app_id string The unique identifier of Connected Application
app_name string The name associated with the app
grant_id string The workdayAccountID of the account associated with the app
domain_permissions list<string> List of Domain permissions attached to the Connected Application
business_process_type_permissions list<string> List of Business Process permissions attached to the Connected Application
adHocApprovable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type allows ad hoc approval
doNotAllowRedirectForIntegrationSteps boolean Displays Yes if the business process type doesn't allow you to configure redirect on integration steps.
usingIntegrationForSystemContext boolean Return 'Yes' if an Integration System is set to be the context for the Business Process Type.
allowsHelpText boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process allows tenanted help text.
defaultDefinitionNeverUsed list<object> Returns the default definitions of this business process that have never been used.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
revisionAction object Returns the allowed action used to Revise a business process transaction when saved for later or sent back to the initiation step.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
doNotAllowTerminateForRedirect boolean Displays Yes if the business process type doesn't allow you to configure the Terminate Business Process action on a Redirect.
lastChanged number The moment that security was last changed for this Business Process Type.
sendBackRestrictedToStepsInCurrentProcess boolean Returns 'Yes' if the Business Process only allows sending back to steps in current process.
viewableCompletedOnlyBySecurityGroups list<object> Returns the security groups that can view the business process when completed.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
adHocApprovableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can ad hoc approve the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsMassApprovalSteps boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process allows mass approval steps.
excludeParallelEventsFromNextStepsOnConfirmationView boolean Returns 'Yes' if Parallel Events is excluded from Next Steps on Confirmation View of the Business Process. This means a person taking action on a step only sees their own next steps in the confirmation page.
requestReassignmentBy list<object> The Security Groups allowed to request reassignment of tasks for this Business Process Type.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
attachmentsEnabled boolean Returns 'Yes' if Attachments are enabled for the business process type.
securityGroupTypesAllowedForInitiatingActions list<object> Returns the security group types allowed for this business process type's initiating actions.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsQuestionnaires boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process can be configured with the Complete Questionnaire business process step type.
attachmentsViewableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can view attachments for the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
unrestrictedEscalation boolean True if Unrestricted Escalation is enabled on the business process security policy.
attachmentsEditableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can edit attachments for the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowAutomaticStageRouting boolean Returns 'yes' if the Business Process allows Automatic Stage Routing evaluation for Dynamic Business Processes.
organizationManagedEvent boolean Checks if the Current Event or any of the Parents events are linked to multiple other events.
allowedSubprocessFor list<object> Business Process Types that allow this Business Process Type as a subprocess.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsAttachmentsWithinEmails boolean Returns true if attachments within Emails are allowed for the Business Process Type.
correctableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can correct the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
viewCompletedOnlyAsOfDate boolean Allows admin to restrict users from seeing an event until the date specified.
allowDynamicBusinessProcessParallelSteps boolean Displays 'Yes' if the business process type can be configured with Dynamic Business Process Parallel Steps.
allowedInitiatingAction list<object> Returns the Initiating Action for a business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowBPRedirectForReviewDocumentSteps boolean Displays Yes if the business process type allows you to configure redirect on review document steps.
allowsManualSendBack boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be manually send back.
event object Instance of Transaction (e.g. Business Process Event, Workday Event)
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
initiatingTaskAllowsConditionRules boolean Returns 'Yes' if the initiating task in the Business Process Type allows condition rules.
securityGroupTypesAllowedForProcessingActions list<object> Returns the security group types allowed for this business process type's processing actions.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
businessProcessDefinitionsRestrictedToCustomOrganization boolean Return 'Yes' if Business Process Definitions are restricted to Custom Organization.
consolidatedApprovalNotAllowed boolean Returns 'Yes' if consolidated approval is not allowed in Business Process Definitions.
hideDetailsFromPersonEnabled boolean True if business process transactions of this type suppresses business process details from the person as the subject of the transaction.
allowAutocomplete boolean Yes if you can enable a given business process type to automatically complete.
allowedServices list<object> Returns the services that are allowed for this business process.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowedUsagesForBusinessProcessDefinitions list<object> Contains the usages (such as types of organizations) where business process definitions are allowed.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowLineLevelRouting boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type supports line level routing.
businessObjectSpecificBusinessProcessDefinitions list<object> Returns the business process definitions for this business process type that are specific to a business object.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
functionalAreaS list<object> The Functional Area(s) for this Business Process Type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowSubprocessRescind boolean Returns 'Yes' if rescinding subprocess is allowed.
correctable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type allows correction.
