there is no corresponding ISO 639 language code. If this is set, languageCode can't be set.
nonEditableAliases list<string> The list of the user's non-editable alias email addresses. These are typically outside the account's primary domain or sub-domain.
recoveryEmail string Recovery email of the user.
relations list<object> The list of the user's relationships to other users.
 value string The email address of the person the user is related to.
 type string The type of relationship. If set to custom, customType must also be set.
 customType string If the relationship type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
posixAccounts list<object> The list of POSIX account information for the user.
 gid number The default group ID (
 homeDirectory string The path to the home directory for this account.
 uid number The POSIX compliant user ID.
 username string The username of the account.
 accountId string A POSIX account field identifier.
 operatingSystemType string The operating system type for this account. Acceptable values: linux, unspecified, windows.
 primary boolean If this is user's primary account within the SystemId.
 shell string The path to the login shell for this account.
 systemId string System identifier for which account Username or Uid apply to.
 gecos string The GECOS (user information for this account.
hashFunction string Stores the hash format of the password property. The following hashFunction values are allowed: MD5, SHA-1, crypt.
name object Holds the given and family names of the user, and the read-only fullName value. The maximum number of characters in the givenName and in the familyName values is 60.
 givenName string The user's first name. Required when creating a user account.
 familyName string The user's last name. Required when creating a user account.
 fullName string The user's full name formed by concatenating the first and last name values.
 displayName string The user's display name.
isAdmin boolean Indicates a user with super administrator privileges. The isAdmin property can only be edited in the Make a user an administrator operation ( makeAdmin method). If edited in the user insert or update methods, the edit is ignored by the API service.
changePasswordAtNextLogin boolean Indicates if the user is forced to change their password at next login. This setting doesn't apply when the user signs in via a third-party identity provider.
isEnrolledIn2Sv boolean Is enrolled in 2-step verification (Read-only)
websites list<object> The list of the user's websites.
 customType string If the website type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
 primary boolean If true, this is the user's primary website.
 type string The type or purpose of the website. For example, a website could be labeled as home or blog. Alternatively, an entry can have a custom type. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: app_install_page, blog, custom, ftp, home, home_page, other, profile, reservations, resume, work.
 value string The URL of the website.
ims list<object> The user's Instant Messenger (IM) accounts. A user account can have multiple ims properties, but only one of these ims properties can be the primary IM contact.
 customType string If the IM type is custom, this property contains the custom value and must be set.
 im string The user's IM network ID.
 primary boolean If this is the user's primary IM. Only one entry in the IM list can have a value of true.
 protocol string An IM protocol identifies the IM network. The value can be a custom network or the standard network. Acceptable values: aim: AOL Instant Messenger protocol, custom_protocol: A custom IM network protocol, gtalk: Google Talk protocol, icq: ICQ protocol, jabber: Jabber protocol, msn: MSN Messenger protocol, net_meeting: Net Meeting protocol, qq: QQ protocol, skype: Skype protocol, yahoo: Yahoo Messenger protocol
 type string The type of IM account. If set to custom, customType must also be set. Acceptable values: custom, home, other, work.
 customProtocol string If the protocol value is custom_protocol, this property holds the custom protocol's string.