Daily Digest

Daily Digest

Device Intelligence supports you in getting daily digest emails for alerts and health dashboard. You can enable the digest feature for existing users in the Manage > Users menu or for new users. Enabling this feature, the user will receive a report summary for alerts and health dashboard daily at 2PM UTC for the last 24 hours.

– Health Dashboard is a controlled General Availability feature. Contact your Netskope sales representative/support to enable this feature for your tenant.
– Only users who have enabled the Health Dashboard feature will receive a health report summary daily digest.

You will receive a daily digest in the user’s email as follows:

  1. You can receive the Daily Health Report and Daily Alert Report for the last 24 hours.

  2. Link to see the detailed information on the dashboard.

  3. Report summary with total number of devices or alerts as you see on the dashboard.

  4. Top 5 activities on the dashboard.

Daily Alert Report Email
Daily Health Report Email

How to Enable Digest Feature for Existing User

  1. Navigate to Manage > Users menu.

  2. Select a user from the list.

  3. Enable or Disable the Digest feature. The user email will start receiving the daily digest in the next 24 hours.

  4. Click Save User.

    See Create User section to enable digest feature while creating a new user.

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