initiatingActions list<object> Returns the actions that initiate this business process as a subprocess.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowApprovalDetailsViewOnDevice list<object> Returns mobile devices that allow approval details.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsQuestionnaireResponsesCorrection boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process can be configured with the Complete Questionnaire Response Correction business process step type.
viewableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that have view access to the business process.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
workdayID string Returns the Workday ID for a given object.
allowsAttachments boolean Returns true if business process transactions of this type support business process attachments to be uploaded.
allowsSendBackToPriorApproval boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process allows send back to a prior approval step.
allowSubprocessCancel boolean Returns 'Yes' if the Business Process Type can be cancelled as a subprocess.
allowsDeleteIncompleteBusinessProcess boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be deleted when incomplete.
attachmentManagedBy list<object> Security groups that can manage attachments for the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
disableComments boolean Returns 'Yes' if comments have been disabled for the Business Process Type.
hideCommentsFromWorkerEnabled boolean True if business process transactions of this type suppresses business process comments when viewed by the person as the subject of the transaction.
lastChangedByUser object Contains the user who last changed security for this Business Process Type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
transactionType boolean Classification of Transaction is "Business Process"
allowAttachmentsWithinEmailsEnabled boolean Returns true if emails notifications for this business process type are allowed to include attachments.
description string Returns the description of this business process type.
domainGroup list<object> Returns functional areas to which the initiating actions can be linked to. The functional areas play a role when customer is configuring the security policies for a functional area. Also, if customers disable a functional area, it will disable those initiating actions.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
limitedApprovalNotAllowed boolean Returns 'Yes' if limited approval (such as approval from mobile or inline approval in the workfeed ) is not allowed.
allowedActionsForSecurityConfiguration list<object> Action Steps that are configurable in the Business Process Security Policy.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
allowsRelatedWorklets boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process allows related worklets for one or moe steps n the business process.
approvable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be approved.
defaultBusinessProcessDefinition object The default definition for this business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
rescindableByWebService list<object> Returns the security groups that can rescind the business process type via web service.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
defaultOnlyBusinessProcessDefinitions boolean Return 'Yes' if Business Process Definition is restricted to default only.
initiatingActionsForSecurityConfiguration list<object> Contains the actions that appear in the "Who Can Start The Business Process" section of the Business Process Security Policy.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
manuallyAdvanceableBy list<object> Returns the Security Groups from "Who Can Do Action on Entire Business Process" section of the business process security policy for "Manually Advance" action.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
securityGroupTypesDisallowedForProcessingActions list<object> Returns the security group types disallowed for this business process type's processing actions.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsManualSendBackBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can manual send back the business process.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
dynamicBusinessProcess boolean Returns 'Yes' for event that do not follow a predefined process.
processDefinitionNotAllowed boolean Return 'Yes' if the business process type is designed not to have definition.
rescindableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can rescind the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
tasksReassignableBy list<object> The Security Groups allowed to reassign tasks for this Business Process Type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
approvalActions list<object> Approval actions defined for this business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
cancelableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can cancel the business process.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
securityGroupTypesDisallowedForInitiatingActions list<object> Returns the security group types disallowed for this business process type's initiating actions.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowedActions list<object> Allowed actions defined for this business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsSpecificGroupRouting boolean Returns 'Yes' if this business process allows routing modifiers (current, proposed).
cancelableByWebService list<object> Returns the security groups that can cancel the business process type via web service.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
rescindable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be rescinded.
securityGroupsWhoCanDoActionSteps list<object> Returns the Security Groups from "Who Can Do Action Steps In the Business Process" section of the business process security policy.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
allowOrganizationAdvancedRouting boolean Returns 'Yes' if the Business process can have Advanced Routing for Organizations.
businessProcessType object Identifies the business process type and allows you to drill into the details and access related actions.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
cancelable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be canceled.
dynamicIntegrationStepConfiguration list<object> Returns the Dynamic Integration Step configured in this business process.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
redirectableBy list<object> Returns the Security Groups configured for the Redirect action in the BP security policy configuration.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
advanceable boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process type can be manually advanced
deniableByWebService list<object> Returns the security groups that can deny the business process type through web service.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
referenceID1 string The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For supervisory organizations, this is also the 'Organization ID'.
reorganizationActivity boolean True if classificaiton of transaction is a reorganization activity.
deniableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can deny the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowsPositionRoutingModifier boolean Returns true if the Business Process Type allows position routing modifier.
createdMoment number Created Moment
toDoContextObject object Returns the Business Object that can be used as context for SAML SSO Links when including the link in a To Do for the Business Process Type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allAllowedActions list<object> Return all the Allowed Action for a particular Business Process Type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
approvableBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can approve the business process type.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
enabledForDelegation boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process is enabled for delegation.
