tsp object Account Settings - TSP.
 show_international_numbers_link boolean Show the link to international numbers on the invitation email.
 display_toll_free_numbers boolean Display toll-free numbers.
schedule_meeting object Meeting scheduling settings.
 use_pmi_for_scheduled_meetings boolean Use the Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting.
 join_before_host boolean Allow participants to join the meeting before the host arrives.
 not_store_meeting_topic boolean Always display "Zoom Meeting" as the meeting topic.
 participant_video boolean Start meetings with the participant video on.
 require_password_for_instant_meetings boolean Require a password for instant meetings.
 require_password_for_pmi_meetings string Require a password for a meeting held using a Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
 enforce_login boolean Only Zoom users who are signed in can join meetings.
 require_password_for_scheduling_new_meetings boolean Require a password when scheduling new meetings.
 use_pmi_for_instant_meetings boolean Use the Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meeting.
 host_video boolean Start meetings with the host video on.
 personal_meeting boolean Whether Personal Meeting IDs are enabled or not. If true, users receive a unique dedicated 9-11 digit number which can be used as the user's personal meeting room.
in_meeting object In-meeting settings.
 who_can_share_screen_when_someone_is_sharing string Indicates who is allowed to start sharing their screen when someone else in the meeting is sharing their screen.
 feedback boolean Add a \"Feedback\" tab to the Windows Settings or Mac Preferences dialog. This enables users to provide feedback to Zoom at the end of the meeting.
 chat boolean Allow meeting participants to send a message that is visible to all participants.
 p2p_connetion boolean Allow users to directly connect to one another in a 2-person meeting.
 watermark boolean Add a watermark when viewing a shared screen.
 allow_participants_to_rename boolean If the value of this field is set to `true`, meeting participants and webinar panelists are allowed to rename themselves during a meeting or a webinar.
 far_end_camera_control boolean Allow another user to take control of your camera during a meeting.
 closed_caption boolean Allow a host to type closed captions. Enable a host to assign a participant or use a third party device to add closed captions.
 virtual_background boolean Allow users to replace their background with any selected image.
 manual_captioning object Information about manual captioning settings.
 allow_to_type boolean Whether to allow the host to manually caption.
 auto_generated_captions boolean Whether to enable Zoom's live transcription feature.
 full_transcript boolean Whether to enable the viewing of full transcripts in the in-meeting side panel.
 save_captions boolean Whether to allow participants to save closed captions or transcripts.
 manual_captions boolean Whether to enable manual closed captioning.
 polling boolean Allow hosts to add polls/quizzes before or during a meeting
 co_host boolean Allow the host to add co-hosts.
 auto_saving_chat boolean Automatically save all in-meeting chats so that the host does not need to manually save the chat transcript after the meeting starts.
 e2e_encryption boolean By default, Zoom requires encryption for all data between the Zoom cloud, Zoom client, and Zoom Room. If this setting is set to `true`, encryption will also be enabled for third-party endpoints (SIP/H.323) as well.
 allow_live_streaming boolean Allow live streaming of meetings.
 show_meeting_control_toolbar boolean Always show the meeting controls during a meeting.
 remote_control boolean When screen sharing, the person who is sharing can allow others to control the shared content.
 annotation boolean Allow participants to use annotation tools to add information while sharing their screen.
 show_a_join_from_your_browser_link boolean Whether to allow participants to join a meeting directly from their browser and bypass the Zoom application download process. This is useful for participants who cannot download, install, or run applications. Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited.
 virtual_background_settings object Settings to manage virtual background.
 allow_videos boolean Allow use of videos for virtual backgrounds.
 allow_upload_custom boolean Allow users to upload custom backgrounds.
 meeting_reactions boolean Enable or disable meeting reactions.
 file_transfer boolean Indicates whether the in-meeting file transfer setting has been enabled on the account or not.
 whiteboard boolean Allow participants to share a whiteboard that includes annotation tools.
 auto_answer boolean Enable users to see and add contacts to the \"auto-answer group\" in the chat contact list. Any call from members of this group will automatically be answered.
 request_permission_to_unmute_participants boolean Indicates whether the "Request permission to unmute participants" option has been enabled for the account or not.
 sending_default_email_invites boolean Allow users to invite participants by email only by using the default email program selected on their computer.
 alert_guest_join boolean Identify guest participants in a meeting or webinar.
 use_html_format_email boolean Use HTML formatted email for the Outlook plugin.
