appID | string | The unique identifier of Connected Application | |
riskLevel | string | The risk level associated with the Connected Application. | |
permissions | list<string> | The permissions associated with the Connected Application. | |
connectedAppName | string | Name of the Connected Application. | |
riskScore | number | The risk score associated with the Connected Application. |
expires | number | Data and time the grant to associated ConnectedApp expires. | |
sys_mod_count | string | Number of times that the associated OAuthCredential record has been modified. | |
sys_id | string | Represents the resource id of the OAuthCredential. | |
sys_updated_by | string | User that last updated the associated OAuthCredential information. | |
code_challenge | string | The code challenge associated with the OAuthCredential. | |
roles | list<string> | The roles of the user that corresponds to OAuthEntity(ConnectedApp) permissions. | |
requestor_id | string | The id of the requestor. | |
login_method | string | The login method. | |
code_challenge_method | string | The method defined code challenge associated with the OAuthCredential. | |
sys_tags | string | The sys tags associated with the OAuthCredential. | |
type | string | The type OAuth grant like Access Token, Refresh Token, Authorization Code, etc. | |
sys_created_on | number | Data and time the associated OAuthCredential was originally created. | |
user | object | The associated User. | |
link | string | Link to User. | |
value | string | The ID of the user on behalf of whom the client is authorized to access the resource. | |
last_access | string | The last access | |
session_user | string | The session user. | |
scopes | string | The scope associated with OAuthCredential (usually useraccount). | |
sys_created_by | string | User that originally created the associated User record. | |
sys_updated_on | number | Data and time the associated OAuthCredential information was updated. | |
oauth_requestor_profile | string | The oauth requestor profile. | |
peer | object | The associated OAuthEntity. | |
link | string | Link to OAuthEntity. | |
value | string | The ID of the resource oauth entity to which access is authorized. | |
peer.type | string | The type of the OAuthEntity to which access is authorized. | | | string | The name of the OAuthEntity to which access is authorized. |
sys_created_by | string | User that originally created the associated User record. | |
revoke_token_url | string | The revoke token url. | |
name | string | Name of the OAuthEntity. | |
client_uuid | string | uuid of client. | |
sys_id | string | Represents the resource id of the OAuthEntity. | |
active | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the OAuthEntity is active within the system. | |
type | string | The type of OAuthEntity. | |
sys_created_on | number | Data and time the associated OAuthEntity was originally created. | |
sys_package | object | The system system package. | |
link | string | Link to system package | |
value | string | Value to system package | |
sys_policy | string | The system policy. | |
sys_scope | object | The system scope. | |
link | string | Link to system scope | |
value | string | Value to system scope | |
send_client_credentials_as | string | The way the client credentails are sent like i request parameter or header. | |
sys_update_name | string | Concatenation of table name with id of the OAuthEntity. | |
refresh_token_lifespan | number | Time in seconds the Refresh Token will be valid. | |
access | string | Type of access | |
sys_updated_on | number | Data and time the associated OAuthEntity information was updated. | |
login_url | string | The login url. | |
sys_name | string | Name of the OAuthEntity. | |
restricted_binding | boolean | Flag that indicates if the OAuthEntity has restricted binding. | |
sys_class_name | string | Represents the table name. | |
auth_code_lifespan | number | auth code lifespan associated with OAuthEntity. | |
code_challenge_method | string | The method defined code challenge associated with the OAuthEntity. | |
use_mutual_auth | boolean | Flag that indicates the OAuthEntity uses mutual auth. | |
mobile_client | boolean | . | |
protocol_name | string | Name of the protocol. | |
sys_updated_by | string | User that last updated the associated OAuthEntity information. | |
token_url | string | The url of the token. | |
access_token_lifespan | number | Time in seconds the Access Token will be valid. | |
redirect_url | string | The redirect URLs authorization server redirect to. They must be absolute URLs and they are comma separated. | |
oauth_api_script | string | The oauth api script associated with the OAuthEntity. | |
sys_mod_count | number | Number of times that the associated OAuthEntity record has been modified. | |
skip_authorize | boolean | Flag that indicates whether authorization can be skipped. | |
sys_tags | string | The sys tags associated with the OAuthEntity. | |
certificate_url | string | url of the certificate. | |
public_client | boolean | Indicates if the OAuthEntity is public_client or not. | |
id_token_lifespan | number | Value of the id token lifespan. | |
comments | string | Comments on the associated OAuthEntity. | |
refresh_token_url | string | Refresh token url. | |
user | string | . | |
message_signature_lifespan | number | The lifespan of message signature. | |
logo_url | string | URL of the logo. | |
default_grant_type | string | Indicates the default grant type. | |
salt | string | The salt value. | |
auth_url | string | Auth url. |
calendar_integration | string | Calendar application that the User uses. Ex: Outlook. | |
vip | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the associated User has VIP status. | |
last_login_time | number | The time at which the user last logged in. | |
locked_out | boolean | Flag that indicates if the User is locked-out. | |
sys_id | string | Represents the resource id of the user | |
sys_updated_on | number | Data and time the associated User information was updated. | |
time_sheet_policy | string | Time sheet policy for the associated contact | |
sys_created_on | number | Data and time the associated User was originally created. | |
failed_attempts | number | Failed login attempts for the user | |
ldap_server | object | Reference to LDAP Server table | |
link | string | Link to fetch the ldap_server resource | |
value | string | Id of the ldap_server resource | |
sys_mod_count | string | Number of times that the associated User record has been modified | |
active | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the User is active within the system | |
geolocation_tracked | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the contact location is obtained through geotracking. | |
hashed_user_id | string | SHA-256 one-way hash of the sys_user_id. | |
name | string | Name of the user. | |
schedule | object | ID of the record that describes the work schedule for the associated User. | |
link | string | Link to fetch the cmn_schedule resource | |
value | string | Id of the cmn_schedule resource | |
web_service_access_only | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the User can only access services through the web. | |
enable_multifactor_authn | boolean | Flag that indicates whether multifactor authorization is required for the User to log in to the servicportal. | |
internal_integration_user | boolean | If set to true can bypass WS-Security authentication while using SOAP interface | |
notification | string | Indicates whether the User should receive notifications. Valid values : Disabled, Enabled | |
password_needs_reset | boolean | Does the users password need resetting | |
sys_domain_path | string | User record domain path. | |
last_position_update | string | Date and time the last position was updated. | |
sys_domain | object | ServiceNow instance domain of the associated User record. | |
link | string | Link to fetch the sys_domain resource | |
value | string | Id of the sys_domain resource | |
sys_updated_by | string | User that last updated the associated User information. | |
default_perspective | object | The default perspective of the user | |
link | string | Link to fetch the default_perspective resource | |
value | string | ID of the default_perspective resource | |
source | string | Source of the user | |
sys_created_by | string | User that originally created the associated User record. | |
user_name | string | User Name of the user. |
value | string | The property value. | |
number_value | number | The value as a number representation. This value will be populated if the value is of a numerical type. It can be utilized for writing NGL rules that numerical expression evaluation (i.e. greater than). | |
type | string | The data type of the property value. | |
choices | string | Comma-separated values for a choice list. | |
is_private | string | If this property is true, ServiceNow will exclude this property from being imported via update sets. Keeping system properties private prevents settings in one instance from overwriting values in another instance. For example, you may not want a system property in a development instance to use the same value as a production instance. | |
write_roles | string | Defines the roles that have write access to this property. | |
read_roles | string | Defines the roles that have read access to this property. | |
name | string | The property name. |