eventLite boolean Classification of Transaction is "Event Lite"
subprocessOnly boolean Returns 'Yes' if this business process is used as a subprocess only.
businessProcessDefinitionsUsageRestriction list<object> Returns the types of organizations allowed to use Business Process Definitions. Custom Organization types are not included.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
disabledForDelegation boolean Returns 'Yes' if the business process is disabled for delegation.
initiatedBy list<object> Returns the security groups that can initiate the business process.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
subscription list<object> Subscriptions subscribing to this Transaction Log Type
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
appID string The unique identifier of Connected Application
riskLevel string The risk level associated with the Connected Application.
permissions list<string> The permissions associated with the Connected Application.
connectedAppName string Name of the Connected Application.
riskScore number The risk score associated with the Connected Application.
configurable boolean Returns true if the domain can be configured via a security policy
driveDomain object Identifies the Drive domain and allows you to drill into the details and access related actions.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
notes string Returns the notes for this Domain.
securesReportDefinitions list<object> Returns Secured Report Definitions
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
securityPolicyPermissions list<object> Returns Security Policy Permissions.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
dataSourceFilters list<object> Returns Data Source Filters
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
domainSecurityPolicy list<object> Returns the associated security policy
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
inherentPermissions list<object> Returns Inherent Permission with Customer Accessible Security Groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
subdomains list<object> Contains the Subdomains within this Domain.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
superDomain object Contains the parent Domain of this Domain.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
view_OnlySecurityGroups list<object> Returns security groups with View-Only permission for the domain, as defined by the domain policy permissions - direct or inherited. Also takes into account policy or functional area disablement.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
allowedSecurityGroupTypes list<object> Returns the allowed security group types for this domain.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
disallowedSecurityGroupTypes list<object> Returns the disallowed security group types for this domain
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
domain object Identifies the domain and allows you to drill into the details and access related actions
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
domainName string The name of the domain
policyCreated boolean Returns 'Yes' if Policy Created
policyStatusMessage string Displays the status message of the associated security policy
policyViewModifyPermissionRowCount number Returns count of rows in the Report/Task Permissions with View and Modify Permission
webServiceOperations list<object> Returns Web Service Operations.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
batchBackgroundProcessTemplates list<object> Returns Batch Templates.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
countOfDriveUsersInDomain number The count of users for the Drive Domain.
createdMoment number Created Moment
get_OnlySecurityGroups list<object> Returns security groups with Get-Only permission, as defined by domain policy permissions - direct or inherited. Also takes into account policy or functional area disablement.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
getable boolean Exposes whether or not this domain includes any integrations that require get permission.
policyIsActive boolean Returns true if the associated policy is enabled, has direct or inherited permissions, and is in an enabled functional area.
workdayID string Returns the Workday ID for a given object.
dataSources list<object> Returns Data Sources
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
description string A Workday-provided description of the Security Domain
functionalAreas list<object> Returns the functional areas containing this domain
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
modifySecurityGroups list<object> Returns security groups with Modify permissions, as defined by the domain policy permissions - direct or inherited. Also takes into account policy or functional area disablement.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
putable boolean Exposes whether or not this domain includes any integrations that require put permission.
putSecurityGroups list<object> Returns security groups with Put permissions as defined by domain policy permissions - direct or inherited. Also takes into account policy or functional area disablement.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
viewable boolean Exposes whether or not this domain includes any tasks that require view permission.
policyViewOnlyPermissionRowCount number Returns count of rows in the Report/Task Permissions with View Only Permission
usingParentPermissions boolean Returns true if using Parent Permissions.
instanceSets list<object> Returns Instance Sets.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
integrationTemplates object Returns Integration Templates
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
modifiable boolean Exposes whether or not this domain includes any tasks that require modify permission.
asOfEntryDateTimeOfLastCompletedIntegrationEvent1 number For the last Integration Event that is not launched from a different integration system and has an integration event status of Completed, Completed with Warnings, or Completed with Errors and whose integration process event status (if applicable) has not Failed or Aborted, this field denotes the "As Of Entry DateTime" that was used. The "As Of Entry DateTime" is the value of a Launch Parameter that has been specially designated by the integration developer to represent the moment up to which any data used by the integration must have been previously entered into the system. If no Launch Parameter is marked as the "As Of Entry DateTime" (also for all EIBs), then this report field will return the "Initiated At" (or "Sent On") moment for that integration event.