 private_chat boolean Allow a meeting participant to send a private message to another participant.
 screen_sharing boolean Allow the host and participants to share their screen or content during meetings.
 allow_show_zoom_windows boolean Show the Zoom desktop application when sharing screens.
 record_play_own_voice boolean When someone joins by phone, ask them to record their own voice to use as a notification when they join.
 who_can_share_screen string Indicates who can share their screen or content during meetings.
 breakout_room boolean Allow the host to split meeting participants into separate, smaller rooms.
email_notification object Account Settings - Email Notifications.
 cancel_meeting_reminder boolean Notify the host and participants when a meeting is cancelled.
 jbh_reminder boolean Notify the host when participants join the meeting before them.
 alternative_host_reminder boolean Notify the host when an alternative host is set or removed from a meeting.
 schedule_for_reminder boolean Notify the host when there is a meeting that is scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled.
 cloud_recording_available_reminder boolean Notify the host when a cloud recording of a meeting is available.
recording object Account Settings - Recording.
 required_password_for_shared_cloud_recordings boolean Require a passcode to access shared cloud recordings. This setting is applicable for newly generated recordings only.
 record_speaker_view boolean Record the active speaker with a shared screen.
 record_gallery_view boolean Record the gallery view with a shared screen.
 recording_disclaimer boolean Show a disclaimer to participants before a recording starts.
 host_delete_cloud_recording boolean If the value of this field is set to `true`, hosts will be able to delete the recordings. If this option is set to `false`, the recordings cannot be deleted by the host, and only the admin can delete them.
 prevent_host_access_recording boolean If the value of this field is set to `true`, meeting hosts cannot view their meetings' cloud recordings.
 cloud_recording boolean Allow hosts to record and save the meeting in the cloud.
 allow_recovery_deleted_cloud_recordings boolean Allow the recovery of deleted cloud recordings from trash. If the value of this field is set to `true`, deleted cloud recordings will be kept in trash for 30 days after deletion and can be recovered within that period.
 local_recording boolean Allow hosts and participants to record the meeting to a local file.
 record_audio_file boolean Record an only audio file for all participants.
 auto_recording string Automatic recording. local - Record on local. cloud - Record on cloud. none - Disabled.
 cloud_recording_download boolean Downloading cloud recordings is enabled.
 save_chat_text boolean Save the chat text from the meeting.
 show_timestamp boolean Add a timestamp to the recording.
 cloud_recording_download_host boolean Only the host can download cloud recordings.
meeting_security object Meeting Security Settings
 meeting_password_requirement object Meeting password requirements
 have_letter boolean If set to `true`, the password must contain at least 1 letter.
 have_number boolean If set to `true`, the password must contain at least 1 number.
 have_special_character boolean If set to `true`, the password must have at least 1 special character (!, @, #, etc.).
 only_allow_numeric boolean If set to `true`, the password must only contain numbers and no other characters.
 have_upper_and_lower_characters boolean If set to `true`, the password must include both uppercase and lowercase characters.
 consecutive_characters_length number Number of consecutive identical characters allowed in a password.
 weak_enhance_detection boolean If set to `true`, users will be informed if the provided password is weak.
 length number The minimum length that the meeting/webinar password needs to have.
 waiting_room_settings object Specify the settings to be applied if the Waiting Room feature is enabled.
 participants_to_place_in_waiting_room number Specify who should be admitted to the waiting room. The value of this field can be one of the following: 0: All attendees. 1: Users who are not in your account. 2: Users who are not in your account and are not part of the specified whitelisted domains.
 waiting_room boolean When participants join a meeting, place them in a waiting room and require the host to admit them individually.
 embed_password_in_join_link boolean If set to `true`, the meeting passcode will be encrypted and included in the invite link to allow participants to join with just one click without having to enter the passcode.
 phone_password boolean Require a passcode for participants joining by phone.
import_photos_from_devices boolean Allow importing of photos from the photo library on the user's device.
hide_billing_info boolean Hide billing information from administrators.
admin_change_user_info boolean Only account administrators can change a user's information.
user_modifiable_info_by_admin list<string> List of user attributes that can only be modified by an administrator. This field will only show up when admin_change_user_info is `true`. The possible values are "name", "profile_picture", "sign_in_email" and "host_key".
password_requirement object Enhanced password rules that allow Zoom account admins and owners to apply extra requirements to the user's Zoom login password.
 consecutive_characters_length number Number of consecutive identical characters allowed in a password.