integrationTags list<object> Returns the integration tags for this integration system.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
lastSuccessfulWECIPrimaryEvent object The last successfully completed primary Worker Effective Change Integration event.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
outbound boolean Returns true if integration system has an associated Document Delivery Services or is an Outbound EIB without exceptions. False otherwise.
scheduledFutureProcess list<object> Returns the scheduled future processes for this integration system.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
workdayAccount object Returns the Workday Account associated with the integration system.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
asOfEntryDateTimeOfLastCompletedOrCompletedWithWarningsIntegrationEvent number For the last Integration Event that has a status of Completed or Completed with Warnings (NOT Completed with Errors), this field denotes the "As Of Entry DateTime" that was used. The "As Of Entry DateTime" is the value of a Launch Parameter that has been specially designated by the integration developer to represent the moment up to which any data used by the integration must have been previously entered into the system. If no Launch Parameter is marked as the "As Of Entry DateTime" (also for all EIBs), then this report field will return the "Initiated At" (or "Sent On") moment for that integration event
beginEffectiveDateOfLastCompletedIntegrationEvent number For the last Integration Event that has a status of Completed (or Completed with Errors/Warnings), this field denotes the "Begin Effective Date" that was used
fieldsInIntegrationFieldOverrideServices list<object> Returns the Fields that this integration system will use when the integration is run as part of any configured Integration Field Override Services.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
transformationType string Returns "Custom Transformation", "Custom Report Transformation", "Template Model", "Delivered Transformation", or "Custom Object Transformation" if the integration system is an EIB. Returns "Element Transformation and Validation (ETV) and XML To Text (XTT)" if the integration system is a Document Transformation integration. Returns nothing otherwise.
webServiceOperations list<object> Returns the Workday Web Service Operations that this integration system will use when the integration is run. This field will be empty for Workday-delivered integrations if Workday has not provided this information.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
comment string The comment for the integration system.
createdMoment number Created Moment
integrationDeliverySetting list<object> Transport Protocol Business Object
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
integrationSystem object The Integration System that is being launched.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
asOfEffectiveDateOfLastCompletedIntegrationEvent number For the last Integration Event that has a status of Completed (or Completed with Errors/Warnings), this field denotes the "As Of Effective Date" that was used
beginEntryDateTimeOfLastCompletedIntegrationEvent number For the last Integration Event that has a status of Completed (or Completed with Errors/Warnings), this field denotes the "Begin Entry DateTime" that was used.
currentOMSVersion object Current OMS Version
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
integrationTemplate object The Integration Template for the Integration System.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
asOfEntryDateTimeOfLastCompletedIntegrationEvent number For the last Integration Event that has an integration event status of Completed, Completed with Warnings, or Completed with Errors and whose integration process event status (if applicable) has not Failed or Aborted, this field denotes the "As Of Entry DateTime" that was used. The "As Of Entry DateTime" is the value of a Launch Parameter that has been specially designated by the integration developer to represent the moment up to which any data used by the integration must have been previously entered into the system. If no Launch Parameter is marked as the "As Of Entry DateTime" (also for all EIBs), then this report field will return the "Initiated At" (or "Sent On") moment for that integration event.
integrationTemplateCategory list<object> Category(ies) of the Integration Template attached to this Integration System.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
lastFunctionallyUpdated number Last Functionally Updated
templateModel object For EIB Integration Systems, returns any associated Template Model
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
contacts list<object> Returns the contacts for this integration system.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
systemName string Integration System Name
maps list<object> Returns the integration maps configured for this integration system.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
workdayID string Returns the Workday ID for a given object.
attributes list<object> Returns the integration attributes configured for this integration system
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
customReports list<object> Returns the Custom Reports that this integration system will use when the integration is run.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
inbound boolean Returns true if the integration system has any associated Document Retrieval Services or is an Inbound EIB without exceptions. False otherwise
integrationType string Type of Integration System (Outbound EIB vs. Document Delivery)
Session_Timeout_Minutes number The amount of time after which an unused session will expire. Session Timeout Minutes defaults to the value configured in the Password Rules unless set to a non-zero value.
Require_New_Password_At_Next_Sign_In boolean The user will be required to change their password upon initial sign on
Do_Not_Allow_UI_Sessions boolean This field allows restricting integration system user accounts from signing in to Workday in the user interface (UI). Integration system accounts should only be used for web service integrations. If the field is true, the integration system user will not be able to sign in to the UI, but will still be able to make web service requests. If the field is false, the integration system user will be able to sign in from both the UI and through web services.