 minimum_password_length number Specify a minimum length for the password. The password length can be from a minimum of 9 characters, up to 14 characters.
 have_special_character boolean If set to `true`, the password must have at least 1 special character (!, @, #, etc.).
 weak_enhance_detection boolean If set to `true`, users will be informed if the provided password is weak.
group_ids list<string> IDs of the web groups user belongs to.
role_id string Unique identifier of the role assigned to the user
type number User's plan type
verified number Whether Zoom has verified the phone number
cluster string The user's cluster
feature object User settings: Feature settings
 zoom_phone boolean Zoom phone feature
 zoom_sessions_unlimited boolean zoom_sessions_unlimited
 zoom_whiteboard_plus boolean Whether the user has a Zoom Whiteboard Plus license
 cn_meeting boolean Host meeting in China
 zoom_events_consumption string zoom_events_consumption
 zoom_events_saas boolean zoom_events_saas
 zoom_huddles boolean zoom_huddles
 zoom_workforce_management boolean zoom_workforce_management
 large_meeting_capacity number Large meeting capacity: can be 500 or 1000, depending on if the user has a large meeting capacity plan subscription or not
 webinar boolean Webinar feature
 zoom_events_pay_per_attendee boolean zoom_events_pay_per_attendee
 zoom_events_unlimited boolean zoom_events_unlimited
 zoom_quality_management boolean zoom_quality_management
 zoom_sessions_pay_per_attendee boolean zoom_sessions_pay_per_attendee
 in_meeting boolean Host meeting in India
 large_meeting boolean Large meeting feature
 zoom_events boolean Whether the Zoom Events feature is enabled for the user
 zoom_iq_for_sales boolean Whether the user has a Zoom IQ license
 zoom_translated_captions boolean Whether the user has a Zoom Translated Captions license
 zoom_whiteboard boolean Whether the user has a Zoom Whiteboard license
 meeting_capacity number User's meeting capacity
 webinar_capacity number Webinar capacity: can be 100, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000 or 10000, depending on if the user has a webinar capacity plan subscription or not
 zoom_customer_managed_key boolean Whether the user has a Zoom Customer Managed Key license
job_title string User's job title
login_types list<number> The user's login method
pmi number Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
tsp object tsp
 call_out boolean call_out
 show_international_numbers_link boolean Show the international numbers link on the invitation email.
meeting_security object meeting_security
 auto_security boolean Whether all meetings must be secured with at least one security option
 embed_password_in_join_link boolean Whether the meeting password is encrypted and included in the invitation link. The provided link will allow participants to join the meeting without having to enter the password
 end_to_end_encrypted_meetings boolean Whether end-to-end encryption is enabled for meetings
 require_password_for_scheduled_meeting boolean Whether passwords are required for meetings that have already been scheduled.
 waiting_room boolean Whether participants are placed in the Waiting Room when they join a meeting.
 encryption_type string The type of encryption used when starting a meeting
 meeting_password boolean Whether all instant and scheduled meetings that users can join via client or Zoom Rooms systems are password-protected. Personal Meeting ID (PMI) meetings are not included in this setting.
 waiting_room_settings object Information about the Waiting Room settings
 participants_to_place_in_waiting_room number The type of participants to be admitted to the Waiting Room
 approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions object approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions
 enable boolean enable
 block_user_domain boolean Whether users in specific domains are blocked from joining meetings and webinars
 meeting_password_requirement object meeting_password_requirement
 weak_enhance_detection boolean Inform users if the provided passcode is weak.
 consecutive_characters_length number Allowed: 0|4|5|6|7|8
 have_letter boolean Passcode must contain at least 1 letter (such as a,b,c...).
 have_number boolean Passcode must contain at least 1 number (such as 1,2,3...).
 have_special_character boolean Passcode must have at least 1 special character (!,@,#...).
 have_upper_and_lower_characters boolean Passcode must include both uppercase and lowercase characters.
 length number The minimum length that the meeting/webinar passcode must have.
 only_allow_numeric boolean Passcode must only contain numbers and no other characters.
 phone_password boolean Whether passwords are required for participants joining by phone.
 only_authenticated_can_join_from_webclient boolean Whether to specify that only authenticated users can join the meeting from the web client.
account_number number The user's account number
created_at number The date and time at which this user's latest login type was created.