Web_Service_Security_Configuration_Data list<object> A valid instance of Web Service Security Configuration
 SAML_Issuer string Unique identifier of the SAML identity provider
 X509_Public_Key_Reference object x509 Encryption Certificate used to sign requests
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Identity_Provider_Public_Key_Reference object x509 Encryption Certificate of the SAML identity provider
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Holder-of-Key_Public_Key_Reference object x509 Encryption Certificate of the holder-of-key. This key is used to verify the signature of the inbound SOAP message
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Enable_x509_Token_Authentication boolean Indicates if WS-Security x509 Certificate Token Profile authentication is enabled
 Enable_SAML_Authentication boolean Indicates if WS-Security SAML Token Profile authentication is enabled
Integration_System_Reference object Unique identifier for an Integration System reference
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
User_Name string Text attribute identifying User Name.
Organization_Code string Text attribute identifying Organization Code. A new effective-dated organization name is automatically created if value for this field is different as of specified effective date.
Last_Updated_DateTime number Date/Time for the last update
Organization_Subtype_Reference object A unique identifier for the subtype of the organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Roles_Data object Contains information about an Organization Role and incumbent worker(s).
 Role_Reference object A unique identifier for the organization role
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Worker_Reference list<object> A unique identifier that can be used to reference a worker(s) that fills the organization role
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Include_Manager_in_Name boolean Boolean choice to include the Manager/Leader Name in the Organization Name display.
Include_Organization_Code_in_Name boolean Boolean attribute identifying whether to include the Organization Code within the name (Display ID within Workday). A new effective-dated organization name is automatically created if value for this field is different as of specified effective date
Manager_Reference object Unique identifier for the manager for the organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Hierarchy_Data object Contains the top-level organization, the immediate superior organization, and all immediate subordinate organization references
 Top-Level_Organization_Reference object Reference information for the top-level node
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Superior_Organization_Reference object Reference information for immediately superior Organization to the current Organization. Will only appear for Hierarchical Organizations
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Subordinate_Organization_Reference object Reference information for all Organizations immediately subordinate to the current Organization. Will only appear for Hierarchical Organizations
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Included_Organization_Reference object Reference information for all included Organizations. Will only appear for Hierarchical Organizations that include other organizations as members
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Included_In_Organization_Reference object Reference information for Organizations that include this Organization in their Organization hierarchy
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
Supervisory_Data object For Organizations of type Supervisory, contains staffing model and restrictions, location and other organizational assignments
 Staffing_Model string The staffing model used for the organization
 Available_For_Hire boolean Returns a true if this is able to be filled by a worker
 Hiring_Freeze boolean Boolean attribute identifying whether a Hiring Freeze is currently in affect
 Location_Reference object Unique identifier for the primary Location for the organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Organization_Assignments_Data list<object> Contain information for Staffing related Organizations; minimally for Company, Cost Center and Region
 Organization_Type_Reference object A unique identifier for the type of organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Organization_Reference object A unique identifier for the organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Staffing_Restrictions_Data object For Supervisory Organizations, contain staffing restrictions
 Position_Worker_Type_Reference list<object> Reference(s) to the position worker types that the position is restricted by (e.g., Regular, Contractor, Temporary)
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Worker_Type_Reference object Reference to the worker type that a worker being hired/contracted using this opening can use
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Time_Type_Reference object Reference to the time type that a worker being hired/contracted using this opening can use
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Availability_Date number Date the opening is available
 Earliest_Hire_Date number Earliest date that a worker can be hired/contracted into this opening
 Job_Family_Reference list<object> Reference(s) to the job families that a worker being hired/contracted using this opening can use
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Job_Profile_Restriction_Summary_Data list<object> Reference(s) (and additional data) to the job profiles that a worker being hired/contracted using this opening can use
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Location_Reference list<object> Reference(s) to the location that a worker being hired/contracted using this opening can use
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Reference_ID string Integration Reference ID used for integration purposes; This is also the Organization ID
Name string The name of the Organization that appears on pages and reports. A new effective-dated organization name is automatically created if value for this field is different as of specified effective date
Inactive_Date number Date the Organization was made Inactive
Organization_Owner_Reference object A unique identifier for the worker that owns the Organization
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
External_IDs_Data object Contains external system name and its corresponding ID that can be used to match data between systems during an integration
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 System_ID string Integration system identifier, part of a two part key (including the text value of the ID element) that uniquely identify integratable object
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Organization_Visibility_Reference object A unique identifier for the scope of visibility for the Organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
External_URL_Reference object Non-Workday URL link for more Organizational information
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Leadership_Reference list<object> Manager(s) of this organization. If there is a position restriction with an overlap, both are returned
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
Organization_Reference object A unique identifier to reference an Organization. (Not the business based Organization ID.)