language string Default language for the Zoom Web Portal
recording object User settings: Recording settings
 recording_disclaimer boolean Show a disclaimer to participants before a recording starts
 recording_password_requirement object recording_password_requirement
 have_letter boolean Passcode must contain at least one alphabetical letter (a, b, c..)
 have_number boolean Passcode must contain at least one number(1, 2, 3..)
 have_special_character boolean Passcode must contain at least one special character(!, @, #..)
 length number Minimum required length for the passcode
 only_allow_numeric boolean Passcode must contain only numeric characters
 auto_delete_cmr boolean Auto delete cloud recordings
 auto_recording string Automatic recording
 ip_address_access_control object Setting to allow cloud recording access only from specific IP address ranges
 enable boolean If set to true, the cloud recordings of this account can only be accessed by the IP addresses defined in the ip_addresses_or_ranges property
 ip_addresses_or_ranges string IP addresses or ranges that have access to the cloud recordings.
 local_recording boolean Local recording
role_name string User's role name
schedule_meeting object User settings: Meeting settings
 require_password_for_scheduled_meetings string Require a passcode for meetings which have already been scheduled
 join_before_host boolean Join the meeting before host arrives
 participants_video boolean Start meetings with participants video on
 personal_meeting boolean Personal Meeting Setting
 embed_password_in_join_link boolean Encrypt the meeting passcode and include it in the join meeting link to allow participants to join with just one click without having to enter the passcode
 meeting_password_requirement object Account wide meeting or webinar passcode requirements
 weak_enhance_detection boolean Inform users if the provided passcode is weak
 consecutive_characters_length number consecutive_characters_length
 have_letter boolean Passcode must contain at least 1 letter (such as a,b,c...)
 have_number boolean Passcode must contain at least 1 number (such as 1,2,3...)
 have_special_character boolean Passcode must have at least 1 special character (!,@,#...)
 have_upper_and_lower_characters boolean Passcode must include both uppercase and lowercase characters.
 length number The minimum length that the meeting/webinar passcode must have
 only_allow_numeric boolean Passcode must only contain numbers and no other characters
 use_pmi_for_scheduled_meetings boolean Use a Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting
 pstn_password_protected boolean Generate and require passcode for participants joining by phone
 require_password_for_instant_meetings boolean Require a passcode for instant meetings. If you use PMI for your instant meetings, this option will be disabled. This setting is always enabled for free accounts and Pro accounts with a single host and cannot be modified for these accounts
 require_password_for_scheduling_new_meetings boolean Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings.This setting is always enabled for free accounts and Pro accounts with a single host and cannot be modified for these accounts
 audio_type string Determine how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting
 enable_dedicated_group_chat boolean enable_dedicated_group_chat
 mute_upon_entry boolean mute_upon_entry
 use_pmi_for_instant_meetings boolean Use a Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meeting
 force_pmi_jbh_password boolean Require a passcode for personal meetings if attendees can join before host
 host_video boolean Start meetings with host video on
 require_password_for_pmi_meetings string Require a passcode for Personal Meeting ID (PMI). This setting is always enabled for free accounts and Pro accounts with a single host and cannot be modified for these accounts
timezone string The time zone of the user
user_created_at number The date and time at which this user was created.