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Description string A long description of the Organization
Availibility_Date number Date the Organization is available for use
Inactive boolean Inactive indicator for the Organization
Organization_Type_Reference object A unique identifier for the type of organization
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
conditional_Role_Based_Security_Group object Returns the security group object for Conditional Role-Based Security Group
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
membershipCount number Displays the total membership of the security group
type string Displays the type of security group
workdayID string Returns the Workday ID for a given object.
domainPermissions list<string> Domain Security policies granted to this Security Group. This is custom field from Netskope.
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_InitiateAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group initiate permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_RescindWebServiceAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group rescind (web service) permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 id string Id of the instance
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
critical_Administration_Definition_Usages list<object> Security groups in which the reported security group is used as inclusion or exclusion criteria governing membership.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
intersectionOrAggregationSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for Aggregation or Integration based security group.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
job_BasedSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for job-Based Security Groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
membersForRole list<object> Returns the system users who are members of the security group, and have access to the specified role.
 descriptor string name of the member
 id string Id of the member.
referenceID string The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For supervisory organizations, this is also the 'Organization ID'
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_ApproveAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group approve permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_EnrichmentAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group enrichment action step permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
comment string Returns the security group comment/description
constrained_By_Organization list<object> Returns the organization(s) to which access is granted (does not included inherited organizations)
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
other_Usages list<object> Non-security group references to the security group. Possible references include but are not limited to business process notification recipient and worklet required security group
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
securityGroup object Returns the security group object
 descriptor string Security Group Name
 id string Id of the Security Group
securityGroupType object Returns the Type of Security Group
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
access_Rights_to_Organizations string Returns the access rights (e.g., Current Organization Only, Current Organization and All Subordinates) for the accessible or excluded organization(s) configured for the security group
adaptivePlanningSystemUsersForSecurityGroup list<object> Returns the system users who are members of the security group and have access to the Access Adaptive Planning domain
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
assignableRole object Returns a value only for Role-Based Security Groups (Constrained or Unconstrained). It will contain the role specified in that group.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_CancelWebServiceAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group cancel (web service) permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_ViewCompletedAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group view completed permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
role_BasedSecurityGroupConstrained object Returns the security group object for Role-Based Security Group (Constrained)
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
workday_Owned boolean Returns true if the group is owned and maintained by Workday. Examples are Implementers, All Users, Employee As Self
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_RescindAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group rescind permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
createdMoment number Created Moment
currentOMSVersion object Current OMS Version
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_ViewAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group view permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
lastFunctionallyUpdated number Last Functionally Updated
serviceCenterSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for Service Center Constrained or Unconstrained Groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group any type of permission: initiating action, view, approve, etc. Excludes business process types in disabled functional areas by default, unless specified by prompt
 descriptor string name of the business process types
 id string Id of the business process types
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_CorrectAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group correct permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 id string Id of the instance
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_ReassignAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group reassign permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
context_Type string The type of context for the security group type. Possible values include but are not limited to Constrained, Unconstrained, Constrained by Organization Access, Constrained by Role Access, Constrained by Segment Access.
domainsGrantedToSecurityGroup list<object> Returns the domains for which the security group has view or modify privileges from either policy permissions or inherent permissions
 descriptor string name of the domains
 id string Id of the domains
inactive boolean Indicates whether the security group is inactive
segmentBasedSecurityGroupForSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for segment-based security groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
administeredBySecurityGroups list<object> Returns the user-based security groups assigned to administer this group. (Will only return data for a user-based group.)
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
businessProcessTypesGrantedToSecurityGroup_CancelAccess list<object> Returns the business process types that grant this group cancel permission. Excludes business process types from disabled functional areas unless specified by prompt.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance
 id string Id of the instance
level_Based_Security_Group object Returns the security group object for Level-Based Security Groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
locationMembershipSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for Location Membership Security Group
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
organizationMembershipSecurityGroup object Returns the security group object for Organization Membership Security Groups
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
businessProcessTypePermissions list<string> Business Process Type granted to this Security Group. This is custom field from Netskope.
Tenant_Setup_for_Group_Share_Configuration_Reference object References the Tenant Setup
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
Only_Admins_Can_Group_Share boolean Represents whether or not Only Admins Can Group Share
Group_Share_Configuration_Data list<object> References newly created or existing data for a Group Share Configuration
 Group_Share_Configuration_Reference object References a Group Share Configuration, if one exists
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Configured_Class_Reference object References the Workdrive Item Subclass for the Group Share Configuration
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 type string The unique identifier type
 text string The unique identifier text
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 Security_Groups_Reference list<object> References the Allowed Security Group(s) for Workdrive Item Subclass provided
 Descriptor string Display information used to describe an instance of an object. This 'optional' information is for outbound descriptive purposes only and is not processed on inbound Workday Web Services requests.