email string User's email address
in_meeting object User settings: Meeting settings
 disable_screen_sharing_for_in_meeting_guests boolean Enable the Disable screen sharing when guests are in the meeting setting
 meeting_question_answer boolean Allow participants to ask questions for the host and participants to answer
 show_meeting_control_toolbar boolean Always show meeting controls during a meeting
 who_can_share_screen string Indicates who can share their screen or content during meetings
 allow_live_streaming boolean Whether to allow live streaming
 data_center_regions list<string> If the value of custom_data_center_regions is true, a comma-separated list of the data center regions to opt in to
 group_hd boolean Enable group HD video
 join_from_mobile boolean Allow participants to join a meeting directly from their mobile browser
 meeting_polling object Information about the account's meeting polling settings
 enable boolean Whether to allow the host to add polls before or during a meeting
 allow_users_to_delete_messages_in_meeting_chat boolean If the value of this field is set to true, allow users to delete messages in the in-meeting chat
 auto_answer boolean auto_answer
 file_transfer boolean Indicates whether in-meeting file transfer setting has been enabled for the user or not
 sign_language_interpretation object Allow hosts to assign participants as sign language interpreters who can interpret one language into sign language in real-time. Hosts can assign interpreters when scheduling, or during the meeting itself. This feature is only available with version 5.11.3 or later
 enable boolean Whether to allow hosts to assign participants as sign language interpreters who can interpret one language into another in real-time
 transfer_meetings_between_devices boolean Users can move to a new device without leaving the meeting they're in
 virtual_background boolean Enable virtual background
 allow_participants_to_rename boolean allow_participants_to_rename
 live_streaming_facebook boolean Whether to allow Facebook live streaming
 screen_sharing boolean Allow host and participants to share their screen or content during meetings
 closed_captioning object Information about the user's closed captioning settings
 third_party_captioning_service boolean Whether to allow the use of an API token to integrate with 3rd-party closed captioning services
 view_full_transcript boolean Whether to allow the viewing of full transcripts in the in-meeting side panel
 auto_transcribing boolean Whether to allow a live transcription service to transcribe meetings
 enable boolean Whether to allow the host to type closed captions or assign a participant or 3rd-party service to provide closed captioning
 save_caption boolean Whether to allow participants to save closed captions or transcripts
 virtual_background_settings object virtual_background_settings
 allow_upload_custom boolean Allow user to upload custom backgrounds
 allow_videos boolean Allow use of videos for virtual backgrounds
 enable boolean Enable virtual background
 files list<object> files
 is_default boolean Indicates whether or not this file is the default virtual background file
 name string File name
 type string File type
 closed_caption boolean Enable closed captions
 allow_users_save_chats number Specify how participants can save meeting chats
 annotation boolean Allow participants to use annotation tools
 breakout_room_schedule boolean Whether the host can assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling. This feature is only available in version 4.5.0 or higher.
 slide_control boolean Allow the person sharing during a presentation to allow others to control the slide presentation. This feature is only available in version 5.8.3 or higher
 webinar_chat object webinar_chat
 allow_attendees_chat_with number Allow webinar attendees to chat with
 allow_auto_save_local_chat_file boolean Automatically save chat messages to a local file on the host's computer when the webinar ends.
 allow_panelists_chat_with number Who webinar panelists can chat with
 allow_panelists_send_direct_message boolean Allow webinar panelists to send direct messages to other panelists.
 allow_users_save_chats number How webinar attendees can save chats
 default_attendees_chat_with number By default, allow webinar attendees to chat with
 enable boolean Allow webinar participants to send chat messages
 allow_participants_chat_with number Specify who participants can chat with
 whiteboard boolean Whether to enable the Zoom Whiteboard feature.
 breakout_room boolean Allow host to split meeting participants into separate breakout rooms
 entry_exit_chime string Play sound when participants join or leave
 join_from_desktop boolean Allow participants to join a meeting directly from their desktop browser
 participants_share_simultaneously string Indicates how many participants can share at the same time
 who_can_share_screen_when_someone_is_sharing string Indicates who is allowed to start sharing screen when someone else in the meeting is sharing their screen.
 custom_data_center_regions boolean If set to true, you can select data center regions to use for hosting your real-time meeting and webinar traffic. These regions can be provided in the data_center_regions field. If set to false, the regions cannot be customized and the default regions will be used.
 custom_live_streaming_service boolean Whether to allow custom live streaming.
 feedback boolean Enable option to send feedback to Zoom at the end of the meeting
 webinar_live_streaming object webinar_live_streaming
 custom_service_instructions string The specific instructions to allow your account's meeting hosts to configure a custom live stream.
 enable boolean Whether webinar live streaming is enabled.
 live_streaming_reminder number Whether to notify users to watch the live stream. This does not apply to custom RTMP (real-time messaging protocol)
 live_streaming_service boolean The available live streaming services
 auto_saving_chat boolean Auto save all in-meeting chats
 remote_support boolean Allow host to provide 1:1 remote support to a participant
 non_verbal_feedback boolean Enable non-verbal feedback through screens
 post_meeting_feedback boolean Whether to display a thumbs up or thumbs down feedback survey at the end of each meeting
 record_play_voice boolean Record and play their own voice
 request_permission_to_unmute_participants boolean Indicates whether the Request permission to unmute participants option has been enabled for the user or not
 e2e_encryption boolean Zoom requires encryption for all data between the Zoom cloud, Zoom client, and Zoom Room. Require encryption for 3rd party endpoints (H323/SIP)
 far_end_camera_control boolean Allow another user to take control of the camera
 live_streaming_youtube boolean Whether to allow YouTube live streaming
 manual_captioning object Information about manual captioning settings
 allow_to_type boolean Allow the host to manually caption or let the host assign a participant to provide manual captioning
 auto_generated_captions boolean Enable Zoom's live transcription feature
 full_transcript boolean Enable the viewing of full transcripts in the in-meeting side panel
 manual_captions boolean Enable manual closed captioning
 save_captions boolean Allow participants to save closed captions or transcripts
 third_party_captioning_service boolean Allow the use of an API token to integrate with a 3rd-party device to provide closed captioning
 meeting_reactions boolean Allow meeting participants to communicate using the emoji reactions located in the Reactions menu in the meeting toolbar
 workplace_by_facebook boolean Whether to allow Workplace by Facebook live streaming
 disable_screen_sharing_for_host_meetings boolean Enable the Disable desktop screen sharing for meetings you host setting.