 ID list<object> Contains a unique identifier for an instance of an object.
 text string The unique identifier text
 type string The unique identifier type
creationDetails string Returns the date and time this role was created and this workday account who created it.
organizationRoleAssignments list<object> Contains the explicit organizational Contains the role assignments in effect for this rolee. for this worker. For each assignment, returns the worker, organization role and organization as one field. Does not include Contains the organizational roles that have been granted to this worker. Includes any organization roles that have been explicitly assigned, defaulted or inherited. that have been defaulted.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
userName1 string The user name for this account.
timeOfMostRecentFailedSignOn number The date and time of the last failed sign on attempt.
displayXMLIconOnReports boolean Returns true if Display XML Icon on Reports is enabled.
assessmentCommentForCompetency string The Assessment Comment for the worker of a given Competency.
businessProcessesForPerson list<object> Returns business processes for person.Currently returns Change Emergency Contact business process instances.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
implementersSecurityGroup list<object> The Implementers security group.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
sharedSystemUserNames list<object> Report field holds the selected Users with whom Scheduled Report has been shared
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
roleAssignersWithAssigneeInLeadershipRole list<object> Role Assigners with Assignee in Leadership Role
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
fullName1 string Full Name of the person associated with this System Account if any
internalUserTags list<object> Internal User Tags
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
timeOfMostRecentSignOn number The most recent date and time the user has signed on.
openIDConnectInternalIdentifier string The OpenID Connect Internal Identifier for a System User
showUserNameInBrowserWindow boolean Returns true if Show User Name in Browser Window is enabled.
requireNewPasswordAtNextSignIn boolean Returns true if a new password will be required for the next login to this account.
currency object Returns the currency specified by the user. If the currency for the user has not been specified, returns the currency associated with the location. If the currency for the location has not been specified, will return the default currency from the tenant.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
one_TimePasscodeAuthenticationExempt boolean Returns the One-Time passcode authentication exempt value for Workday Account.
rowsToDisplayOnInbox number Maximum number of rows in inbox
hasNationalIdentifier boolean Whether a dependent has a National ID (SSN) assigned or not.
timeZone object Returns the time zone specified by the user. If the time zone for the user has not been specified, returns the time zone for the location. If the time zone for the location has not been specified, will return the default time zone from the tenant.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
globalPersonNames list<object> Used in faceted search only.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
lastUpdatedByInternalUser1 object Security
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
lastFunctionallyUpdated number Last Functionally Updated
shareAssignable object A self-reference to the Workday Drive-enabled account. You can use this field to drill into details and access the related actions menu.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
workdayAccount object Contains the Workday Account object.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
timeOfMostRecentSignOnAttempt number The most recent date and time the user has attempted to sign on.
createdMoment number Created Moment
one_TimePasscodeAuthenticationGracePeriodSigninsRemaining number Returns the number of One-Time passcode authentication grace period signins remaining for the workday account.
exemptFromDelegatedAuthentication boolean Used to determine if the user is exempt from delegated authentication.
unsuccessfulSignOnAttemptsExceedsThreshold boolean Returns true if the account is currently locked because of too many unsuccessful login attempts.
WDriveSize string The amount of disk space being used by this Workday Account.
isImplementer boolean Returns true if the Workday Account is for an Implementer.
securityGroups list<object> Contains all the security groups that the workday account is a member of.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
currentOMSVersion object Current OMS Version
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
lockoutPeriodEndTime number The moment that a locked account will become unlocked.
user_BasedSecurityGroupsForUser list<object> Contains information about user-based security group assignments.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
mostRecentSignOn object The Workday user name, worker name and the most recent date and time the user has successfully signed on.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
roleAssignments list<object> Contains the role assignments in effect for this rolee.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
createdOn number Returns the date this account was created.
parentReferenceIDTypeXMLName string Returns the type (XML-formatted) of the Parent Reference Index for this class. Runs on any Instance.
driveSecured string Drive Secured
currentlyLocked_InvalidCredentials boolean Returns true if account is currently locked due to too many invalid credential attempts.
allowMixed_LanguageTransactions boolean Returns true if Allow Mixed-Language Transactions is set.
openIDIdentifier string The OpenID Identifier for a System User
mostRecentSignOnAttempt object The Workday user name, worker name and the most recent date and time the user has attempted to sign on.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
username string The Workday Account sign-in name.
sessionTimeoutMinutes number The number of minutes after which an inactive session will be terminated. (Default is the value specified in the password rules)
accountLockedDisabledOrExpired boolean Returns true if account is disabled, expired, or locked.
accountExpirationDate number Returns the Account Expiration Date for the Workday Account.
isIntegrationUser boolean Returns true if the Workday Account is for an Integration User.
roleName string The name of the role.
WDriveNumberOfFiles number The number of files being used by this Workday Account.
daysSinceLastPasswordChange number Number of days since password was last changed.
preferredHomePage object Returns the Preferred Home Page
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
countOfInvalidCredentialAttemptsSinceLastSuccessfulSignOn number The number of failed sign on attempts due to invalid credentials since last successful sign on.
systemUserRESTEmptySet object System User (REST) (Empty Set)
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
connectRecord list<object> Return all Connect Records for the Subscriber.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
parentReferenceIDValue string Returns the Parent Reference Index value for this class. Runs on any Instance.
passwordExpired boolean Returns true if the account password has expired.
role_BasedSecurityGroupsUnconstrained list<object> Contains all Role-Based Security Groups (Unconstrained) to which the worker belongs.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
student object The student for this workday account.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
referenceIDValue string Returns the Reference Index value for this class. Runs on any Instance.
driveUserSearchString string Drive User Search String
emailAddressForBusinessProcesses string Full default email address for business process
daysToShowCompletedTasks number Days that notifications remain in inbox
distributionRecord list<object> Return all Distribution Records for the Subscriber.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
reminderRecord list<object> Return all Reminder Records for the Subscriber.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
workdayID string Workday ID
systemUserIsToolsDeveloper boolean Returns true if this account is for a Workday OMS developer.
displayLanguage object Returns the display language specified by the user. If the display language for the user has not been specified, returns the display language associated the location. If the display language for the location has not been specified, will return the display language associated with locale for the location. If the locale for the location has not been specified, will return the display language for the tenant. If the display language for the tenant has not been specified, will return the display language associated with locale for the tenant.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
openIDInternalIdentifier string The OpenID Internal Identifier for a System User
referenceID1 string The Reference ID to use for lookups within our Workday Web Services. For supervisory organizations, this is also the 'Organization ID'
securityGroupsAccessibleByCustomer list<object> Contains all the security groups that the workday account is a member of except internal Workday security groups.
 id string Id of the instance.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
accountDisabledOrExpired boolean Returns true if account is expired or disabled manually at effective moment.
lockedAsOfMoment boolean Prompts for a moment in time and returns true if the account was locked as of that moment.
delegatedAuthenticationIntegrationSystem object Returns the Delegated Authentication Integration System associated with the Workday Account.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
shareAssignableWorker list<object> Worker
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
formerWorker object Returns the Former Worker for this Role.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
campaignRecord list<object> Campaign Record
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
countOfEnrolledWebAuthnCredentials number Returns the number of WebAuthn credentials the user has for the tenant and environment.
accountExpiringInFuture number Returns the date from Account Expiration Date if the account has a future expiration date.
countOfUnsuccessfulSignOnAttemptsSinceLastSuccessfulSignOn number The number of failed sign on attempts since last successful sign on.
one_TimePasscodeAuthenticationGracePeriodEnabled boolean Returns true if One-Time passcode grace period is enabled for the Workday Account.
processingSystemAccount object Returns the ID of the person making this request - i.e. current processing system account.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
sensitiveDataIsMaskedInOutput boolean Returns true if Sensitive Data will be masked in the output
isEligibleForPurge boolean Is Eligible for Purge
organizationRoles list<object> Contains the organizational roles that have been granted to this worker. Includes any organization roles that have been explicitly assigned, defaulted or inherited.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
emailAddress string Email Address
doNotAllowUISessions boolean Returns true if the Integration System User is not allowed to log in from the UI
instanceID2 string The Instance ID for the System Account.
exemptFromPasswordExpiration boolean Returns true if the Workday Account is exempt from password expiration rules.
referenceIDTypeXMLName string Returns the type (XML-formatted) of the Reference Index for this class. Runs on any Instance.
fullName string The Workday Account first name and last name.
locale object Returns the locale specified by the user. If the locale for the user has not been specified, returns the locale for the location. If the locale for the location has not been specified, will return the default locale from the tenant.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
globalPersonNamesInLocalScript list<object> Used in faceted search for name in local script
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
systemUserIsDeveloper boolean Returns true if this account is for a Workday developer.
worker object Contains the Worker object for the person for this account.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.
grantableSecurityGroups list<object> Returns all security groups that the system user can grant.
 descriptor string A preview of the instance.
 id string Id of the instance.