 unchecked_data_center_regions list<string> f the value of custom_data_center_regions is true, a comma-separated list of the data center regions to not opt in to
 chat boolean Enable chat during meeting for all participants
 co_host boolean Allow the host to add co-hosts
 participants_to_place_in_waiting_room number The type of participants to be admitted to the Waiting Room
 show_a_join_from_your_browser_link boolean Allow participants to join a meeting directly from their browser and bypass the Zoom application download process. This is useful for participants who cannot download, install, or run applications. Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited.
 waiting_room boolean Enable Waiting room - if enabled, attendees can only join after host approves
 allow_show_zoom_windows boolean Enable the Show Zoom windows during screen share feature
 remote_control boolean Enable remote control during screensharing
 webinar_polling object Information about the user's webinar polling settings
 enable boolean Allow the host to add polls before or during a webinar
 private_chat boolean Enable 1:1 private chat between participants during meetings
 attention_mode_focus_mode boolean Whether the Focus Mode feature is enabled. When enabled, this feature only displays the host and co-hosts' video and profile pictures during a meeting
 language_interpretation object Information about the language interpretation settings
 enable boolean Allow hosts to assign participants as interpreters who can interpret one language into another in real-time
 attendee_on_hold boolean Allow host to put attendee on hold
personal_meeting_url string User's personal meeting url
status string Status of user's account
allow_authentication_exception boolean Whether the Allow authentication exception setting is enabled. This lets hosts invite users who can bypass authentication
account_id string User's account ID
jid string jid
location string User's location
profile object Profile
 recording_storage_location object recording_storage_location
 value string Abbreviated country code
 allowed_values list<string> Users can choose the country to store their recorded content
meeting_authentication boolean Only authenticated users can join meetings
recording_authentication boolean Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings
cms_user_id string CMS ID of user, only enabled for Kaltura integration
id string User ID
audio_conferencing object The user's audio conference settings.
 toll_free_and_fee_based_toll_call object The user's Toll-free and Fee-based Toll Call settings
 enable boolean Whether the user has the Toll-free and Fee-based Toll Call setting enabled.
use_pmi boolean Displays true if user has enabled a Personal Meeting ID (PMI) for instant meetings, false otherwise
im_group_ids list<string> IM IDs of the groups user belongs to
last_client_version string User last login client version
last_login_time number User last login time.
telephony object User settings: Meeting settings
 audio_conference_info string Third party audio conference info
 show_international_numbers_link boolean Show the international numbers link on the invitation email
 telephony_regions object Indicates where most of the participants call into or call from during a meeting
 selection_value string The account's selected telephony regions that indicate where most participants call into or call from during a meeting
 allowed_values list<string> Telephony region options provided by Zoom to select from
 third_party_audio boolean Third party audio conference
authentication_options list<object> Meeting Authentication Options
 default_option boolean Authentication default option
 id string Authentication id
 name string Authentication name
 type string Authentication type.
 visible boolean Authentication visible
email_notification object User settings: Notification settings
 cancel_meeting_reminder boolean When a meeting is cancelled
 jbh_reminder boolean When attendees join meeting before host
 alternative_host_reminder boolean When an alternative host is set or removed from a meeting
 cloud_recording_available_reminder boolean Whether to notify the host when a cloud recording is available
 recording_available_reminder_alternative_hosts boolean Whether to notify any alternative hosts when a cloud recording is available
 recording_available_reminder_schedulers boolean Whether to notify the person who scheduled the meeting or webinar for the host when a cloud recording is available
 schedule_for_reminder boolean Notify the host there is a meeting is scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled
integration object integration
 linkedin_sales_navigator boolean linkedin_sales_navigator
dept string Department